Developing Leader Mentor Program - 2016

Mentee Application Form

Required Information:

  1. Application and Checklist
  2. Submitted in hard copy.
  3. Applicant’s Agreement and Commitment
  4. Submitted in hard copy with the Application and Checklist.
  5. Digital Photo of Candidate
  6. Submitted electronically with the Application and Checklist.
  7. Application Payment of $50 by April 4, 2016.
  8. Commitment to pay by July 8, 2016(if accepted into program)
  9. Program fees of $500.
  10. NAIOP membership fees, if not already a member.

ALL COMPLETED DOCUMENTSmust be received at NAIOP Colorado’s office (c/o 1720 S. Bellaire Street, Suite 110, Denver, CO 80222) by 5:00 PM MONDAY,APRIL 4, 2016. All applicants will be notified by Thursday, June 30, 2016.


Candidate Name


Candidate Signature Date

I affirm that all documents are attached and completed.

***Application Deadline: April 4, 2016***

Developing Leader Mentor Program - 2016

Mentee Application Form

General Information

Name: ______

NAIOP Colorado Member #: ______

(Participants must be a NAIOP Colorado Member)

Company Name: ______

Job Title:______

Describe Your Company’s Industry and Specific Business:

Example: “Real Estate Brokerage – specifically sales of office and industrial properties”


Years in Real Estate Industry: ______

Years with NAIOP: ______

Home Address: ______


Email Address: ______

Work Address: ______

Date of Birth:______

*Candidates must be 35 years old or younger as of December 31st, 2016 to qualify for the program


(Please attach a current resume which includes a description of your current job function, all previous places of employment including internship, and your educational background. Resume must be limited to 1 page.)

***Application Deadline: April 4, 2016***

Developing Leader Mentor Program - 2016

Mentee Application Form

Mentor/Mentee Matching Questions

Based on your understanding of the mentor/mentee program and activities, what motivates you to seek a mentor and why should we select you to be in the program? (75 words or less)

Why did you choose the commercial real estate industry? (50 words or less)

Please include a brief summary of your daily activities. (25 words or less)

Please briefly describe your short-term and long-term goals or objectives. (50 words or less)

In what areas would you like to grow, develop or enhance your career? (50 words or less)

What person has played the most important role in the development of your professional career so far and how has that person influenced your career decisions? (50 words or less)

What qualities are you looking for in a mentor?(50 words or less)

What do you hope to achieve by the end of the one (1) year Mentoring Program?(50 words or less)

Please list the top three (3) areas of commercial real estate that you are most interested in learning more about (in ranking order):




What is the frequency you would be available to meet with your mentor?

  • Weekly:
  • Monthly:
  • Quarterly:
  • Other:

Developing Leader Mentor Program - 2016

Mentee Application Form

Applicant’s Agreement & Commitment

The Mentor/Mentee program is designed to provide individuals in the commercial real estate industry with educational opportunities, networking opportunities, leadership training, and mentoring from key decision makers in the Colorado commercial real estate community. The program will include the following elements:

Small Class Size & Highly Selective

Only 10 to 15 suitable applicants are selected to participate.

Tailored Fit

A selected mentor is recruited for each participant based on their application, personality test, goals, and work history.

Four Educational Events

Business Development & Networking Coach

Public Speaking/Interview Training

Current Real Estate Trends & Negotiations

Business Workplace Etiquette (including wine tasting)

Mentoring and Networking

An opportunity to develop relationships with otherNAIOP members and senior industry leaders.

Social Activities

There will be a kick-off party and wrap-up event allowing an exclusive opportunity to network with the entire class of both mentees and mentors.

Requirements and Attendance

Attendance at all meetings is mandatory. We do understand that there may be a time when you are unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. Therefore, we allow for one missed meeting. Two missed meetings will subject the participant to expulsion from the program without reimbursement. Decisions on expulsion will be up to the program advisory committee. Tardiness for any class will not be tolerated; we have only a short time together, so it is essential that all mentees be on time.

Financial Responsibility

The mentor/mentee program is $500 and must be paid in full byJuly 8, 2016. Individuals must be current NAIOP Developing Leader members at the time of application.


I have read and understand the requirements and objectives of the Mentor/Mentee program and agree to meet my obligations, if admitted.


Applicants Name Date


Signature of Applicant

Developing Leader Mentor Program - 2016

Mentee Application Form

Please Note: There is a $50 non-refundable application fee for all DL Mentor/Mentee Program Applicants. Please complete the following form, then print and mail, email or fax with your payment information to the NAIOP Colorado office listed below (via fax to (303) 820-3844 or email to ) no later than Monday, April 4, 2016. Thank you.

First Name: ______Last Name:______


Address: ______


Phone:______Fax: ______

Email: ______


(Payable to NAIOP Colorado)

Card Type: ______

(We accept Visa, AMEX, MasterCard or Discover)

Card #: ______

Expiration: Month ______Year ______

Cardholder Name: ______

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1720 S. Bellaire Street, Suite 110 | Denver, CO 80222 |(303) 782-0155 |Fax (303) 820-3844 |