Flash® Version 6.0
Flash® - User Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Welcome 3
Features and Benefits 3
How does it work? 4
Flash Processing Hierarchy 5
Business Unit Strategies 7
Before We Start 8
Using Flash 9
The “Options” Screen 10
The “Rules” Screen 15
The “User” Tab 16
Operating Flash 17
During Processing 19
Log Files 21
FLASH Statistics “EXE” File 21
Audit Files 21
Recommended System Clean-Up 23
Flash – PNR processing 23
Scripting 24
Creating custom scripts using “IF” statements 24
If statement structure 25
Action Keywords 25
Reserved Keywords 26
Operator Keywords 27
Text Strings 27
Text Files 27
Variable Keywords 28
Tab Files 28
Tally Feature 31
Like Comparisons 32
Send Keys 33
Copy Feature 33
The Flash “INI” File 35
The PNR Driver File 35
Appendix A - Keywords 37
Create your own Keyword 37
Keyword Definitions 37
Duplicate PNR Keywords 40
Appendix B - Variable Keywords Using “&” 63
Appendix C – Multiple PNR Matching Passive Notification Script 64
Standard Airline Passive Notification Script 65
Appendix D - Standard PNR Processing Script Examples 67
Appendix E - Send Keys 68
Appendix F - Settings in the FLASH INI File 70
Run Time Only Options 83
Program functions and processing logic 83
Appendix G - INI Example 85
Appendix H - Example of a Flash Log File 87
Appendix I - Audit File Example 89
Appendix J - Recommended System Clean-Up Procedure 91
Appendix K – Flash Enhancements 92
Appendix L – New Flash Keywords and Other Information 93
Appendix M – Zeus Compatibility 101
Airlogica, Corporation Created on 11/28/2005 5:22:00 PM
Flash® Introduction
First, may we ask some pertinent questions? Is your airline concerned about distribution expense and revenue protection. Have teletype rejects become an increasing problem to you? Is your workload becoming greater, more confusing and frustrating? Did we hear your answer: “yes”, “yes!”, “yes!!”, and also a cry for “Help”?
Then here is the good news! You will surely welcome your company’s decision to introduce Flash TTR robotic software.
Flash is another useful product developed by Airlogica and is based on over 20 years of airline experience. It is defined as an “expert” system, as it emulates the actions of an experienced operator working in an airline’s host reservation system. It can reduce airline distribution costs and solve staffing problems, in multiple business areas, by providing an automated business solution.
· An inexpensive robotic approach
· Actioning Messages and/or PNRs based upon your own processing rules
The purpose of this User Guide is to cover each of the key features of Flash, with step-by-step procedures to take full advantage of the program.
Features and Benefits
Flash provides an airline with the tools required to dramatically reduce distribution costs and improve yield. This is achieved by its:
· Ability to automate almost any manual task
· Unattended 24 hour operation
· Simple scripting language. Easy to use and modify
· Customised Statistics on every action taken by FLASH
· 3D graphics and charts
· Complete audit trail
· Ability to process messages or PNRs from a queue or “text” file
How does it work?
Flash accesses your reservation system (and the other CRS’) just like you do, by typing commands and reviewing responses in a window such as the PNR displayed below. The difference is that Flash acts much faster than a person.
While Flash is running, you can watch a display of every action taken and see the total statistics as well.
Flash Processing Hierarchy
The Flash hierarchy can be a little confusing, so let’s try to clarify it before we progress any further.
Flash obtains its “input stream” from one or more sources. They are:
· From a Message Queue(s)
· From a PNR queue(s)
· From a PNR Driver File
· From a “Debug” File
Flash can only use one type of “input stream” during a processing session. Each of these options is explained below.
Note - A processing session begins when the end user clicks “OK” and Flash starts processing.
Message Queue
This “input stream” is defined as any message on a queue. For example, a teletype reject message queue, a passive segment notification queue and/or a ticket number notification queue etc.
