Subject: - Schedule of receiving Common Entrance Test (CET) -2010, Application

Forms in the BOPEE Offices at Jammu and Srinagar.

Notification No: -26 -BOPEE of 2010.

Dated: - 17.05.2010.

It is hereby renotified for information of all the candidates appearing in the Common Entrance Test (CET)-2010 that following is the schedule of receiving the filled up Application Forms for CET-2010; distributed through J&K Bank and the BOPEE offices; in the offices of the J&K BOPEE, 4th Floor South Block, Bahu Plaza, Jammu and Baghat-i-Barzulla, Opposite J&K Bank, Srinagar:-

Kashmir / Jammu
S.No. / Date / Form Nos. / Form Nos.
1. / 25-5-2010 / 300001-301000 / 3 11001-313000
2. / 26-5-2010 / 301001-302000 / 3 13001-314000
3. / 27-5-2010 / 302001-303000 / 3 14001-315000
4 / 28-5-2010 / 303001-304000 / 3 15001-316000
5. / 29-5-2010 / 304001-305000 / 3 16001-317000
6. / 31-5-2010 / 305001-306000 / 3 17001-318000
7. / 01-6-2010 / 306001-307000 / 3 18001-319000
8. / 02-6-2010 / 307001-308000 / 3 19001-320000
9. / 03-6-2010 / 308001-309000 / 3 20001-321000
10. / 04-6-2010 / 309001-310000 / 3 21001-322000
11. / 05-6-2010 / 310001-311000 / 3 22001-325000
12. / 06-6-2010 / All candidates with late fee. / All candidates with late fee.
13. / 07-06-2010 / All candidates with late fee. / All candidates with late fee.
Confirmation Page of online form along with documents will be received at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar from 25-5-2010 to 05-06-2010

The candidates should deposit their application forms as per above schedule, between 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. both at Jammu and Srinagar Offices. The application forms complete in all respects can also be sent by registered/speed post to BOPEE’s office Jammu/Srinagar. The candidates who do not deposit their application forms on due date and time, shall have to pay a late fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in the form of non-refundable bank draft drawn in favour of the FA/CAO, BOPEE payable at RCC Jammu/Srinagar on 06-06-2010 and 07-06-2010, thereafter no application form will be accepted.

Submission of online application form

Application Forms can also be submitted online through our website from 10-05-2010 to 01-06-2010. Candidates submitting application online must send confirmation page (generated through computer) positively, before the expiry of the last date i.e., 05-06-2010 failing which, their application form shall not be processed. For detailed information for online submission of application forms, please see our website

Application Forms/confirmation Page of online forms sent by any Courier service will not be accepted.

No application form, whether delivered personally or through registered/ speed post will be entertained after the expiry of the last date prescribed for receipt of application forms.

Amar Singh KAS

Secretary, BOPEE

No:-BOPEE-74(VII)/ 744-51. Dated:-17.05.2010.

Copy to:-

1.  Controller of Examinations/FA& CAO/Law Officer, BOPEE.


3.  Pvt. Secretary to Chairman, BOPEE for information of the Chairman.

4.  Editors-in-chief: Greater Kashmir, Rising Kashmir, Srinagar/Daily Excelsior, Kashmir Times, Jammu/Leh Times, Leh for Publication in the 18th and 23rd May, 2010 issues of their Daily News papers.

5.  Notice Board of BOPEE Srinagar/Jammu.

6.  Notification File.