Student Resources

“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.”
Will Rogers

Introduction to Information Technology

2012 / 2013

Here students will find class information such as quizzes, tests, vocabulary, links, etc. posted to help them achieve excellence throughout the school year. Here are tools. Use


Miami Beach Senior High School

PowerPoint Project

Students will choose any city outside the state of Florida. Students will develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to the class. The objective of the PowerPoint presentation is to entice people to visit their city.

Project Requirements: Students will show mastery of PowerPoint as they show the following:

  • Minimum of 10 slides. No maximum number of slides!
  • Students must show Title Slide and at least two other slide layouts.
  • Students must show text and pictures animations. Students must show at least one example of Entrance, Exit, Emphasis, and Motion Path.
  • Students must show pictures, tables, charts, maps, and any other type of graphics to increase the understanding of their City presentation.
  • Student must show an example of hyperlink, video, and music or sound. This is a multimedia presentation.
  • Students will present their work in a professional manner. Do not read from the slides!
  • Students will have a reference slide to list the places they got the information and graphics.
  • Print a copy of the handout of your presentation, using 6 slides per page.

Information Requirements:

The following information should be in your presentation:

  • Name of City, State and Country

o  Location, Map, Flag, Neighboring countries or states.

o  Population, Geography information (such as rivers, mountains, oceans, deserts, etc.)

o  Climate: This is a good place to have a table with the monthly temperature averages.

  • History of the city.

o  How did the city develop? By whom. Dates and names are needed.

o  Famous people born, lived or died in the city.

  • Points of Interest: What places for people to see and do?

o  Natural or Man Made.

o  Type of transportation travelers have available, for example, cable cars, subway system, highway, etc.

  • Commerce: Types of businesses, exports, services that make that city thrive.

o  Type of money and economics is used if it is outside the United States.

o  Cost of living. Price for home, or other common purchases.

  • Customs and Culture

o  Type of religion, ethnic background of the population. Language(s) spoken.

o  Special Holiday dates.

o  Sporting Events and stadiums.

o  Favorite activities the people like to do.

  • Future predictions for the city.

Remember focus the presentation on the traveler, what type of hotels, restaurants and other interests of a traveler. What will (entice) people to want to visit your city?

SAMPLE Merge Business Letter

November 19, 2012

Fields for address merge go here, Name, Address, City, State, Zip

Dear Fields for merge go here, Title, First Name, Last Name:

As a valued customer to our store, we want to let you know next week we are having a storewide sale. The actual sale starts Monday, October 29th, however for our valued customers the sales starts a day early Sunday, October 28th.

There are many great sales throughout the store. Here are just some of the sales you will see next week:

Item / Sale Price
Artist Paint Brushes, all sizes
Canvases, all sizes
ABC Brand Acrylic Paint 4 oz. tube, regular $5.99 / $2.99
ABC Brand Sketch Paper, 100 page tablet regularly $8.99 / $4.99
Artist Easel, regularly 49.99, Special Purchase! Limit two per customer. / $14.99

Don’t forget the sale starts for valued customers Sunday, October 28th. Special Sunday Store hours 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM


Your Name, Manager

How to use Certiprep.

Students will now be able to practice their Microsoft Word Skills to prepare for the Industry Certification Tests in Microsoft MOS Certiport.

To check your initial skills we want to do a practice test. This will help us see where we need help.

To start we must open an account with Certiport/Certiprep, This is the same username and password for both, please make sure you put your username and password in your notebook.

To get started, find an icon on your desktop that looks like the icon on the right.

Double click icon, then a dialog box like below will come up.

Once the dialog box is up please double click Certiprep 2010 (as circled)

When you do this another dialog box will open like below.

If you are a new user and do not have an account, you need to select “Register User” as circled.

You will be directed to the Certiport Website. Students need to complete the information needed for the Certiprep and Certiport testing. Follow and complete all information.

When setting up your username and password, please use your first name intial and last name with your last 4 numbers of your telephone number and your password use your student ID. This way if you for get it will be easy to get it back.

Once complete Certiport will ask for license #, at that time the teacher will put in the lisence code. Then you are on way. Remember to write your username and password in your notebook, phone, any where that you will not loose it.


·  This will be filed in your student work folder, but put the info in your notebook.



Conduct research on a career of your choice and, to analyze and organize the information for practical use in that specific career. You must include information about salaries, years of school (education) and or degrees or certifications necessary, and job opportunities with advancement possibilities.


  • Utilize a variety of research tools in the career exploration process.
  • Communicate research in a clear and concise manner both orally and in writing.
  • Demonstrate skills needed to function in a business setting.
  • Proper use of Microsoft Word and the use of References tab.

o  Citations, Footnotes, End Notes, and Bibliographies.

  • Develop an awareness of how the workplace continues to change.


  • A career research project is a detailed report of an occupation. The Statement & Purpose must be included in the introductory paragraph of the paper.
  • The paper must be keyed (with typewriter or computer) on plain 8 ½" x 11" paper in accordance with acceptable MLA manuscript format.
  • Art, pictures, and photographs are acceptable as illustrations but should be used as supplementary materials.
  • The research paper must be the original work of the student and must be submitted to No Plagiarism (Cut & Paste) Will Be Allowed. Research must be documented.
  • The paper shall be a minimum of six (6) pages, not exceed ten (10) pages, including the title page. Text pages (manuscript, illustrations, pictures, etc.) must be numbered in Arabic numerals with the first page of the manuscript identified as Arabic "1." The title page, acknowledgments page, and the table of contents, may use lower case Roman numerals or may remain unnumbered.

