Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN)
N078 – Student Performance Reading/Language Arts
File Specifications
Version 4.2
SY 2007-08
July 2009
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION N078 - Student Performance Reading/Language
Arts File Specifications v4.2
This technical guide was produced under U.S. Department of Education Contract No. GS00F0049M-ED05P01299 with Perot Systems Government Services, Inc. Brandon Scott served as the contracting officer’s representative. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred.
U.S. Department of Education
Arne Duncan
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development
Carmel Martin
Assistant Secretary
July 2009
This technical guide is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, N078 - Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File Specifications, Washington, D.C., 2008.
This technical guide is also available on the Department’s Web site at: http://www.ed.gov/edfacts
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Title: / N078 - Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File SpecificationsRevision: / Version 4.2
Issue Date: / July 2009
Security Level: / Unclassified – For Official Use Only
Filename: / N078 - Student Performance Read-Lang Arts v4.2.doc
Version Number / Date / Summary of Change1.0 / Version 1.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 1.1, 1.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SYs 2003-04 and 2004-05.
2.0 / Version 2.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 2.1, 2.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2005-06.
3.0 / Version 3.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 3.1, 3.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2006-07.
4.0 / April 2008 / · Updated for SY 2007-08.
· Changed reporting period.
· Table 1.2-1 additional subtotal amount added.
· Sections 2.0 and 3.0 were flipped.
· Section 2.0 guidance has been updated and enhanced.
· Sections 4.2, 5.2 and 6.2 definition changed to clarify assessments.
· Sections 4.2, 5.2 and 6.2 changed categories to collect data on students that met the desired population only.
4.1 / January 2009 / · Section 2.0 – Clarify answer to the question on LEP status (only).
4.2 / July 2009 / · Section 2.0 – Corrected answer for, "How do I report LEP status (only) in this file?"
Name / Signature / DateAuthor
Release Authority
This document provides technical instructions for building files that can be submitted through the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN). This document is used in coordination with the EDFacts Workbook, EDFacts Business Rules Guide and the EDEN Submission System User Guide.
EDEN is a centralized, coordinated repository of state reported K through 12 educational data residing at the U.S. Department of Education. The EDEN Submission System is an electronic system that facilitates the efficient and timely transmission of data from SEAs to the U.S. Department of Education.
1.1 Changes from the SY 2006-07 File Specifications 1
1.2 Requirements for Submitting this Data Group 1
3.1 Population Status 8
4.1 Header Record Definition 9
4.2 Data Record Definition 10
4.3 SEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File Examples 13
4.3.1 Partial Record Sample for Fixed Format SEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 13
4.3.2 Partial Record Sample for Comma-Delimited File Format SEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 14
4.3.3 Partial Record Sample for Tab-Delimited File Format SEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 15
5.1 Header Record Definition 16
5.2 Data Record Definition 17
5.3 LEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File Examples 20
5.3.1 Partial Record Sample for Fixed Format LEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 20
5.3.2 Partial Record Sample for Comma-Delimited File Format LEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 21
5.3.3 Partial Record Sample for Tab-Delimited File Format LEA Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 22
6.1 Header Record Definition 23
6.2 Data Record Definition 24
6.3 School Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File Examples 27
6.3.1 Partial Record Sample for Fixed Format School Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 27
6.3.2 Partial Record Sample for Comma-Delimited File Format School Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 28
6.3.3 Partial Record Sample for Tab-Delimited File Format School Student Performance Reading/Language Arts File 29
July 2009 / iv / SY 2007-08U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION N078 - Student Performance Reading/Language
Arts File Specifications v4.2
This document contains instructions for building fixed and delimited files to submit EDFacts Data Group: Student Performance Reading/Language Arts Tables, ID# 584. The definition for this data group is in the row “Table Name” in Table 4.2-1.
This file specification collects the results of state NCLB assessments implemented to meet the requirements of Section 1111(b)(3) of ESEA. The data in this file specification are intended to populate a similar data table in section 1.3 of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR), Part I and to meet the reporting requirements for No Child Left Behind regulations. Also, data for Homeless Served (by McKinney-Vento funds) populate a similar data table in section 1.9 of the CSPR.
A separate document contains the XML file formats. General guidance for constructing all file types may be found in the EDFacts Workbook.
1.1 Changes from the SY 2006-07 File Specifications
There have been changes to this file specification that resulted in changes to the record layout.
· The data group definition, we added "NCLB" as a modifier to "state assessment" and changed from "level is reported" to "for whom a proficiency level was assigned."
· The reporting period changed from "school year" to "testing window."
· The category "full academic year status" was added to the subtotal to better populate all students.
· The category Disability Status changed from collecting both with and without disability status to collect only students with disability status.
· The category LEP Status changed from collecting both LEP and non-LEP students to collect only LEP students.