Flash simply retrieves the message and actions it according to its own default logic or via directions you supplied within the processing script.
Note - When not using default TTY logic (e.g. when processing a passive segment notification queue) the option “User Command Mode” must be checked in the “Options” screen. The option to “Process a PNR Queue” must be unchecked.
A queue rotation plan can also be used with this data source.
PNR Queue
This form of “input stream” is defined as any PNR on a queue. For example, an expired ticket time-limit queue, an MCT violations queue and/or re-queued PNRs etc.
Flash retrieves each PNR from the queue and actions it according to the directions you supplied in the script.
Note - When using this option “User Command Mode” must be checked in the “Options” screen. The option to “Process a PNR Queue” must also be checked.
A queue rotation plan can also be used with this data source.
PNR Driver File
This “input stream” is defined as any PNR address or Flight List entry contained in a text file. The PNR address or Flight List entry, are simply listed one after the other in the text file. Once created, the text file is saved and given a name. For example:
Example of PNR Address Text File
Example of Flight List Entry Text File
Note - You will notice in the above example of a Flight List Entry Text File that “+1” and “+2” are used in lieu of a date. When using this option, Flash will presume today’s date +1 etc.
The created file directory and name is then added to the FLASH “ini” file under the option “PNR_Driver_File”. This is explained further later in this user guide.
Flash retrieves each PNR or Flight List in the file and actions it according to your script directions.
Note - When using this option, “User Command Mode” must be checked in the “Options” screen. The option to “Process a PNR Queue” must also be checked even when processing a Flight List.
A queue rotation plan cannot also be used with this data source.
Debug File
This type of “input stream” is defined as a test text file. This is normally used by your Airlogica representative to re-build and check problem scenarios or for testing.
Should you require further details on this function, please do not hesitate to contact your Airlogica representative.
In Summary
As you can see from the information outlined above, Flash requires an “input stream” prior to attempting any processing. Once the input stream is established, it will then apply its basic processing logic or the directions outlined in a script.
Business Unit Strategies
The business units listed below will be able to perform the following tasks:
Message Edit Department
· Resolve up to 90% of rejected messages without human intervention. This includes divided PNRs, reductions, name changes, sales, cancels, re-books, SSR and OSI.
· Process important messages speedily
· Reduce message queue backlog
· Minimise human processing errors
· Sort messages on queues and prioritize for handling
Marketing and Distribution Department
· Validate passive segments entered by travel agents (Passive Segment Notification)
· Eliminate distribution costs associated with excessive waitlists
· Cancel fictitious or speculative bookings
· Reduce duplicate bookings across pnr’s and within the same pnr
· Validate minimum connect times
· Confirm missing unaccompanied minor details
· Automate industry sales campaigns
· Provide quality assurance (eg policy violations)
· Monitor/Cancel expired ticket time-limits
· Firm flights
· Update host PNRs with missing passenger data (ie retrieve the actual GDS PNR)
· Identify No Shows to bill back to travel agent
· Find expired ticketing time limits - send message to agent to ticket or cancel booking
· Identify illegal groups
· Add unaccompanied minor information
· Prevent name changes
· Identify any type of PNR, such as wheelchairs, manually priced tickets
· Clear wait-lists
· Validate ticket numbers
· Check for duplicates across several flights and/or days
· Add ticket numbers to host bookings from GDS
· Passenger data validation – such as APIS requirements
In summary, Flash provides many opportunities to save your airline unnecessary costs and, also, ensures maximum customer service to your valuable clients.
The business application of Flash, its scope and advantages, are almost unlimited!
Before We Start
Before we activate the program for the first time, several areas must be set up. These areas are:
· Scripting
· The “TTR.INI” file (the initialisation file)
· Host screen access
· and various settings shown within the “Options” screen.
Each of these areas is explained as we proceed through this manual. You should take time to carefully study the detailed information before attempting to use Flash.
