You are about to become wealthy. Your world is about to change and with it other changes will need to be welcomed by you.

Ask yourself this if you can’t handle minor paperwork like this how will you handle millions of dollars on an international level? You CAN DO THIS!

Learning to be rich starts today! Get a second set of SECURE eyes to look at this BEFORE you call for help.

If you have questions call one of the following. Have your questions ready. Don’t expect them to stay on the line while you fill out your paperwork. Keep your conversations as brief as possible. Give time for others calling.


972-369-9930 cell

L.J. (Evening Only & familiar w corp soles)

504-410-1317 home


214-392-2244 cell


757-478-7229 cell


469-816-4445 SOP Church number


269-405-6339 cell

You must not tell others about this, for any reason

This paperwork is only offered in English. We do not supply a Translator. Use only a trusted person for any translation.

You MUST have a working email with the Word processor program and printer or access to one or someone who will agree to help you and give you access to one.

If you want your mate to listen to the secure wealth-training meetings they will also have to submit approved NDNDA, KYC and a joint CURRENCY STATEMENT.

You should have 4 files:


CURRENCY STATEMENT (1 page) Do not print send as a Word file.

NCNDA.docx (5 pages)

KYC.docx (3 pages)


(This page) Contains the instructions for the other two files NCNDA.docx KYC.docx and CURRENCY STATEMENT.docx


This may be the most important documents you will ever touch in your life treat them with great care!!!

Both NCNDA.docx and KYC.docx must be pre-approved before notarizing and scan/emailing back to us. Faxes will not be accepted.

The CURRENCY STATEMENT does NOT need to be signed or notarized but it DOES need to be approved by us. Obviously both you and SOPC must agree on the amount of currency you will be exchanging.

NCNDA.docx and KYC.docx files

1. NCNDA–The Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure Agreement says you cannot tell anyone about filling out these forms or about what you will receive. If you do then the authorities can take your money because you broke the Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure Agreement. (As per item #8 in the NCNDA)

2. KYC Form–This is Information to identify you not for transfer of funds.Many of you MAY choose to have accounts in Hong Kong and one or two small accounts in the U.S. You will receive further information about your banking in the secured conference calls which will come later. Use physical address not a PO Box.

3. CURRENCY STATEMENT: This is the amount of currency you will be exchanging through the Hong Kong/China exchange. Fill it out, triple check the amounts as it MUST be correct and include it with the other two files you will be emailing.


1. Fill in only the currency you have input in all Hong Kong/China inputs. Triple check for accuracy. Email it with the other files in your email.

STEP 2:NCNDA & KYC in WORD FILE in .docx

2. Fill in two files totaling 9pages. (NCNDA.docx and KYC.docx) in Word while it is open on your computer screen and then email the completed Word file back to me for pre-approvalbefore getting it notarized. SEND IN A WORD FILE which will end in either .doc or .docxto the secure email of:

DO NOT SEND IN .PDF. You will not need a signature for this step. This is pre-approval before notarizing.HAND WRITTEN DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED


There are two approvals necessary for your three files.SEND ALL THREE FILES IN ONE EMAIL to: .

FORWARDING APPROVED or “FA”: Means your files meet our local approval need no more changes and we are forwarding them via secure email for the Hong Kong team approval. Once they return with Dallas Bob approval we will forward them to you with NOTARY APPROVED in the email signaling you to notarize and scan/email back for final input.

NOTARY APPROVED or “NA”: Means you are approved by the Hong Kong team and ready to notarize your NCNDA and KYC docs and scan/email back to me0.

SUBMITTED or “Sub”: means your notarized documents have been forwarded to the Hong Kong team you are now approved to participate in the evening wealth training classes to be announced.


In an effort to speed your approval time here are the codes for document changes needed.

C cCurrency Statement: Changes needed are noted here, if no changes you will see a “c” for correct.

N cNCNDA: Changes needed are noted here, if no changes you will see a “c” for correct.

K KYC: “Add N/A” For example: If you forgot to fill every line with “N/A” it will be noted here.

This is what you want to see:

C c

N c

K c


This means no changes are needed files have been forwarded for HK approval.

3. NAMING the files is very important. It helps me reduce mistakes and you want no mistakes. Email 2 files back in an email attachment to he names of the files should be in CAPS and have your name LAST FIRST NCNDA.docx and LAST FIRST KYC.docx the sample should look like this.


4. All blank lines must be filledin. If it is not applicable put an N/A.


You need to start gathering this information immediately.


5. Once you are pre-approved for notary then print TWO 8 page COPIES (16 pgs total) to a Notary along with your color copy of your passport or driver license and Articles of Incorporation if applicable as described below. (Currency Statement does not have to be signed) You must sign these documents in front of a Notary and have a Notary Sign each Document. The Notary will Sign two copies of each document. It is not the business of the notary to read nor approve the document and in this case it is better if they do NOT read it, but do not make problems if they want to. If they object to notarizing it find another notary!

In addition to your Passport you will also need an updated passport-type photo no older than 6 months as many people’s appearance has changed on older DL or Passports. You do NOT need a new Passport if you still have 6 months until expiration.


