Museum Publications

·  Museum Brief, No. 5, “A Guide to the Reading and Study of Historic Site Archaeology” by Richard Hulan and Stephen S. Lawrence

·  Museum Brief, No. 6, “Graphic Teaching Aids in Basic Anthropometry” by R.F.G. Spier, D.R. Henning and J.R. Vincent

·  Museum Brief, No. 9, “A Quantitative Method for Deriving Cultural Chronology” by James A. Ford

·  Museum Brief, No. 16, “A Classification of the Order Primates” by James A. Gavan

·  Museum Brief, No. 17, “Jade Workers in the Motagua Valley” by Lawrence H. Feldman, Robert Terzuola, Payson Sheets, and Constance Cameron.

·  Museum Brief, No. 18, “Neolithic Levels on the Titelberg, Luxembourg” by Elsebet S.-J. Rowlett, Homer L. Thomas, and Ralph Rowlett

·  Museum Brief, No. 23, “Love in the Armpit: Tzeltal Tales” by Brian Stross

·  Museum Brief, No. 24, “Demons and Monsters: Tzeltal Tales” by Brian Stross

·  Museum Brief, No. 26, “Taphonomy of Ramapithecus Wickeri at Fort Ternan, Kenya” by Pat Shipman

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 2, “Studies in Mayan Linguistics, Number One: A Fragment of an Early K’ekchi’ Vocabulary with Comments on the Cultural Content” edited by Ray A. Freeze

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 3, “The Image of Disease: Medical Practices of Nahua Indians of the Huasteca” by Alan R. Sandstrom

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 5, “Cihuatan: An Early Postclassic Town of El Salvador, The 1977-1978 Excavations” by Karen Olsen Bruhns

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 6, “Panama in Transition: Local Reactions to Development Policies” by John R. Bort and Mary W. Helms

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 7, “The Mopan: Culture and Ethnicity in a Changing Belizean Community” by James R. Gregory

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 8, “The Material and Social Determinants of Political Leadership in a Tojolabal Maya Community” by John S. Thomas

·  University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology, No. 9, “An Epigrapher’s Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb Morphology” by Barbara MacLeod

·  Museum of Anthropology, Monograph No. 10, “Archaeological Studies of World War II” edited by Raymond Wood

·  Publications in Archaeology, No. 1, “Investigations in the Lower Perche-Hinkson Drainage” by Robert L. Reeder, Eric E. Voigt, and Michael J. O’Brien

·  Publications in Archaeology, No. 2, “Cannon Reservoir Human Ecology Project, Volume 1: Euro-American Pioneer Settlement Systems in the Central Salt River Valley of Northeast Missouri” by Roger D. Mason and edited by Michael J. O’Brien

·  Publications in Archaeology, No. 3, “Cannon Reservoir Human Ecology Project, Volume 2: An Analysis of Historical Ceramics from the Central Salt River Valley of Northeast Missouri” by Teresita Majewski and Michael J. O’Brien

·  University of Missouri Miscellaneous Publications in Anthropology, No. 6, “Studies in Mayan Linguistics, Number Two: Papers in Mayan Linguistics” edited by Nora C. England

·  “Contemporary Indian Crafts” by Mary Jane Schneider