Thursday 4th February 2016

Minuted by: A Hegan


Alison Chung (Patient Representative) (AC)

Guy Cumberbatch (Patient Representative) (GC)

Angela Hegan (Practice Manager) (AH)

David Oak (Patient Representative) (DO)

  1. Apologies

Mrs K Kankwamba

  1. Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting 5th November 2016

Agreed as correct record.

3.Matters Arising

Friends & Family Test

AH will display and circulate the current satisfaction rating for the Friends & Family Test.

Action AH

Booking appointments with Doctors

It was agreed that there needs to be clarity when patients are booked appointments with

Doctors who are on placement with the Practice. KK suggested that it would be helpful if

patients were advised on the website how long each Doctor is on rotation. AH will discuss

this suggestion with Dr Nye.

Action AH

Issues with Prescriptions

AC & DO reported that there were a number of issues with the electronic prescribing system, principally with the time it took for the prescription issued by

the Practice to be received by the Pharmacy Team upstairs. AH will review the procedure

in place for electronic prescribing and if necessary address the issues with the software suppliers. AH will also arrange a meeting with Boots Pharmacy staff to discuss issues patients are having when signing up for e-prescribing with the Boots High Street branch.

Action AH

Privacy at Reception

Members expressed concern that there was no barrier to allow for privacy at the Reception Desk. AH agreed to look into purchasing a barrier for the waiting area. In the meantime, Members suggested a poster be displayed in Reception asking

Patients to observe privacy at the main Reception Desk. AH advised that if patients

wished to speak confidentially about their appointment or any other matter of concern that they should inform a member of staff immediately on reporting to the

Reception Desk.

Action AH

General Signage

AH advised thatsignage had been discussed as an issue with Boots Properties, however the Pharmacy move has been put on hold and this issue is still outstanding. AH will report back on progress at the next PPG meeting.

Action AH

4.Primary Care Commissioning Framework change to opening hours

AH advised that the Practice had agreed to participate in the Primary Care Commissioning

Framework the main focus for patients of which is:

AH reported that as part of the Action Plan submitted to Sandwell & West Birmingham CCG, that the Practice would be changing its opening hours from 1st April 2016 to Monday – Friday 8.00am to 6.30pm. There are no changes currently planned for weekend opening hours, which will remain the same until further notice.

5.Any other business

5.1Industrial action by Junior Doctors Wednesday 10th February

AH advised that although as a Training Practice the Practice was affected, the Practice would ensure that the Surgery would run effectively in the absence of the trainees taking part in industrial action that day.

5.2Exit interviews with Medical Students

GC suggested that as the Practice hosted placements for Medical Students from Birmingham Medical School, that it would be an idea to undertake exit interviews to gain their views on how they feel that the Practice is run and the services it provides. AH agreed to take the suggestion forward to the GP Tutors.

Action AH

5.3Issue with Interpreter provided by BILCS

AC & DO advised that there had been an issue with an Interpreter provided by BILCS, who had turned up late for the consultation. AH agreed to raise the matter with BILCS.

Action AH

5.4Issue with telephone recording

GC asked whether improvements could be made to the recording played to patients when they called into the Practice. AH agreed to raise the issue with the telephone supplier and report back at the next meeting.

Action AH

5.6Patient surveys

AH advised that the Practice would shortly be reintroducing patient surveys as a means to monitor the quality of the service provided.

Action AH

6.Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 5th May 2016 at 5.30pm.