Dear Parents,
My name is Laurie Fraser and I am a Para-Educator at Riverwood Middle. We are continuing an exciting math program in our district this year called Math Olympiads. It is a worldwide problem solving competition for students in grades 4-8.
I will facilitate the Math Olympiad program for Riverwood Middle. To prepare the students for monthly competitions, I will meet weekly with the team members. Learning and sharing problem solving strategies will be my main objective. We will also practice test taking skills using past Olympiad tests and always celebrate our team success. If you would like to have more information, please take a look at Math Olympiad website at
I plan on meeting with our Math Olympiad Team each Thursday, from 4:00-5:00 starting in October. A schedule of our meeting dates will be sent home with your student. We will be meeting in room 308.
For your student to become a part of and continue to practice as a Math Olympiad, he or she must maintain an E or S in conduct and have passing grades for the entire year. If a student receives a failing grade on their report card and/or their conduct drops below an S, they will no longer be able to participate in the club. Being a Math Olympiad member is a privilege. A member may be removed at any time for unacceptable behavior that occurs in the regular classroom or while practicing after school. Also, if a team member is late being picked up more than 3 times, he or she will be removed from the team. If a team member does not meet these requirements, he or she will be removed from the team and not allowed to participate.
I look forward to meeting your mathematician if I haven’t already. I believe this is an exciting opportunity for our students and Riverwood Middle. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Laurie Fraser
Math Olympiads!!
Please complete the form and return to your child’s math teacher. The teacher can pass them on to me!
____Yes, my child, ______, will be joining math club each Thursday from 4:00-5:00.
Parent’s name ______
Phone number where we can reach you: home cell ______
Email Address
We will dismiss from the Kingwood Dr. (side) entrance of the building at 5:00. Please circle how your child will be going home from Math Olympiads.
Front Car rider Walker Bike Rider
**Please return this form to your child’s math teacher by Wednesday, October 5, 2011.