Airlogica, Corporation 30 April 2004
Flash® Using Flash
Using Flash
The screen (Figure 1) appears when the Flash program is initiated.
Figure 1
Flash processing can then be activated simply by clicking on “OK”. However, before we do this, let’s look at the various settings that are controlled within the “Options” screen. This screen can be accessed by clicking on the “Options” button.
The “Options” Screen
By clicking on the “Options” button from the main screen, the following screen appears (Figure 2).
Figure 2
The check boxes, that are shown under “Switches” and, also, the text fields control various FLASH functions. When completed, these functions update the Flash “INI” file.
Note - The Flash “INI” file is explained later in this User Guide.
The following passage of text explains each of the fields found on this screen:
Move completed messages to queue
Use this option to override the return to queue name, which will receive any messages that would normally be returned to the originating queue. Messages are returned to queue when they cannot otherwise be handled.
Delay factor for the Host
This important setting is used to control the speed at which the program enters and responds to host activity. Through experimentation, it should be set so that no responses are being ignored and, also, that the program is not running too slowly. The number is a factor, not an exact period of time. Try a low number like 700 for a slow computer and a number like 1500 for a faster computer.
We have now added an easy way to see the delay factor for Flash. Just look at the top of the audit file where you will see..
Running Flash with Delay Amount of 1500
Show Charts
Flash displays easy to read charts while processing messages, providing valuable feedback during message processing. The user can decide whether to display charts by setting this option.
Purge prior two months
The segment and PNR dates do not contain a calendar year. Therefore, it is not possible to tell if a message is for a prior month or for next year. This option tells the program to treat the prior two months as past dates and to delete them. If you are running the program (with this setting checked) in January, it will delete messages which have segments dates entirely in December and November.
Stop when Q is empty
Flash will stop processing when the queue is empty. All the statistics will be copied.
Record locators must match
This setting is used when comparing the Record Locator line in the message with the record locator information in the PNR. When it is set to “On”, the exact locator Agency PCC, IATA number, and CRS file address must match. This prevents the program from updating a PNR, which might have been changed since the message was placed on the queue.
Process a PNR Queue
Informs Flash to use the in-built PNR processing logic or user script.
Note - The commands in the “INI” file must also be set to navigate a PNR queue or to read from a “driver” file.
Remove future date TTL Q messages
Removes future date TTL Q messages only when using Flash processing logic,
Not the scripting language via user command mode
Remove messages instead of purge Q
Many airlines have a purge queue to ensure they have a way of recovering purged messages.
Simulation Mode
Use this option to tell the program to simulate actions with PNRs and messages without actually updating any data. When the setting is “On”, the PNRs will be ignored before End Transaction and the messages will be placed back on the original queue. The main screen will display the words “Simulation Mode” while running in this mode.
User Command Mode
This is a setting which allows the user total command of FLASH processing. When checked, FLASH will only execute the user’s commands as contained in the If_ statements. Normal FLASH functions are suspended while in this mode. This makes FLASH a general purpose processor of any type of queue.
Allow Fuzzy name matching
Allows Flash to use the “Fuzzy Name” matching logic if referred to in a script or whenever Flash matches a message to a PNR, selects names from a name list or compares two PNRs.
Use Queue Rotation Plan
If “OK” is clicked from the master screen, Flash will immediately start processing using the queue rotation plan.
Enable Auto-Play of Rotation Plan
When Flash is activated, it will automatically start using the queue rotation plan.
Run the user script in this file
This area advises Flash to follow the instructions contained in this script file.
Note - Scripts will be explained as you proceed through this User Guide.
Browse & Edit
The browse button allows the end-user to select other scripts. When the button is clicked, the following screen is displayed (Figure 3).
Figure 3
To select a script, simply click on the one you want and select “OK”.
If “Edit” is selected from the “Options” screen, the following screen appears (Figure 4).