Integrated Progress Report on Action Plan for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and its agencies
1.Summary of Main Progress Achieved in the 12 Month Period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012
Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 (Croke Park Agreement) Integrated Progress Report
2.Detailed Progress Update for the 12-months – 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012
1. Better human resource management
Terms of the Public Service Agreement 2010 – 14 / Action / Target Date as per Current Action Plan / Current Position
1.5 / Reduction in staff numbers: In accordance with new targets set down in the revised Employment Control Framework (ECF), the Department has to reduce its numbers to 3,265 by 2015.
This should be viewed in the context of a staff figure of 4,800 at the beginning of 2005 and will represent a 32% reduction over that period or a 16% reduction since the beginning of 2010.
The Department is achieving this target by adjusting the organisational structure and reviewing business processes. / End of Year / Number / Reduction
2010 (actual) / 3,632 / 6.4%
2011 (actual) / 3,525 / 2.9%
2012 (ECF) / 3,422 / 2.9%
2013 (ECF) / 3,373 / 1.4%
2014 (ECF) / 3,318 / 1.6%
2015 (ECF) / 3,265 / 1.6%
Total 2010-15* / 616 / 15.9%
*Actual staff number at beginning of 2010 being 3,881.
Total staff savings of 616 staff or an estimated €30,800,000. / The number of staff in the Department at the end of March 2012 was 3,331 compared with 3,525 at the end of March 2011.
This is a reduction of 194 or 5.5% in the past 12 months. Since the beginning of 2010, there has been a reduction of 550 or 14%.
The Department is on target to meet its ECF target.
Note that all staff numbers are expressed in fulltime equivalents.
1.5 / Reduction in staff numbers in the Department’s Non-Commercial State Agencies: In accordance with new targets set down in the revised Employment Control Framework, the Non-Commercial State Agencies have to reduce numbers to 1,393 by 2014. This represents a reduction of 25% since the beginning of 2010.
Non-Commercial State Agencies:
Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM)
Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA)
Bord Bia
Marine Institute (MI)
National MilkAgency (NMA) / End of Year / Number / Reduction
2010 (actual) / 1,823 / 7.5
2011 (actual) / 1,685 / 7.6%
2012 (ECF) / 1,578 / 6.4%
2013 (ECF) / 1,436 / 9%
2014 (ECF) / 1,393 / 3%
Total 2010-14* / 473 / 25.3%
*Actual staff number at beginning of 2010 being 1,866.
Total staff savings of 473 staff.
Agency / End 2011 / 2014 ECF Target / Reduction
Teagasc / 1,190.5 / 993 / 16.6%
BIM / 117.7 / 87 / 26.1%
SFPA / 93.2 / 78 / 16.3%
Bord Bia / 92.8 / 76 / 18.8%
MI / 186.1 / 154 / 17.2%
NMA / 5 / 5 / -
Total / 1,685.3 / 1,393 / 17.3%
/ The number of staff in the Department’s Non-Commercial State Agencies at the end of March 2012 was 1,642 compared with 1,808 at the end of March 2011.
This is a reduction of 166 or 9.2%. Since the beginning of 2010, there has been a reduction of 224 or 12%.
It is unlikely that the ECF target for the Department’s Non-Commercial State Agencies will be met and, because of the age profile of staff, it is also unlikely that the reduction required will be achieved by natural attrition. However, the ECF target for the Agriculture Group as a whole is likely to be met.
- Teagasc has proactively sought to manage the implementation of its ECF, including introducing a Voluntary Early Retirement Scheme.
- Bord Bia has re-organised and reprioritised in order to adjust staffing in line with its ECF.
- The Marine Institute has redeployed internally to business critical areas.
- BIM has a focussed redeployment policy where skill sets are matched with available resources.
