- List of participants is at Annexure – I.
- Hon’ble Minister, RD, TW , Forest etc. Department has presided over the meeting.
- Status reports annexed with Minutes of meeting held through video conferencing on 9-12-05 have been reviewed and DMs have been requested to furnish progress as per format every month along with monthly reportand returns.
- Drinking Water:
- Commissioner and Secretary, RD has advised the DMs to convene a district level meeting immediately to tackle the out-break of waterborne diseases like gastroenteritis and malaria, Scarcity of drinking Water, foodgrains etc. and BDOs should convene a meeting of the Panchayat Secretaries by 31st December, 2005
a)to identify areas prone to gastroenteritis ;
b)serviceability of drinking water sources.
c)to ascertain availability of
(i)Work - Rice
(ii) Drinking water
(iii) Medicine etc.
and remedial measures should immediately be taken by the BDOs and they should furnish situation report on daily basis to the DMs.
- BDOs should be on tour to get information on situation like health hazard , scarcity of drinking water, availability of works, foodgrains, medicine etc.
- DMs should personally monitor the tour of BDOs.
- Nail cutters, hand washing soaps, Chlorine tablets/ liquid should be made available to the families living in interior areas.
- Unserviceable drinking water sources should be made serviceable. Responsibility should be given to the JEs.
- Priority should be attached to tackle the problems in disease prone habitations / areas.
- DMs should furnish information on SGRY fund, how the same was utilized during 2004-2005 and upto November,2005 (sectoral distribution) by 10th January, 2006.
- DMs should also furnish information on utilization of 20% district in ADC / PRI area.
- IAY:
Tentative IAY target circulated earlier shall remain unchanged subject to the release of 2nd instalment of Central/State share as per revised allocation.
Hon’ble Minister , RD, TW & Forest Department has mentioned that irrigation sources created under IBP scheme are not giving desired results. Hon’ble Minister has desired for repair of the schemes and advise the DM(S), DM (W) and DM(N) to prepare source wise estimate and send report by 15.1.2006.
- TSC:
Hon’ble Minister has reviewed progress of TSC . It is decided as follows:-
a)DM (W) , DM(N), DM (S) will complete coverage by 31st March, 2006.
b)DM (D) will complete coverage by 31st December, 2006.
Hon’ble Minister has advised DM (D) to finalize strategy and send report by 10th January ,2006. Hon’ble Minister has also advised the DM(D) for taking steps to achieve target through action plan.
Hon,ble Minister has mentioned that due to unavoidable circumstances, Saras mela may be deferred . Hon,ble Minister has advised the DMs to organize district level Saras fair by February, 2006 . DMs have intimated that District Level Saras fair would be organized as per following schedule :-
DM(W) date not finalized , but would be organized within February,2006.
DM(D) 4 – 6th February, 2006
DM(N) 27 – 29th January,2006
DM(S) 18 – 20th January, 2006.
EE,PHE (Monitoring Cell) has mentioned that the number of NC/PC/FC habitations has been changed after resurvey conducted and this has been resulted due to quality of water.
It is also mentioned by him that habitations even having drinking water sources may be considered as NC due to quality of water. It is decided that habitation having quality problem should be coded ‘Q’, and habitation having quality problem should be coded ‘Q2’.
Water area in Forest area , Director , Fishery has mentioned to have included in the list of water area prepared by the Fishery Department. It is decided that responsibility of water area in forest area should be handed over to the JFM. If in any area JFM does not exist, JFM should be formed and responsibility of water area should be handed over to the newly formed JFM.
DM (D) has mentioned that during inspection it is noticed that cement is not settled even after a day or two of the cement work and has expressed doubt about quality of cement. SE, RDC has clarified that in hilly area, due to shortage of water they use slack cement which does not require much water but requires time for setting. SE, RDC has also clarified that slack cement is not inferior in way than that of other cements and slack cement, once settled is very good. Hon,ble Minister (RD) advised the SE, RDC to procure cement based on suitability of area.
Meeting has ended with thanks to all the participant.
Under SecretaryRD)
Government of Tripura.
SI. NO. /Name of the Participants with Designation
1 / Shri Jitendra Choudhury , Hon’ble Minister , RD, TW, Forest etc. Department2 / Dr. G.S.G. Ayyangar, Commissioner & Secretary, RD
3 / Shri D. Datta , D.M. (North)
4 / Shri Y. Kumar , D.M. (Dhalai)
5 / Shri J.K. Singha, DM (W)
6 / Shri R.C. Choudhury, Director , Panchayat
7 / Shri K.M. Das, Director (Projects)
8 / Shri D.C. Debbarma , ADM (South)
9 / Shri R.K. Datta, Director, Fishery
10 / Shri N. Das, Addl. Director, Panchayat
11 / Shri T.K. Chakma, PD, DRDA (W)
12 / Shri L.N. Rokhum PD, DRDA (N)
13 / Shri S. Bandhupadhay PD, DRDA (D)
14 / Shri Sahadeb Das, SE, RDC
15 / Shri Abhishek Chanda , Dy. Secretary, RD
16 / Shri S.C. Saha, Under Secretary , RD
17 / Dr. Abdul Hugue DDA (HQ)
18 / Shri R. Debbarma, EE, RDD(N),
19 / Shri K.A. Roy , EE, PHE
20 / Shri D.K. Das, EE, PHE
21 / Shri Amitava Gupta, Member Secretary DWSC (West)
22 / Shri S.S. Debnath, EE , RD , Planning
23 / Shri Swapan Kumar Das, EE, RD, Store Division
24 / Shri M.K. Gop EE, RD, Dhalai
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