
Multi-Media Self Portraits: Self Portraits is a 5-day per week only camp (there is no 2- or 3-day option for this camp) and is limited to 10 campers. Kelley Sharp, GPCP’s Atelierista at the Grant Park Campus, will lead this exploration of faces using mirrors, photographs, and each other. Children will visually interpret what they see through a variety of languages and will explore drawing, painting, and photography as means for self-representation.

Swim: Swim Camp is a 5-day per week only camp (there is no 2- or 3-day option for this camp) and is limited to 12 campers. Children will meet GPCP teachers every day at 8:45 am at the Grant Park Pool. Swim lessons will begin at 9:00 am with a certified swim instructor from the City of Atlanta. After swim lessons, the children will change into dry clothes at the pool house and then enjoy playtime and a picnic in the park. Campers will return to GPCP in time for pick up at 1:00 or afternoon care.

Spanish: Spanish Camp is a 5-day per week only camp (there is no 2- or 3-day option for this camp). GPCP’s Spanish teacher, Juana Cerdas, will lead this Spanish emersion camp. She will teach the fundamentals of Spanish through fun, interactive lessons and speak only in Spanish for the majority of the camp to reinforce Spanish vocabulary of casual conversation and everyday objects.

Doll Making: Doll Making Camp is a 5-day per week only camp (there is no 2- or 3-day option for this camp). GPCP’s Atelierista at the Cabbagetown Campus, Gracie McDonald, will lead this exploration of the art of doll making. Children will explore a variety of materials and languages to build dolls as an outlet for expression and the catalyst for imaginative play.

Cooking: Cooking Camp is a 5-day per week only camp (there is no 2- or 3-day option for this camp). This camp will be led Chef, Sherri Davis and will include an exploration of the basics of cooking and nutrition. Children willalso explore the kitchen and cook from recipes under the direction of Chef Sherri. There will be many opportunities for children to taste their creations and to experiment with and learn about healthy foods and kitchen tools.

Mosaics: Children in the mosaic camp will spend time learning about mosaics as an art form through pictures, slides and the exploration of the many examples of mosaics in the neighborhood. This camp will offer the children many opportunities to explore mosaic materials and create projects by implementing their own design on a blank panel or choosing projects such as bird houses, mirrors, frames, etc.

Print Making: Print Making Camp will be led by School of the Art Institute of Chicago graduate, Brandi McDearis. Campers will be introduced to the fine art of print making using a variety of methods and materials. Fine art printmaking involves the creation of a master plate from which multiple images are made. Using techniques such as relief printing, lithography and stenciling, children will create their own master plate and special edition prints.

Paintscapes: Children in Paintscapes Camp will explore paint, color and shape using a variety of paints, painting techniques, tools and surfaces. Campers will explore paint as a means of self expression gaining inspiration from abstract expressionist artists such as Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko.

Working with Fibers: GPCP teacher and materials specialist, Trisha Ward, will offer an in-depth study and exploration of fibers. During Working with Fibers, Campers will explore the many properties of fibers and have the opportunity to cut, dye, weave and felt during the process of making their own fiber creations.

Paper Making: Paper Making Camp will be led by School of the Art Institute of Chicago graduate, Brandi McDearis. During Paper Making Camp, children will have the opportunity to, not only make beautiful paper, but also to be immersed into the wet, messy and wonderful process of paper making itself. Campers will make handmade paper using old fashioned techniques and will make their own customized paper creations by choosing from a multitude of materials, papers and dyes.

Clay: This camp will explore the many techniques of hand building with clay, including pinching, coiling, slab building and extrusion, as well as methods of decorating into clay with various objects. The children will begin and strengthen these skills throughout the two-week session and will complete their creations by glazing and finishing in the kiln.

Storytelling & Drama: Children have a natural propensity for storytelling and imagination. In this summer camp the children will be encouraged to deepen their stories, create stories together, record them through drawings and written words and then act them out dramatizing the characters of their own imagination both in groups and individually.