1.10 / Reduction in overtime:Building on very significant reductions in overtime, which reduced by 68% since 2007, a target of securing further savings of 10% per annum in overtime will be driven in part by introducing more flexible attendance and roster arrangements and also by changes in business processes. / Year / €000 / Reduction
2010 (actual) / 3,955 / 29%
2011 (actual) / 3,623 / 8.4%
2012 / 3,261 / 10% Target
2013 / 2,935 / 10% Target
2014 / 2,635 / 10% Target
A reduction over the period of €1,320,000 or 33%. / Overtime for the period 1 April 2011 to the end of March 2012 was €3,490,990 compared with €3,897,167 for the period 1 April 2010 to the end of March 2011.
This represents a reduction of €406,177 or just over 10%, as targeted.
A good example of change in this area was in working arrangements for the ‘Computer Operations Area’. By changing rostering arrangements in line with changing work practices, it is estimated that some €120,000 per annum in overtime expenditure will be saved. In addition, management have internally redeployed staff to other IT areas, such as providing helpdesk support under the shared services agreement with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.
1.10&4.1 / Reduction in non-pay administrative expenses: The Department will continue to seek efficiencies in the non-payroll elements of the Administrative Budget and has targeted savings of 5% per annum to 2014.
These targets are set in the context of considerable savings already achieved in the administrative budget (22% since 2008, including 48% in Travel and Subsistence). / Year / Allocation
€000 / Reduction
2010 (actual) / 48,959 / 2.9%
2011 (actual) / 47,522 / 2.9%
2012 / 45,146 / 5% Target
2013 / 42,889 / 5% Target
2014 / 40,745 / 5% Target
A reduction over the period of €8,214,000 or 17%. / Non-pay administrative expenses for the period 1 April 2011 to the end of March 2012 was €48,135,307 compared with €48,555,035 for the period 1 April 2010 to the end of March 2011.
This represents a total reduction of € 419,728.
There were reductions in:
Travel and Subsistence - €8,089,332 to €7,828,581 (3%)
Non-pay current expenses - €38,794,245 to €37,824,206 (2.5%)
However these were off-set by a rise in non-pay capital expenses.
1.7 & 1.9 / Local office re-organisation: Phase 1 of the re-organisation of the Department’s local office network is almost complete; this involved the closure of 42 of the Department’s local offices, the redeployment of 400 staff and the retention of 16 offices to provide an enhanced service to the Department’s customers. The total saving to the Department when implemented is estimated at some €30 million.
Teagasc is currently rationalising the number of its advisory offices from 91 to 51. / 2012
2012 / 42 offices have now been closed to the public. 10 of these have been fully vacated and 32 are partially closed. The establishment of the 16 enhanced offices was completed on 20 May. There has been total redeployment of 349 staff, 72 internally and 277 externally. In total the programme has resulted in a reduction of 523 staff. This phase of the programme is well advanced and is on schedule to be completed by the end of 2012.
The independent verification process undertaken as part of this Review of the Public Service Agreement has confirmed that the programme has yielded total savings of €80 million to date.
To ensure that the Department continues to deliver a quality customer service to our farming clients by the most cost effective means, a business process improvement review of the 16 District Veterinary Offices was undertaken in the period.
Teagasc have significantly reduced the number of research and advisory locations, including the closure of 36 offices. The disposal of offices, including the closure of Kinsealy Research Centre and the rationalisation of research lands, will continue throughout 2012 as part of the Teagasc Change Programme 2009 – 2013.
4.16 / Review of work practices:A review of work practices will continue with a view to eliminating inappropriate practices and arrangements, which may have become outdated. / 2011-2014 / The Department identified three areas for internal review:
- A review of travel and subsistence within the Department has been completed. A number of recommendations, including the introduction of some new procedures and controls, are being implemented.
- A working group was established to review the current debt management procedures. It reported considerable progress made by the relevant Divisions in dealing with debts, e.g. a Debt Recovery Unit is in place that deals with the State’s six Fishery Harbour Centres. The Unit works not only to recover monies outstanding, but also to encourage the timely payment of invoices issued.
- A review of two internal claim processing systems has been completed and the rationalisation of these processes will lead to administrative efficiencies.
