Multimedia Flowchart
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 1 / of / 20Date:7/26/13
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:Title screen layout containing the name of the project and copyright information.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 50pt blue. For text accompanying button: Arial 24pt blue. For copyright info: Arial 14pt black.
Still Images: / Diagonal gradient background from white to green.
Moving Images
Animation: / Penny rolls across screen and stops above other coins. Mouse over coin collection button will animate it.
Video: / None
Speech: / None
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Sound of rolling penny. Sound when mouse over button in addition to the animation.
Interactivity: / Click button made up of coins to continue to main screen.
From Screens:
To Screens: / Main screen
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 2 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:Introduction page layout which provides main navigation as well as an explanation of the instructional material’s objective. Objective info text is on the left and a videocan be played on the right to explain things. Home graphic next to title to help aid in navigation option from other pages.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title text: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation: Arial 24pt blue. For objective info text: Arial rounded MT bold 24pt blue.
Still Images: / Diagonal gradient background from white to green.
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over on navigation options will animate them.
Video: / Cut from someone counting change to someone paying for something in the store.
Speech: / Only within the video.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Each navigation button will have a sound along with the animation.
Interactivity: / Click on video to play. Click on navigation buttons to access each section.
From Screens: / Title screen
To Screens: / Group coins, Nickels, Add up nickels, Add up pennies, Add up nickels and pennies, Go shopping
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 3,4,5,6,7,8 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for each set of steps in adding up coins/menu options from the main intro screen. Text explanation of each step and animation of each step will differ depending on the step.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation: Arial 24pt blue. For objective info text: Arial rounded MT bold 24pt blue. For example and play buttons Arial rounded MT bold 36pt white.
Still Images: / Diagonal gradient background from white to green.
Moving Images
Animation: / Demonstrate action for grouping coins. Mouse over buttons will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / Explanation of action for grouping coins that goes with animation. Are there nickels? Are there pennies?
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Mouse over buttons will play sound.
Interactivity: / Replay of animation for grouping coins (or other activity). Select to watch examples or play.
From Screens: / Main screen (Introduction)
To Screens: / Objective examples, objective play, Main screen, Group coins, Nickels, Add up nickels, Add up pennies, Add up nickels and pennies, Go shopping
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 9 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Group Coins examples screen. Each example animates the actions the learner needs to perform with the mouse.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and yes/no: Arial 24pt blue. For example buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of object worth a coin, coin below object
Moving Images
Animation: / Movement of coins in large rectangle to square and circle when example selected. Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate object.
Video: / None
Speech: / Group the coins. Are there nickels/pennies? Do you have the coin to get the object? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Coin drop each time coin moved to square or circle. Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to start each example
From Screens: / Group Coins
To Screens: / Group Coins, Group coins play, Main screen (intro)
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 10 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Group Coins Play screen where the learner moves coins into piles to sort them.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and yes/no: Arial 24pt blue. For play buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of object worth a coin, coin below object
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate object.
Video: / None
Speech: / Group the coins. Are there nickels/pennies? Do you have the coin to get the object? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Coin drop each time coin moved to square or circle. Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Play buttons. Drag and drop coins from left rectangle to square and circle in center. Click yes/no smiley face buttons to answer question and get feedback.
From Screens: / Group coins, Group coins demo
To Screens: / Group coins demo, Main screen (intro), Nickels
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 11 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Nickels example screen which shows examples of coins and if they are worth 5 cents.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation and coin value text: Arial 24pt blue. For example buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of coin object.
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / This is a nickel/penny and it is/is not worth 5 cents.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Mouse over each buton and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to start each example
From Screens: / Nickels
To Screens: / Nickels, Main screen (intro), Nickels play
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 12 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout of the Nickels play screen where the learner will answer questions.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and yes/no: Arial 24pt blue. For play buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of coin object.
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / Is this coin worth 5 cents?
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to access each play exercise. Click yes/no button to get feedback.