1.2 Requirements for Submitting this Data Group
The data group is submitted at the following levels:
· School
The following table indicates the valid combinations of categories and the subtotals and/or totals needed for this file. An “X” in the column indicates that the column must be populated when reporting that particular category. The total indicator must be either “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No). If the record is for a detail count, specify an “N” (No). If the record is for a subtotal or grand total, specify a “Y” (Yes).
Table 1.2-1: Student Performance in Reading/Language Arts Table, Required Categories, and Applicable Totals
Category Set A / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Race/Ethnicity
Category Set B / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Sex (Membership)
Category Set C / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Disability Status (Only)
Category Set D / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and (LEP Status Only)
Category Set E / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Economic Disadvantaged Status
Category Set F / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Migrant Status
Category Set G / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / X / N / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level, Full Academic Year Status and Homeless Served Status
Subtotal 1 / STUDPERFRLA / X / X / X / Y / Student Count by Grade Level (Assessment), Performance Level and Full Academic Year Status
This file specification is used to collect the results of state NCLB assessments in Reading/Language Arts that were administered during the testing window.
Data collected through this data group should include all students
o enrolled for the full academic year (FAY),
o not enrolled for the full academic year, and
o for whom a proficiency level was assigned.
Additional guidance for this file is provided below:
What is the reporting period for this file?
The reporting period for this file is the state NCLB assessment testing window.
What education units should be included in this file?
Report LEAs and schools that were open and had students during the state’s NCLB assessment testing window.
What education units should not be included in this file?
Do not report LEAs or schools that were closed for the entire testing window.
Is the student count duplicated or unduplicated?
The student count is unduplicated.
What happened to N/X076 and N/X077?
The Student Performance Reading and Student Performance Language Arts file specifications were merged into N/X078 to eliminate confusion among the three file specifications.
Do I report results for students who were not present for the full academic year?
Yes. Include both students who were present for the full academic year and those who were not present for the full academic year in this file. These data are used by a variety of sources, many of which do not differentiate on full year academic status.
What grade levels should I include?
Records for the LEAs and schools need only include those grade levels offered at the LEA or School. For example, if the highest grade at a school is 6th, the record for that school does not need to include grades 7th through 12th. Records should only include the grades assessed under NCLB, that is, grades three through eight and one high school grade.
Why do the permitted values include both grades 9 through 12 as well as a value for “High School?”
Normally only one high school grade is assessed. Report your assessment results using the grade level that was assessed or simply use the HS value for high school. Data for grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will be combined and reported in the CSPR as “high school” data.
How should I report multiracial students?
For this data collection, the five permitted values from Directive 15 are used for race/ethnicity. “Multiracial” and race/ethnicities beyond the five in Directive 15 are not included in the permitted values for race/ethnicity. If your state uses values for race/ethnicity not included in Directive 15 and those values cannot be crosswalked to the five permitted values in Directive 15, then those students are not reported in Category Set A; however, include those students in the other applicable category sets as well as Subtotal 1.
What Performance Levels should I report?
The performance levels used must be the same as the performance levels reported to ED in the crosswalk of state performance levels to federal proficiency. If you need to verify what performance levels were reported to ED in the crosswalk, contact the Partner Support Center.
Level 1 must be the lowest level of performance. Use the other numbers (i.e., 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) sequentially. Use only the numbers needed. For example, if a state has 4 performance levels, the state will use numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Number 1 will be the lowest level of performance and number 4 will be the highest level.
How do I report LEP Status (Only) in this file?
For the LEP (Only) category, report all students identified as LEP who were assigned a proficiency level as result of completing the state NCLB assessments, except recently arrived students who are LEP and who have attended schools in the U.S. for fewer than 12 months. Do not include former LEP students in this category.
For Homeless Served Status do I report all homeless students?
Report only homeless children and youths who received services under subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento program.
How do I report Disability Status (Only) (i.e., children with disabilities (IDEA) in this file?
Include children with disabilities (IDEA) who were:
1. Tested using:
o regular assessments with or without accommodations; or
o alternate assessments including those based on grade level, modified, and alternate academic standards; AND
2. For whom a proficiency level was assigned.
Do not include former children with disabilities (IDEA).
Do all category sets include all students?
Category sets C, D, E, F and G do not include all students. When reporting on Disability Status (Only), LEP Status (Only), Migrant Status, Economic Disadvantaged Status and Homeless Served Status you only need to include the students that meet the criteria of the category.
How do I get rid of the error: “Student Performance Level Numbers are not contiguous”?
This error message indicates that the file includes educational units that have some performance level counts, (L1, L2, L3…etc.) but not all. EDEN expects that for each category included in the file, the list of performance levels will be contiguous, beginning with L1. Typically, this error message occurs when counts of zero are left out of the file. SEA submitters should make sure that each reported category has all levels used by the state represented, regardless of the total, to prevent this error from occurring.