May 2012

Mark your calendars:

April 30-May 4 Central PA Food Bank Canned Goods Drive

30 Morning with Mom, Book Fair is open!!

1WH PTA meeting, 7 p.m. in the Library. Childcare is provided.

1 Morning with Mom, Book Fair is open!!

1-4 Buy One Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair at West Hanover

7 CDSDSchool Board Meeting, 7 p.m. at the CDEHS Lecture Hall

8 National Teacher Day AND Race for Education Day!!!

9 NationalSchool Nurse Day

14 West Hanover Spring Concert at CDHS, 7 p.m.

15-16 WH Art Festival at WH, 6-8 PM

18 SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY!!! Wear your West Hanover apparel or colors to get ready for May Fair

19 West Hanover May Fair, Food, Fun, and Family!! Today 10 am to 2 pm on the Lower Playground at WH

21-25 International Week, Mexico here we come!

21-27 Shop at Karns this week and support West Hanover Elementary

28 No School, Happy Memorial Day

29 SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY!!! Wear a crazy or silly hat

30 Fifth Grade Graduation, CDMS at 7 p.m.

June 5 WH PTA meeting, 7 p.m. in the Library. Childcare is provided.


THE PSSA TESTING IS FINALLY OVER for the 2011-2012 school year! As you can see from the calendar above, May is a very busy month here at West Hanover. Add that to all of the spring extra-curricular activities outside of school and it is very easy to forget to do homework or study for a test! Please remind your children that their school work should still remain the #1 priority in the house until the end of school. When scheduling any appointments during the school day, please check the school calendar, the classroom teacher, the list above, or call the office to see if they will miss any of the fun activities on any given day. Please try and stop by the Book Fair Family Fun Night, the Art Festival here at the school, the Spring Concert at CDHS. Also, don’t forget to come to the May Fair!

One final note, with the warmer spring weather upon us, please pay attention to the District’s dress code for students, especially no tank tops for both girls and boys, no camisoles and halter tops for the girls, and shorts must reach mid thigh for both girls and boys. While flip flops or other sandal type shoes are not prohibited, it is highly recommended that students refrain from wearing these to avoid injuries walking up and down steps and particularly at recess. For any questions regarding the dress code, please feel free to contact me here at the school. “MR.C.” "LEARN LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY!"


Thanks to everyone who participated in the Pennies for Patients project to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. We raised $2023.72!!!!! Congratulations Wildcats! GREAT JOB!! A little change can go a long way!


WH and other schools in the CDSD will be participating in the 2nd Annual Bread of Life Food Drive to benefit the Central PA Food Bank April 30-May 4. Canned goods and other non-perishable food items can be donated and brought to school and placed in the specially marked containers in the hallway. The Food Drive is sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg. GO IRISH!


Check out West Hanover PTA on the web!!! Go to under “organizations”

Sue Pazuchanics president 469-1832

Melissa Van Eck vice president 991-1221

Carrie Criley treasurer 540-5168

Amy Rabin secretary 919-3200

Help Wanted Ad:The PTA is looking for a few volunteers to review their monthly bank statements to ensure appropriate and timely deposits and disbursement of PTA funds. Time commitment is minimal and can be completed at home during a time that fits your schedule. If you are interested in helping or want more information, please contact Carrie Criley, PTA Treasurer .

EVERY CHILD, ONE VOICE, PTA Elections set for May 1, 2012

Want to help make every child’s potential a reality? Thinking about a leadership position in the PTA to help advocate for the education and well-being of every child here at West Hanover? Consider becoming a WH PTA officer. Positions open for election in the spring include secretary and president. If you are interested in one of these roles, please contact a member of the nominating committee for details. Colleen Keith 545-9831 , Laura Minnich 566-9723 , or Deanna Acri

PAC (Parent Advisory Committee): Want to get more involved in the school? In the District?

