
Tuesday September 10th, 2013

7:30 PM

Mystique Ice Center

  1. Roll Call

Board Members Present:Dave, Ron, Jason, Tracy, Melissa, Lisa, Tammy, Trish, Tommy, Brian



Mystique Ice CenterRon



  1. Review and Approval for minutes:

Motion to approve minutes by Trish, seconded by Ron, motion approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Each player will receive their 212.00 credit back on travel fees and the 30 travel fee as well. Saints will need to be billed for the 50 fee per player.

Motion to approve by Ron, seconded by Dave, motion approved.

  1. Old and New Business
  1. Melissa asked for approval to purchase a credit card swipe program for her android phone. All agreed this was a good idea. Melissa will research options and proceed.
  2. Ron Breitbach was present at the meeting. He indicated that it was the time of year for the ice rink to submit their capital spending plan to the City. He reviewed a couple of the ideas they were proposing to the board. If anyone on the board has any thoughts please get those to Ron. Additionally, Ron indicated that the room in the back of the rink will soon be ready for our use.
  3. Larry Nedder updated the group on the high school team. They was a number of them present on the ice for the first Little Saints practice. This seemed to really be a great help. Later in the year the high school team plans to offer a tour of the high school area at the rink for the Little Saints team.
  4. Lisa is still in need of a Thank You in the paper for the DRA grant that was awarded to Dubuque Youth Hockey.
  5. October 19th is the Halloween Ice party organized by the Squirts.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Bylaws: nothing
  3. Election/Nomination:There is still an open position. Jason will send an email out to the group.
  4. Coaching/Evaluations: There were seven new coaches to be voted on: Craig Enke, Jim Bechen, Nick Zimmerman, Ray Clark, Larry Huseman, Emily, and Greg Droesler. Motion to approve by Dave, seconded by Ron, motion approved.

Dave reported that there are still two board members that need to finish the consent to screen.

  1. Equipment/Rental program:The warm up and jersey order will be submitted yet this week. The jersey for Squirt Select and Little Saints have been ordered. The Little Saints jerseys will have “in training” on them.
  2. Fundraising/Golf outing:Most cards have been handed out those that registered. It will be required for all cards to be paid for by the end of October or the kids will not be able to skate.

Fundraising packets will be distributed the week of October 14th to the team managers.

  1. House League/Pictures/Awards:Jason is working on pictures for the year. Work is being made to secure coaches for the house league and getting the Junior House teams established. Discussion was made around setting up more ice time for the Little Saints on Saturday morning.
  2. Ice/Referee Schedule: Trish emailed information to the team managers regarding this.
  3. Website/registration:Tammy reviewed the numbers for each level:


Teen14 to 16

Bantam 18


Little Saints52



Jr. House15

Currently we are at 240 players which is up 11 from last year.

There has been 15 referrals thus far and each person will be paid 25.

  1. Public Relations/Promotions:There is a Try Hockey for Free day on November 2nd and if we are going to participate work will need to be done for this.
  2. Finance/Scholarships:Melissa has one more scholarship to follow up on. She updated the request and thus far it has been well received.
  3. Travel Team/Dane County League/Mid-West League:October 16th is a general and managers meeting that Dave plans to attend. His attendance is all that should be required. October 20th is a league scheduling meeting where the attendance of all managers is required. The meeting is at noon at the Madison Ice Center.
  4. Annual Meeting:None

Update from Saints:

Saints are looking for the DYHA ice schedule to ensure they do not schedule events that conflict. That should be available around the end of October.

Each team will be able to schedule their night on the ice with the Saints.