1.8 / Cross-streaming and restructuring of grades: The Department currently has a number of distinct staffing streams each with their own grading systems and partly separate management structures. Substantial progress has been made in recent years in a drive towards cross-stream reporting, team-working and integration of streams. Building on these developments, the Department will continue the drive towards integration of streams and towards achieving the maximum scope for mobility within and between grades. / 2011-2014 / The Department has made good progress in recent years in a drive towards cross-stream reporting, team-working and the integration of streams. In the past 12 months further progress has been made; cross-stream reporting arrangements have been implemented in Divisions dealing with environmental work. A multi-disciplinary, cross-Division ‘Trade Team’ has also been established; it brings together all the trade interests in this Department and the relevant agencies to take a pro-active, strategic and coordinated approach to international trade matters, focusing in particular on developing market access.
A proposal document to examine options for restructuring the grading streams is being drafted.
4.10 / Attendance and reducing sick leave levels: A new Attendance Management Policy, including the management of sick leave in accordance with new arrangements, is being implemented. / Year / Days Lost
2010 (actual) / 33,447
2011 (actual) / 30,796 (reduction of 8%)
2012 / 27,716 (target of 10%)
2013 / 24,944 (target of 10%)
2014 / 22,450 (target of 10%)
Target over the period of a reduction of 33%. / The number of days lost in the first quarter of 2012 reflects an 8% decrease over the same period in 2011.
The Attendance Management Policy is being implemented throughout the Department. Office notices setting out the new arrangements and emphasising the role of management in the monitoring and control of attendances, including the operation of flexible working hours, have been issued. Division Heads are circulated with overall sick leave statistics in respect of their areas on a quarterly basis in an effort to highlight and address any issues arising.
4.12 / Performance Management: The role of performance management within the Department will be strengthened. / 2011-2014 / A number of initiatives to improve compliance were undertaken during the reporting period for:
- All staff: The issue of reminders regarding key PMDS dates and Departmental completion rates at a given point.
- Heads of Divisions: the issue of an e-mail outlining their specific role in the implementation and operation of PMDS.
- Management Advisory Committee: the issue of four compliance reports, broken down by their Heads of Divisions, highlighting compliance rates in the various areas.
Guidelines and e-tutorials were communicated and made available to all staff on new developments to the system such as the new forms and the underperformance guidelines. Two articles were placed in the Department’s internal magazine – 1) a general information article covering what is PMDS, the benefits etc. and 2) an article regarding the changes to the system.For line-managers, training on how to effectively manage performance, incorporating the new underperformance guidelines, was included in management training rolled out during the reporting period; 12 such sessions took place involving 126 staff members. In addition two half day PMDS training sessions took place. New procedures were introduced for follow-up with line managers where a jobholder has been awarded a rating of 1 or 2.Work also took place on the scoping of the possibility of developing an internal e-PMDS; in light of DPER proposals to introduce a civil service-wide system in 2013 it was decided to put the project on hold.
4.4, 4.8 & 4.11 / Human Resource Strategy: Implement a new Human Resource Strategy, focusing on and reviewing issues such as
- The changed working environment
- The role of staff as individuals and as managers
- Operating in a positive working environment
- Communications and Employee Relations including the development of a new internal communications strategy.
It was intended that following the update of the draft Strategy, a small focus group of staff would be set up to review the final draft prior to its submission to MAC for approval. However, it has been decided that any new strategy would need to take account of current developments in relation to the Workforce Planning Framework and the shared HR services exercise. The document will be further updated to take account of these developments and the communications strategy.
2. Better Business Processes
Terms of the Public Service Agreement 2010 - 14 / Action / Target Date as per Current Action Plan / Current Position
1.10 & 4.13 / Identification of business process improvements: Management Services Division (MSD) provides the Department with analysis and advice on organisational development, business process improvement, resource deployment and change management.
Value for Money Reviews (VFMRs) focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of scheme delivery. / 2010-2014 / The ‘Implementation Steering Group’, a senior management group chaired by the Secretary General, drives the recommended changes arising from MSD and VFM reports. This Group and the MAC also oversees delivery of this Action Plan. The following MSD reviews were completed in the reporting period:
- Review of Accounts Division
- Review of the Forestry Inspectorate
- Review of the DVO Veterinary Inspectorate
- Review of Single Payments Section
- Review of the Dairy Controls and Certification Division.
