Big Lake Area Sanitary District

Regular Board Meeting#127

6:30 PM, November 8, 2017

Perch Lake Town Hall

1.Call to Order

Chair John Fredrickson called the Big Lake Area Sanitary District's Regular Meeting #127 to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call

John Fredrickson, Chair
Rocky Rennquist
Chris Rousseau
Tom Luke, Alternate
Wayne Dupuis
Bill Jaskari
Deb Gellatly, Administrative Assistant
Jon Herdegen (MSA Engineer)
Lora Eames, Recorder

2.Approval of Agenda

Motion (Rennquist/Luke): To approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed.

3.Approval of October Minutes

Motion (Rennquist/Luke): To approve the October 12, 2017, minutes as edited. Motion passed. Rousseau abstained because he was not at the October meeting.

4.Treasurer’s Report Payment of Bills

John Fredrickson deferred consideration of the Treasurer's Report and payment of bills until December, when Deb Gellatly returns.

5.Review of Correspondence

Fredrickson reported the following:

  • Correspondence held by Gellatly will be reviewed in December; and
  • An email from FDL requesting that the BLASD Boardsend official correspondenceto Miyah Danielson, Tribal Programs Executive Director; she will then forward items to the RBC (Reservation Business Committee).

Herdegen reported that he forwarded the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to Cloquet city administration for their review and comment. Their City Attorney is reviewing it.

6.Old Business

a.FDL JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) - John Fredrickson

Fredrickson, Mia Thibodeau, and the RBC met to review the JPA. RBC members indicated that they wished to see the financial and billing ordinances before approving the JPA. They wanted to know more, i.e. (i) what a sewer bill would look like; or (ii) what the financial impact on tribal residential and nonresidential entities would be.Fredrickson explained to RBC members that the ordinances were still being developed; however, the BLASD Board could provide important components now - CAF (capacity availability factor); debt service share, OM&R (operation, maintenance, & repair) share, and variable usage share. He expected to forward documents approved at tonight's meeting to MiyahDanielson, who would pass them on to the RBC for review/approval of the JPA.

b.Update on Rudy Law Firm activities - Chris Rousseau

Rousseau reported that the law firm's involvement has been limited thus far. He has kept them informed and they will become more involved later with writing the ordinances.

7.New Business

a.Engineer's Report for October and Plan for November - JH/MSA

Jon Herdegen (MSA) offered no report this month, noting that his role has been limited.

b.Updated Non-Residential EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Units) Determinations

Fredrickson reported that he asked Herdegen to update the commercial EDUs for six non-residential users - Mash-ka-Wisen Treatment Center, Mary and Joseph Catholic Church, Elder Center, Kiwenz Campground, Sawyer Community Center, and the Big Lake Resort. An EDU standardizes flow to level of demand of one single-family unit.

Herdegen distributed a Table G-1 showing:

  • EDUs originally submitted with the USDA application;
  • Original EDUs compared with revised EDUs, with the right column showing the basis for revisions.

He based current information on past site visits.

Fredrickson brought forth the question: What is the fair distribution of EDUs to these entities? This important document will allocate $750,000 of obligationfor the debt service portion. The remaining $2.2 million will go to individual residential homeowners and distributed by EDUs allocated.

Board members spent a considerable amount of time discussing the campgrounds - Kiwenz and the Big Lake Resort. Fredrickson recommended that the Board use a fixture-to-fixture equivalency for the EDU analysis. Both Rousseau and Rennquist offered to visit the campgrounds and the community center to determine if EDUs are accurate.

Motion (Luke/Rennquist): To accept the Table G-1, "Commercial Equivalent Dwelling Units, Big Lake Area Sanitary District," distributed November 8, 2017, subject to adjustments after onsite visits. Motion passed.

8.Ordinance Committee Report (11/08/2017 Meeting)

BLASD Board members reviewed an Article III, "Use of Public Sewers Requirement," and Articles I and II of Ordinance No. 1, "Regulating the Use of Public and Private Sewers." They will confirm EDU determinations and continue ordinance discussion at a special meeting at 6:00 p.m., November 15, 2017.

Motion (Rousseau/Rennquist): To approve Article III, "Use of Public Sewers Required," distributed November 8, 2017, as part of the Big Lake Area Sanitary District's model ordinance, subject to revisions as the ordinance evolves. Motion passed.

9.Public Comment


10.Next Meeting

a.Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 6:00 p.m., Perch Lake Town Hall

b.Regular Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2017, 6:30, Perch Lake Town Hall

11.Motion to Adjourn

Motion (Rennquist/Luke): To adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Lora Eames, Recorder

BLASD Regular Minutes 11/08/2017Page 1 of 3