From Screens: / Nickels examples
To Screens: / Nickels examples, Main screen (intro), Add up nickels (next step)
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 13,15 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Add Up Nickels and Add Up Pennies example screens. The next step arrow would be labeled differently on each screen. The can you get COIN question would be labeled differently.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and yes/no: Arial 24pt blue. For example buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of object worth some cents
Moving Images
Animation: / Movement of coins in large rectangle to square and circle when example selected. Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / Group the coins. Do you have the coin to get the object? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Coin drop each time coin moved to square or circle. Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to start each example
From Screens: / Current step (Add up nickels)
To Screens: / Current step (Add up nickels), Main screen (intro),Current step (Add up nickels) play
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 14,16 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Add Up Nickels/Add Up Pennies play screens. The next step labeled differently on each screen. Can you get COIN question labeled differently.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and yes/no: Arial 24pt blue. For play buttons Arial 24pt white.
Still Images: / Graphic of object worth some cents
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / Group the coins. Do you have enough COIN to get the object? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Coin drop each time coin moved to square or circle. Mouse over each button and navigtion will make sound.
Interactivity: / Play selection. Drag and drop coins from left rectangle to square and circle in center. Click yes/no smiley face button to answer and get feedback.
From Screens: / Current step (Add nickels) examples
To Screens: / Current step (Add nickels) examples, Main screen (intro), Next step screen
Project:Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 17 / of / 20
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Add up nickels and pennies example screen where learners observe grouped coins and identify the number of items they can get for their change.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and running total: Arial 24pt blue. For example and buy buttons Arial 24pt white. For cents below each object: Arial 18pt blue.
Still Images: / Graphic object to get duplicated multiple times. Coins already grouped.
Moving Images
Animation: / Selection of one or more objects and click of Buy button. Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them.
Video: / None
Speech: / How much change do you have? What can you buy with it? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to start each example
From Screens: / Add up nickels and pennies
To Screens: / Add up nickels and pennies, Main screen (intro), Add up nickels and pennies examples
Project: Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 18 / of / 20
Date: 7/26/13
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Add up nickels and pennies play screen where learners identify the number of items they can get for their change.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question, and running total: Arial 24pt blue. For play and buy buttons Arial 24pt white. For cents below each object: Arial 18pt blue.
Still Images: / Graphic object to get duplicated multiple times. Coins already grouped.
Moving Images
Animation: / Mouse over buttons and navigation will animate them. Running total change on object click.
Video: / None
Speech: / How much change do you have? What can you buy with it? That’s correct/incorrect.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Coin drop each time coin moved to square or circle. Mouse over each button and navigation will make sound.
Interactivity: / Buttons to access each play session. Select each object to get. Click Buy to answer and get feedback.
From Screens: / Add up nickels and pennies examples
To Screens: / Add up nickels and pennies examples, Main screen (intro), Go shopping
Project: Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 19 / of / 20
Date: 7/26/13
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for demoing the Go Shopping activity to practicetheir new skills.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question: Arial 24pt blue. For example and buy buttons Arial 24pt white. For cents below each object: Arial 18pt blue.
Still Images: / Graphic for 3 objects to buy. Coins already grouped.
Moving Images
Animation: / Cash register and cashier when reacting to object bought.
Video: / None
Speech: / With animation of cashier; That’s correct/incorrect. You can/cannot get that object for N cents.
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Cha-ching when buy button clicked. Mouse over buttons and navigation make sound.
Interactivity: / Click each example button to have activity explained and graphics highlighted.
From Screens: / Go shopping
To Screens: / Go shopping, Main screen (intro), Go shopping play
Project: Adding Up Nickels and Pennies / Screen: / 20 / of / 20
Date: 7/26/13
Multimedia Storyboard
Screen Description:The layout for the Go Shopping activity to play their new skills.Screen Layout:
Text Attributes: / For title: Arial rounded MT bold 36pt blue. For text associated with navigation, question: Arial 24pt blue. For play and buy buttons Arial 24pt white. For cents below each object: Arial 18pt blue.
Still Images: / Graphic for 3 objects to buy. Coins already grouped.
Moving Images
Animation: / Cash register and cashier when reacting to object bought.
Video: / None
Speech: / With animation of cashier; That’s correct/incorrect. You can/cannot get that object for N cents
Music: / None
Sound Effects: / Cha-ching when buy button clicked. Mouse over buttons and navigation make sound.
Interactivity: / Click to select practice. Select object to buy. Click Buy to get feedback.
From Screens: / Go shopping examples
To Screens: / Go shopping examples, Main screen (intro)