Music Library Project: Exit Summary

9/4/09 ZL

Staff input

Student work: 157 hrs

Support staff: 6 hrs

Professional: 60 hrs

Total ReCAP accessions from Music Library: 1,096

Total suppressed Music Library holdings: 843

Total added bibliographic records: 26

Total item records added to Music Reference: 741

Project began with 874 leftover CU6 barcodes; 527 leftover MR barcodes.

  • 231 offsite barcodes removed from Chazen Collection items.
  • 382 offsite barcodes removed from Case Collection items.

Other Accomplished goals:

  • 606 MATOB charges resolved: 119 found on shelf.
  • 1,136 mus,anx2 (CU5 barcode) CLIO location holdings; 225 suppressed
  • 404 off,glx Temp Locations cleared, corrected to off,mus.
  • Multiple holdings worksheet created and implemented. Resolved all cases where title had two or more holdings in Music Library.
  • Removed offsite barcodes from item records with active patron charge.

Follow up work

1)Reference Collection

Consult “mus,ref” tab in MusicLibrary.Missing.xls for complete list of outstanding missing volumes (19 count). All titles have been searched multiple times in both Reference and circulating stacks. If not found by Music Library staff it is safe to replace/suppress.

2)Case Monographs

Consult “mus,case” tab in MusicLibrary.Missing.xls for complete list of outstanding missing volumes (24 count). All titles have been searched in Case Collection only. If not found by Music Library staff it may be safe to replace/suppress.

Pink flags were placed in all volumes that were not on Case Monographs (mus,case) inventory. A separate, hardcopy list of all call numbers is in project files (pink slips may be safely removed). Note: multi-volume sets will have slip in only first volume. Music Library staff is encouraged to gradually resolve all remaining issues. Issues include:

  1. wrong CLIO location (typically mus)
  2. multiple copies of same work, add copy
  3. not in Voyager – route for copy- or original cataloging
  4. volumes not entered in Voyager
  5. other (contact Zack with questions)

3)Case Scores

Pink flags were placed in all volumes that were not on Case Scores (msc,case) inventory. A separate, hardcopy list of all call numbers is in project files. Note: multi-volume sets will have slip in only first volume. Music Library staff is encouraged to gradually resolve all remaining issues. Issues include:

  1. wrong CLIO location (typically mus)
  2. multiple copies of same work, add copy
  3. not in Voyager – route for copy- or original cataloging
  4. volumes not entered in Voyager
  5. other (contact Zack with questions)