Two Value for Money Reviews were published in February 2012; the VFMR on Suckler Cow Scheme and the VFMR on Fisheries Decommissioning Scheme. This completed the Department’s requirement under the round for 2009 - 2011.The Department has identified possible topics for review under the round for 2012 – 2014 and has submitted these to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform for consideration. Work is now underway on the first of these; the review of the Disadvantaged Areas Scheme.
4.15 / Reform of procurement / 2010-2014 / The Department has completed a detailed review of its procurement. The review was subsequently validated by Accenture (on a pro-bono basis) and the Department is now implementing its recommendations. A key recommendation, now implemented, is the establishment of a Central Procurement Unit, which will 1) monitor and advise on procurement expenditure and 2) ensure procurement throughout the Department is conducted in a co-ordinated and strategic manner, is in accordance with relevant procurement legislation and guidelines, and achieves optimum value for money. The new Unit was established from within existing resources and will assess and lead initiatives to ensure the Department delivers a 10% saving on procurement by the end of 2014.
Since its establishment, the Central Procurement Unit organised and presented a procurement seminar for staff which focussed on raising awareness of procurement rules and requirements. The Unit also arranged for the Chief State Solicitor’s Office to provide training on the legal aspects of procurement to Purchasing Divisions including advice on the completion of the NPS standard tender documents. Much of the work of the Unit is currently focussed on improving the arrangements for recording procurement expenditure and contracts involving the standardisation of purchasing information and categories of expenditure. The Unit also reviews Requests for Tenders submitted from Purchasing Divisions prior to publication to ensure compliance with national and EU requirements and adherence to best practice.
The Department is making use of framework agreements to reduce costs. Under a central framework mobile telephony costs have fallen by nearly 42% since 2008. Under its own framework agreement for data links, costs have fallen by 58%.
1.10 & 4.15 / Increased use of shared services / 2010-2014 / Building on an internal scoping exercise, Accenture (on a pro-bono basis) examined the opportunities and capacity for further shared services in IT, payroll and accommodation between the Department and its non-commercial state agencies. The result of the exercise is that the Department will seek to increase the use of shared services between it and its state agencies, especially in the ICT area. The Department currently provides differing levels of ICT shared services support for Teagasc, Bord Bia, BIM and the SFPA.
In addition to the State Agencies, the Department is providing full ICT infrastructure support on a shared services basis to the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR). A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the Department of the Taoiseach (DoT) with regard to the involvement of DAFM in the provisioning of a new ICT Network for DoT on a shared services basis. The provision of a new DoT network is fundamental to the replacement of the obsolete DoT telephone system with a voice-over-IP (VOIP) system based on the new network. It will also provide for significantly expanded Video Conferencing facilities, which is a requirement for the upcoming EU Presidency. The installation and commissioning of the new DoT Network is being undertaken by DAFM staff and commenced during the first quarter of 2012. DAFM will also have an ongoing role in the monitoring and management of the Network equipment in DoT. The MOU with DoT will allow for further shared services initiatives to be undertaken on an agreed basis in 2012.
Other: The Department will also engage in the proposed shared service initiatives across the public service including payroll, pensions and HR. It will also seek opportunities for shared services in accommodation.
There is also some sharing of services between agencies, e.g. the Marine Institute, BIM and the SFPA are current collaborating with a view to making cost reductions.
1.10 & 4.14 / Reduction of inspection costs / 2010-2014 / A major programme of re-organisation and restructuring has been on-going in this area. The staff numbers in the two grade streams primarily involved with inspections (Inspectorate and Technical) has fallen from 1,092 to 904 since the beginning of 2010, a reduction of 17%. During the past 12 months:
- The integration of staff in the ‘Potatoes’ and ‘Cereals’ areas into Certification Division has been implemented.
- Discussion with staff representatives on the integration of technical staff in two further Divisions have progressed.