REQUIREMENTS/GRADES A Day Odd Classes B Day Even Classes

  • Note cards Due date Friday, October 12 Monday, October 15
  • Outline Due date Tuesday, October 16 Wednesday, October 17
  • Rough Draft Due date Wednesday, October 24 Thursday, October 25
  • Final Draft Due date Monday, October 29 Tuesday, October 30


The Career Research Project Rubric Project Points (100 Total)

A+ (100) / ~ Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are perfect or nearly flawless. There are very errors, and errors made are inconsequential.
~ It is clear that the writer put forth a high level of effort, used several sources, and critically thought about each source.
~ The writer demonstrates an excellent understanding of proper MLA format and bibliography formation.
~ the writing flows well, writer truly has audience in mind. The style is easy to read and consistent.
Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are nearly flawless or perfect. ~All technical directions are followed perfectly. / OVERALL STRUCTURE AND FLOW 25 Points___
Appropriate voice/”audience”
Essay stays on-topic
Essay is organized and easy-to read
Research is overall SUFFICIENT
(99-90) / ~ Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are nearly flawless; few errors are made in total.
~ The writer put forth effort and used several research sources that were appropriate.
~The writer demonstrates a good understanding of MLA format and Works Cited (bibliographic formation)
~The writing flows well and the paper is easy to read. The writer took the appropriate audience into account.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are generally good with some errors. ~All technical directions are followed nearly perfectly. / TITLE AND COVER PAGE
5 Points (pts) ____
Title is appropriate
Cover page is completed according to requirements
10 Pts _____
Grammar and sentence structure is correct
Capitalization/Spelling/Punctuation is correct clear. Student Proofread work.
(89-80) / ~There may be some errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but they do not detract from paper generally.
~ The writer did ample research and used the required amount of resources, but the effort was not outstanding.
~ The writing generally understands MLA format and the proper bibliographic format, but did not display a particularly high level of understanding of format.
~ The writing flows with few errors. The writer may not have considered the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure have very few errors.
~All technical directions are followed consistently. / INTRODUCTION
10 Pts _____
Introduction is a roadmap for essay
Thesis is within Introduction
Introduction is a good overview of subject matter
(79-70) / ~There are errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that may detract from the paper.
~ The writer put forth a barely ample effort in research and gathering resources.
~ the writer barely grasps the MLA format and proper bibliographic formation.
~ The writing flows but has marked errors. The writer may not have considered the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are average and contain errors. ~Technical directions are followed for the most part. / BODY 20 Pts ____
The body is well- researched
The body is well- organized
The writer separates subtopics and different subject matter
Transitions are seamless
(69- 60) / ~There are significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that detract from the overall paper.
~The writer put forth almost no effort in doing the proper research and consulting the appropriate resources.
The writer clearly has no understanding of the MLA format and “Works Cited”.
~The writing flows but has marked errors. The writer did not consider the appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are below average and there are many errors. ~Technical directions are generally not followed. / CONCLUSION 10 Pts ____
The conclusion “wraps the essay up” effectively
Is well organized
Thesis is restated within conclusion
WORKS CITED 10 pts _____
Proper MLA format used
Used ample sources (4 to 6)
Sources are arranged in alphabetical order
(59-below) / ~There are very significant errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling that detract from the paper.
~The writer put forth virtually no effort in doing the proper research
~The writer clearly has no understanding of the MLA format and “Works Cited”.
~The writing does not flow at all, no style is evident, and there is no evidence that the writer considered an appropriate audience.
~Syntax, paragraph structure, and essay structure are non-existent.
~Technical directions are generally not followed. / Technical Elements 10 Pts ____
Correct page ( ) requirement is satisfied
Project is typed, in black, times Roman, 12 point font
Margins are standard (1”)

MLA – Modern Language Association of America

Thesis Sentence- describing your topic

·  Have your job/career

·  Have a general description of your career

·  Have an interesting aspect of your career


Wear suit, work a lot, lots of school, Bar exam, pro bono work (free), jail, court, paperwork, money.

The practice of law is a rewarding yet challenging career, that requires an extensive knowledge of the judicial system, and many hours of preparation.

Outline Template for Career Research Paper

Title of Paper: ______

Your Name: ______

I. Introduction

A. Background ______

B. Thesis Statement ______

II. Subtopic ______SALARY______

A. First Point ______

1. Supporting Evidence ______

2. Supporting Evidence ______

B. Second Point ______

1. Supporting Evidence ______

2. Supporting Evidence ______

III. Subtopic ______EDUCATION______

A. First Point ______

1. Supporting Evidence ______

2. Supporting Evidence ______

B. Second Point ______

1. Supporting Evidence ______

2. Supporting Evidence ______

IV. Conclusion

A. Recap important topic points ______

B. Restate your thesis in other words ______

Sample Outline

Title "The Benefits of Running"

By: Your Name

I. Introduction

A.  Running is becoming an extremely popular sport for all ages.

B.  Running is a great form of exercise because it helps people control their weight, develop muscles, and improves mental and physical performance.

II.  Subtopic 1 Weight control

A.  Aids self-control

B.  Burns calories

C.  Encourages a healthy diet

D.  Suppresses appetite

III.  Subtopic 2 Muscular Development

A.  Improves tone

B.  Enhances contours

C.  Increases strength

D.  Improves endurance

IV. Subtopic 3 Psychological well-being

A.  Aids sleep

B.  Inhibits depression

C.  Intensifies vitality

V.  Conclusion

A.  Benefits of running make it an excellent exercise.

B.  People who want to improve their health should consider running


Final Rough Draft Instructions

1.  The final draft must be uploaded to

2.  It should be 5 pages long as such:

·  It should include a title page

·  It should include 3 topic pages- these do not have to be complete (Salary, Education, & Job Opportunities)

·  It should include a Sources page

The following is the example that we did on the Smartboard in class:

The Perfect Smile