Pam Shafer is currently West Hanover’s PAC representative. The PAC representatives are parents from each school in the district who meet monthly with school board members and administrative personnel to discuss any issues parents may have regarding their schools and/or students. West Hanover Elementary needs a new representative for the 2012-13 school years. If you would be interested in finding out more about this role, please contact Pam at 541-5110 or or Sue Pazuchanics 469-1832


The Race for Education Committee is pleased to announce the winners of Lunch with Mr. C at JoJo’s Pizzeria:

Kindergarten: Carmella Miller (Mrs. Miller) with 65 names

1st Grade: John Ferster (Mrs. Parker) and Joshuaa Billett (Mrs. Walak) with 63 names

2nd Grade: Elizabeth Green (Mrs. Hauf), Aiden Criley (Mrs. Heter) and Madison Wenrich (Mrs. Heter) with 29 names

3rd Grade: Alexander Shaak (Miss Foley) and Megan Reicheldeffer (Mrs. Santomieri) with 30 names

4th Grade: Nathan Pazuchanics (Mrs. Manley) with 65 names

5th Grade: Alexis Knowles (Mr. Neff) with 71 names.

Mrs. Drayer had the most labels submitted for the teachers and will be joining in the special lunch.

The winners of the $50.00 Target Gift Cards were Olivea Anderson (Mrs. Crawford) and Michael McConnell (Mrs. Manley).Thank you to all who have helped make this event successful so far! Race Day is May 8th! See you then!


International Week is May 21-25 and we are learning about Mexico, specifically 3 ancient civilizations and their artifacts as well as some important cities and landmarks in Mexico. There will be a kickoff assembly on Monday, May 21 in the morning. Also, Monday is the Mexican food tasting day.On Thursday, we will have an afternoon assembly-a Mexican guitarist. On Friday, we will have an afternoon assembly-a Flamenco dancer. AM Kindergarten will be invited back for both of these assemblies. Please contact Maureen Marks, committee chair, with any questions.


During the months of March and April, West Hanover students were visited by committee members and experienced the world of art without leaving their classrooms! Students in grades k-3 worked with a portfolio of Still Life Art. The children learned background information, viewed posters of actual art work from six (6) famous artists, and even engaged in a hands-on activity that enabled them to create their own still life masterpiece.

Students in the 4th and 5th grades enjoyed working with the portfolio, Three Generations of Wyeth: N.C., Andrew, and Jamie. The children learned interesting background information on N.C. Wyeth, the family patriarch, that lived, worked and raised his family in Chadds Ford, PA as well as explored the celebrated art careers of his son Andrew, and Grandson, Jamie. To wrap- up this experience, students had the guided opportunity to try their hands at illustrating classroom activities and events. Thank you very much to committee members, Diane Smith, Joanne Decker and Julie Yutesler, this program wouldn’t be possible without your help and dedication! Lori Fahringer, Chair


West Hanover earned $4,969.16 and 228 bonus card designations toward our rewards potential. The program ended March 31st. Last year we had a total of $4,510.68 and 273 card designations.We exceeded last year’s earnings by $458.48. Way to Go Wildcats!!!


We will run another week from May 21 - May 27th. We will earn 5% of sales for our school for all purchases during this week. You must present the voucher at checkout. The voucher will be distributed at school closer to the date and also posted on our website.


The WH PTA will be holding the Spring BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE book fair Monday, April 30th through Thursday, May 3rd. What a great way to stock up on books for summer reading! Join us for Family Night on Monday, April 30th from 5:30-8:30 in the multipurpose room. There will be book and poster raffles, snacks, and of course, many books to choose from. We will also be open Monday 4/30 and Tuesday 5/1 from 8am-9am during Morning with Mom. Remember to include 6% PA Sales Tax when sending money in for classroom visits and as always, thank you in advance for supporting our One For Books Campaign to provide books to children in need!

