May 3rd, 2012

The Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism

Boston University

Contact: Michelle Weiser

Public Relations Coordinator

// @MWeiser22



BOSTON, May 3– Boston University President Robert A. Brown announced via email Monday morning the establishment of a center dedicated to preventing and responding to sexual assault on campus. The center is expected to be operational by the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year.

The CGSA is proud to be part of an institution that takes sexual assault and interpersonal violence seriously. In creating this center, Boston University is proving its commitment to student safety and wellbeing and is a true leader among higher education institutions.

The CGSA would like to recognize the group of dedicated students who worked tirelessly in drafting a detailed proposal of the sexual assault prevention office. This 30 page proposal included a comprehensive plan for the implementation of this center, including: staffing guides, roles of counselors, medical services, judicial proceedings and relationship to the BU Police Department, a projected budget and timeline.

The proposal also included a comparison of BU’s peer institutions and the resources they have to prevent and respond to sexual assault, letters of support from prominent members of the Boston community, a list of why this center would benefit BU, and the petition with the list of 1,214 signatures and comments of support attached.

In October, the CGSA advocated for three central services: implementing trainings for faculty and student leaders, getting more crisis counselors, and establishing a zero-tolerance policy for sexual assault at BU. Since then, students have campaigned using grassroots organizing tactics to gain momentum and university-wide support for this cause. Some of these campaign efforts include: live-stream conversations with Dean Elmore, hosting town halls with the BU community, intensive social media campaigning, gaining the support of student union, and meeting with BU faculty and administration, including the BU Hockey Task Force.

We look forward to working closely with the administration to see a center for sexual assault response and prevention open next year.

The Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism (CGSA) at Boston University strives to be a safe space for people of all genders and sexualities. Using a social justice framework, The CGSA aims to end gender oppression and violence, and advocates for the full equality and inclusion of women, queer and trans students. Our dynamic community fosters challenging and open discourse, promotes student activism, and provides resources and education for the Boston University Community // @BUCGSA //