Personal Documentation Required

1.Notarized KYC

2.Notarized Photo ID (passport or driver license) – must be color copy. If not available than 2 notarized government issued documents with photo.SEE BLANK DL/PASSPORT NOTARY SHEET AT BOTTOM AS TWO GOVERNMENT PICTURE ID’S WILL BE REQUIRED WITH YOUR final .pdf copies.If you do not have 2 govt picture ID’s you can take a recent passport photo and type in an affidavit that this is you and have it notarized as a second ID.

ADDITIONAL documentation for a company

1.Notarized KYC with notarized color photo ID for any and all directors/shareholders with 5% or greater ownership.

2.Article of Incorporation.

3.Certificate of Incorporation.

4.Certificate of Good Standing. From the Secretary of State of Company registration

5.Board Resolution.


6. Scan the signed documents back into your computer or take them to a UPS or FedEx store and they will scan/email them to us. Please make sure they name the files correct and include your name in the email to Faxes will not be accepted.

Scan/emailed names should look like this: DOE JOHN NCNDA NOTARY.pdf DOE JOHN KYC NOTARY.pdf

STEP 4: FedEx or UPS hard copy

6. You will keep one copy in a safe place and mail one to me by UPS or FedEx to:


1717 ANGEL PKWY #136

ALLEN, TX 75002

DO’s and DO NOT’S:

This paperwork represents millions of dollars and if you do not follow these instructions it will delay your funds.

Do NOT:Take a picture of the docs with your phone and send it. Not approved. No pictures please.

NO hand written docs accepted.

Do NOT: Scan it OR print it with a dilapidated third-world scanner/printer you found in a junk pile and send an unreadable copy. It must be white background with black letters. No lines or gray-scatter in the background. Not gray or green or blue! Yes, I got some of those.

If UPS or FedEx sends the scan please ask them to get the name of the file right and include your name in the email so we know who it is from.

Make sure it is not sideways or upside down.

Do NOT CHANGE a word of the agreement. Not one. Either you agree and are in or we will have to return your assets.

Do NOT change font or size or page margins or layout. Don’t change the number of pages. If the file has 5 pages return it with 5 pages not 6 or 7. Please

LAST NAME FIRST NAME means put your last name first then your first name last in the file like:


DOE JOHN KYC.docx is not correct. Replace “DOE” with your last name, and “JOHN” with your first name.

If your Word file extension ends in .doc that is fine, send it like that.

NO COMMAS please.

No “witness” signatures to replace a notary. These papers represent large funds and the bankers won’t let us take short cuts. It must be notarized.

We are NOT dealing with currency prices only this paperwork for now.

Please do not include or discuss bonds paperwork at this time. This is only currency turned in to Hong Kong/China.

Please do NOT include or mention any Reno Dinars.

Do NOT add extra words to the file name or dates. Please follow instructions exactly.

Do NOT add your MIDDLE NAME. Even if that is what you go by. We want it like it is on your Passport or DL please. No nicknames. If your name is ROBERT don’t put “Bob.”


FIRST include your currency statement in a .docx file.

SECOND file Word file only get it approved before notarizing .docx is not signed. (No .pdf)

THIRD scan/email your 2 “Approved” files back in a .pdf andONLY a .pdf

You keep one copy


  1. Send in DOE JOHN CURRENCY.docx file for approval with NCNDA AND KYC all three together.
  2. Email DOE JOHN NCNDA.docx and DOE JOHN KYC.docx(Replacing with your names) files to
  4. Wait for pre-approval --they will be returned for correction or approved for notary.
  5. Get them notarized, scan/emailed back with the file name:
  6. DOE JOHN NCNDA NOTARY.pdf and DOE JOHN KYC NOTARY.pdf This file name has the word “NOTARY” in it to designate that this file HAS been notarized.


  1. You get your three files approved, notarized and submitted to the Hong Kong exchange.
  2. This qualifies you to participate in the secure-line wealth training classes in which you will be introduced to international Attorney’s and wealth managers to help you decide the path that is best for you.
  3. You will receive your Settlement Statement which basically says here is how much money you have coming what do you want done with it, to what country, bank and account?

ADDED INSTRUCTIONS 09-27-2015:------


Your mate only needs to be included if they are to be included in the wealth-training meetings and further knowledge of financial decisions.

NOTE: Any name not shown above and on the NCNDA and KYC cannot participate.


NO RENO FUNDS listed please.


Almost everyone is not filling in ALL the blanks on the KYC form. You must fill in or put N/A on each line in CAPS please.

NCNDA must have your name at the bottom thus: Recipient Printed Name: JOHN WILLIAM DOE

Some are changing the text or the layout, font or color. Please do not change anything.I have been told that if you change anything your files will be moved to the bottom of the pile.Eeek!


COLOR copy of driver’s license and passport goes here then scan to .pdf

TWO GOVERNMENT PICTURE ID’S WILL BE REQUIRED WITH YOUR final .pdf copies.If you do not have 2 govt picture ID’s you can take a recent passport photo and type in an affidavit that this is you and have it notarized as a second ID.




Printed name


Subscribed and affirmed before me in the county of ______, State of ______this ______day of 2015.


Notary’s official signature