ATTENTION: 5th graders

You will be receiving your invitation for the 5th grade graduation ceremony being held on Wednesday, May 30 at 7pm at Central Dauphin Middle School with a cookie reception to follow. Please RSVP by May 17.

Monday, June 4th, we will be taking our 5th graders to Ozzy's Family Fun Center immediately after school. Details to follow closer to the date.

PARTY PARENT REMINDER—theEnd of Year party will be held on WEDNESDAY, June 6th. Kindergarten AM parties will begin at 10:30 AM. Kindergarten PM and grades 1-4 parties will begin at 2:30 PM. Grade 5 parties will begin at 2:15pm. Enjoy your party!

U.S. Flags

If you have any U.S. Flags that are no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, please bring them in to Mrs. Dunkle. They will be disposed of following protocol by the Shellsville VFW Post 9639.

Happy May Birthday to our staff….

09Bernice Bossler

11Beth Woronko

20Jeanine Schaffner

27Marianne Bair

28Elizabeth Lapore

31Karen Crawford


ATTN: Intermediate Unit Executive Directors, School District Superintendants, School Principals, School Art Teachers, Transportation Directors

School districts across the State and throughout the country will be observing National School Bus Safety Week from October 22-26, 2012. With this in mind, we are pleased to invite and encourage your school district to participate in the National School Bus Safety Week Poster Contest.

This year's theme is: "Stand Back from the Yellow and Black"

The poster contest guidelines are as follows:

1. Poster size must be 11” X 17” or 12” X 18”. Construction paper may be used, but entries must be mounted on quality paper;

2. Lamination is not permitted and will disqualify the poster;

3. Poster designs may not incorporate any copyrighted characters, photographs, and magazine or newspaper illustrations;

4. Illustrations must be positive in approach, demonstrating only proper school bus safety behavior. It should be the exclusive work of the student entering the contest;

5. At least part of the yellow school bus must be included on the poster;

6. The slogan “Stand Back from the Yellow and Black” must be included on the poster. The illustration should harmonize with the theme and demonstrate safety;

7. Only freehand drawn letters may be used. Lettering should be clearly legible, even if used as part of the poster design;

8. Wood, plastic, glass or metal cannot be used. Collage materials cannot be used. Glued on pieces will disqualify the poster;

9. Posters must be postmarked by June 30, 2012. Poster should be sent to the attention of John Zimmerman, Special Driver Programs, P.O. Box 68684, Harrisburg, PA 17106-8684.

Divisions are as follows:

Division #1 / Grades K – 2
Division #2 / Grades 3 – 5
Division #3 / Grades 6 – 8
Division #4 / Special Education

From the entries, the Department will select a First, Second, and Third Place winning poster for each division. The winners will be notified in September. The children who submitted the winning posters will be invited to an awards ceremony in Harrisburg, tentatively scheduled to be at the Governor’s Residence, during National School Bus Safety Week in October.

The Department will enter the Four First Place winning posters from the state competition into the national competition. The National School Bus Safety Week Poster Contest Committee will judge the national winning posters in November. These winners receive savings bonds and the overall winner’s poster will be used in the 2013 National School Bus Safety Campaign.

Your support in this activity is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact PennDOT’s Special Driver Programs Unit at (717) 787-6453. For a complete copy of the booklet, go to .

Thank you for your continued commitment to safety.


SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2012

10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

Come out and have a great time with family & friends

at the Annual West Hanover Elementary May Fair.

Huey’s Concessions will be here with hot dogs, burgers, French fries, Funnel Cakes and more! For the ice cream lovers, Mr. Frosty will be here selling treats. The food vendors give a percentage of all food sales to the PTA. So come out and have lunch to support your PTA!

Of course there will be great family fun including:



Inflatable Obstacle Course

Dunk Tank

You will be receiving your raffle ticket pre-sale envelope soon. Look for great NEW prizes!!!

See you at the Mayfair!

Any questions, please contact Deanna Acri or Julie Yutesler