Muscovy Ducks
Muscovies are the only domestic ducks that is not derived from Mallard stock. Wild Muscovy coloration is black, but domestication has produced many different colours such as white, chocolate, blue, lavender. Their feet are equipped with strong sharp claws for grabbing tree branches and roosting. Muscovys are unique because of their bright red crest around their eyes and above the beak. They do not swim as much as others as their oil glands are under developed compared to most ducks. Their wings and tails thus 'fray' easier. The only real illnesses they get as a breed other than those suffered by all breeds is a tendency to anaemia if not allowed sufficient foraging or supplementary feeding with scraps. This is very obvious as they lose colour around the eye and become listless.
The nicest character of any of the breeds with a pronounced sense of humour/ very intelligent and entertaining!
Although relatively silent, the male produces a low hissing sound, and the female has a short, weak "quack." but "chirps" and talks to the eggs as they hatch making the babies very independent as they recognize their mothers alarm call
Colours include black, white, lavender, blue and chocolate. Muscovys have a unique red lumpy crest around their eyes and above the beak. (called caruncling)
Food habits in the wild Muscovy ducks feed on the roots, stems, leaves, and seeds of aquatic and terrestrial plants, including agricultural crops. They also eat small fishes, reptiles, crustaceans, insects, millipedes, and termites.... they are food "hoovers"
Broodiness: Can sit 3 times per year many will sit repeatedly and are the supreme mothers and broodies. I use them to hatch my Bantam Ducklings. They will protect the young form predators even if it means their own death in order for the young to escape.
Needs: Muscovys are the only domestic duck not derived from Mallard stock. They don't like to swim as much as other breeds because their oil glands are not as active. When they do wash they are incredibly thorough as most of the water is dispersed over a wide area ie like to splash and play
**NOTE**Muscovies have the most character of any duck or goose and a very pronounced sense of humour... and they learn quickly!
** When a Muscovy is crossed with other breeds, it produces a sterile off spring called 'mules' which are good meat ducks **As a breed the Muscovy has successfully colonised most of the world and are the basis of the Barbary meat hybrid. They were discovered in South America and originally called the musk duck.
**The ideal back yard meat breed lays / breeds well / tastes good/ lives well with dogs and other animals / will roost in trees if allowed