Semester 1 Exam Review
Be able to label a blank world map (continents, and major bodies of water)
USA states and Great Lakes
Central American and Caribbean countries including major bodies of water (Middle America)
Canada (Quebec, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Vancouver)
Five Themes of Geography
Location- relative or absolute.The “address” of a place.
Place- the physical and human characteristics that make a location unique
Human/environment interaction- the way in which human change/modify/adapt to the environment.
Movement- includes movement of people, goods and ideas
Region- an area with human or physical features in common
Latitude- imaginary lines measured north and south of the Equator
Longitude- imaginary lines measured east and west of the Prime Meridian
Cartographer: a map maker
Intermediate/cardinal directions- Cardinal= N,S,E,W
Intermediate= NE,SE,NW,SW
Map key/legend- examples what the different symbols used on the map represent
Physical map- includes physical features
Political map- includes borders of states and countries and cities
Hemisphere (which ones do you live in???)- cuts the Earth in half (north vs south, east vs west)
Tsunami-massive waves caused by underground earthquakes
Geography- the study of the earth and all of its inhabitants
Outsourcing- moving jobs to other countries due to low wages, no requirement to provide health benefits to employees and increased profits.
Culture region- region connected by its common human/culturally features
Literacy rate- % of people in a country who can read and write
Birth rate- # of live births per 1000 people
Population density- average number of people who live in a sq. mile
Monarchy: power is inherited through family lines (kings/queens)
Oligarchy:a small group of people rule
Democracy: citizens of the country hold power through the use of voting for their government representatives
Autocracy: a single person take powers using through military force (dictator)
Market economy- individuals determine type of jobs they have, what to sell, how much to sell it for. Government, for the most part, remains out of the process.
Developing country- incorporates more manufacturing and technology in their country (Brazil and Mexico are developing countries)
Foreign policy- interactions with other countries for the purposes of world peace, national security, promotion of human rights.
Renewable resources- trees, solar, wind, soil, natural gas
Culture hearth- very early areas where societies were successful and spread throughout the surrounding area (Mesopotamia, Tigris and Euphrates areas)
Urbanization- movement of people from rural to urban
Eutrophication- water pollution in which increased minerals in water cause overgrowth of plants and death of fish and other water living creatures.
Command economy: the government “commands” individuals to do certain jobs, make certain items and determine the cost for these items
traditional economy- might include trading livestock for other necessary items. Currency may be held in livestock rather than actual money.
Famine- lack of food
Hydroelectric power- power from falling water
Deforestation- removal/destruction of forested areas
Fossil fuels- oil, coal
Megalopolis- an area with numerous large cities that are near each other (Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington D.C.)
Service industry- lawyers, doctors, teachers, tour guides. They do not make anything to be sold but rather provides a service to people.
Contiguous- connected within a common border
Dominion- a partially self-governing country with close ties to another country (Canada is a dominion of England)
Secede- break from the rest of the country
Mestizo- mix of European and indigenous genetics/heritage
NAFTA- North America Trade Agreement (Canada, USA, Mexico)
Ecotourist- a tourist who visits a location for its physical characteristics rather than its human/culturally features.
Geo Facts
Approximate world population: 7 Billion
Approximate # of immigrants living in the U.S.: 11 million
Approximate U.S. population: 312 million
Where do people prefer to live?:coast and favorable climate
Highest point/lowest point in N. America: Mtn. McKinley/Death Valley
Two major landforms that stretch across the U.S. and Canada: The RockieMtns and the Great Plains
Why are the Rockies higher and more jagged than the Appalachians?The Rockies are younger and have not been eroded down like the Appalachians.
Longest river in N. America: Mississippi River
Largest lake in N. America: Lake Superior
Canada is the ______largest country in the world (rank): 2nd
Approximate population of Canada: 35 million
Leader of Canadian government (title): prime minister
Canada capital: Ottawa
Mountain range on Mexico’s east coast: Sierra Madre del Oriental
Religion of most people in Latin America: Roman Catholic
Where is “El Popo” located?:Mexico City
Mexico’s climate zones
What did Spanish conquistadors bring to the new world?Weapons, diseases, religion, crops and livestock
Who lead the conquistador conquest of the Aztecs?: Hernan Cortez
Which Native group worshipped a god of war and practiced human sacrifice?:Aztec
Native civilization that developed mathematics and an accurate calendar?:Maya
Communist Caribbean country?:Cuba
Caribbean country that is a territory of the U.S.:Puerto Rico
Length of Andes Mountains: 4,500 miles
Longest river in the Western hemisphere: Amazon
Only non-Spanish speaking country in S. America: Brazil
Where does the Amazon begin?:Peru
Where does the Amazon empty?:Atlantic Ocean
Is Angel Falls the highest waterfall in the world?True
Where was the Aztec Empire centered? : Mexico
ACC Essay
Directions: Choose ONE of the following topics to write your essay. Make sure to answer in a clear and concise manner in which you address all facets of the prompts, support your claims with details and use correct punctuation and spelling.
- Describe your impressions of the National Geographic film, The Amazon: The Flooded Forest. Remember to include details about the different species that exist only in the Amazon, life of the local people, and effects of people on this area and its inhabitants. Should we be concerned that this area is being destroyed?
- Over the past few months we have watched news stories from around the world about civil rights and oppression of people. Choose one (or more than one) story that we watched/discussed, like China/Hong Kong, North Korea, and Syria explain why it is an important right to be able to protest against your government.
REG Essay
1. Explain how the governments of the United States and Mexico are both similar and different?
2. Do you agree or disagree with Quebec’s push toward secession from Canada? Provide at least three reasons supporting your decision.