Grade Contract for WWII
Chapters 34-37
Keep this handout as a record of your completed items
To receive an A (93%) a student must complete 7 items; for a B (85%), he or she will choose 6 items; for a C (75%), the student will choose 5. Extra points may be gained if extra details or elaboration are added or completion of an 8th project. The teacher reserves the right to reject any work that is illegible or incorrect (or is plain garbage). In addition, if items are late or not up to the teachers’ standard, points may be deducted. 10% deduction per school day for late assignments (That’s two percentage points per project per day). Daily work progress must be made. Points will be deducted if it is not.
Assignments in BOLD* are required. If you do not complete these projects you will lose one letter grade per assignment!!
_____Write a 1 page letter to President Franklin Roosevelt about your concern over the United States
policy regarding Jewish Refugees. The letter should state your position/request and include at
least 5 specific pieces of supporting facts. (pgs. 460-461)
_____ Create a crossword puzzle incorporating the key vocabulary for this unit.
_____Create a Acrostic poem OR a Caricature that illustrates the opportunities and hardships WWII
created for different groups of Americans. (See Notebook Guide A.)
_____ Create a dialogue that might have occurred between 3 of the following; Adolf Hitler, Joseph
Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo. Include in your discussion; (1)their ideas on how to
best gain political power (2) what actions each plan to take to expand their power (3) if they fear
the United States intervening in their plans. (Notebook Handout B and pgs 435-441)
_____Build a 3-D layout of a famous concentration camp, battle, or other aspect of WWII. See me for
approval and it must be labeled or have a detailed key attached to it. I will expect specific details.
_____ Make a visual collage of the different types of propaganda used during WWII. Propaganda can be
seen in posters, song lyrics, movies, advertisements and speeches. AWWII Propaganda Analysis
Worksheet also must be completed. (Research for this must be done outside of class but can use
class time to put collage together.)
_____ Write a song/poem/rap about the “home front” in America during WWII. A recording, video,
or live performance must be made. (See Notebook Guide A.)
_____Record on a CD or MP3 filefive WWII songs by their original artist(s). List song name, singer,
date and a summary of what the song is about. Give a 2-3 minute presentation on your
_____Visit a cemetery and make a shadow stencil of the grave of a WWII veteran. Also, visit the
Massillon Historical Society, MAPS museum (Akron Canton airport) or Ohio Military Museum in
Massillon. Document your visit there of specific WWII exhibits and displays. (Call ahead for
admission and dates)
Bodily (continued):
_____Research rationing during WWII. Document with pictures you making (and eating) a famous
WWII recipe that was created due to rationing. Write an explanation of why this recipe was used
during WWII. (Turn in recipe, explanation, and photos.)
_____*Create a pictorial timeline book that illustrates how America went from an Isolationist after WWI
into an Internationalist by the onset of WWII. (1)place each event in chronological order (2)
draw a picture the event (3) write a 25-word description of the event (4) Finally, label at the top of
each page whether this event is moving the U.S. towardisolationism or internationalism.
Events: Cash and Carry Act (pg. 446), Nye Committee (notes), Neutrality Acts (pg.446), U.S.
Senate rejection of the League of Nations (pg.320) , FDR Address to Congress Dec. 8th (pg.446),
Lend-Lease Act (pg. 446) Kellogg-Briand Pact (pg.346)
____ Demonstrate America’s shift from Isolationism to Internationalism by linking the major events
together: Cash and Carry Act (pg. 446), Nye Committee (notes), Neutrality Acts (pg 446), U.S.
Senate rejection of the League of Nations (pg 320) , FDR Address to Congress Dec. 8th (pgs 446),
Lend-Lease Act (pg. 446) Kellogg-Briand Pact (pg.346) (Notebook Guide C)
_____Take on the role of U.S. military analysts to provide recommendations on TWO key military
decisions. Gather background information by reading content, examining maps, and evaluating
proposed military strategies. Create a code similar to the ones the Najajo Code Talkers used and
write your proposed recommendation for 2 of the World War II Military Actions and Strategies.
(Notebook Guide D pg. 465-477)
_____Interview a person who fought or was stationed overseas during WWII about their military
experiences. Conduct a pre-interview session to find out where and when they were stationed.
Conduct research and generate a list of questions to ask. (MUST show me a set of questions
before interview is conducted.)
_____ Analyze primary and secondary sources to determine how we should remember the dropping of
the Atomic Bomb; Hiroshima as Victimization or Hiroshima as Triumph. You will then choose
an image that will go on a United Nationswebsite commemorating the dropping of the atomic
_____ *Read the poem That Damned Fence and pages 454-455. Create TWO separate Sensory Figures.
Once should be of President Roosevelt and his feelings about the Japanese Americans living on
the West Coast and his decision to place them in internment camps. The second should be
depicting the experience of Japanese Americans living in the United States during WWII.
Specific reference from the both readings must be depicted in each Sensory Figure.
Daily Work Ethic
______Warning!______-3%______-6%______- 10%