Resourcing Exercise

Some of these experiences will resonate with you and some may not. Let this be an experiment to see what works for you and what does not.

So, let’s begin by sitting comfortably, back straight and supported. Hands resting comfortably in your lap.

Establish an alert but relaxed posture. Firm back and soft heart.Now begin to close your eyes. If this feels uncomfortable, you can look down at the floor just in front of your feet.

Start by becoming aware of your breath in your body. Let your breath be as it is. Relax into it for a few moments by focusing on the inhalation and exhalation, the rising and falling of your breath. Let yourself settle some. Feel yourself here in this room (pause)

You might become aware of a situation that triggers shame or overwhelm. Pick a situation that is not too overwhelming or traumatic. Maybe a 5 as opposed to a 10 in intensity. Feel the one that needs to feel more supported right now (pause).

Sense what you may be needing right now. Is it that you would like to feel safer, more love, more courage, more ease?

Take a few minutes to bring this intention into your awareness. (pause).

Is there a place that might help you connect with your inner resources?

Imagine a place that is beautiful, comforting or that feels safe to be in. It might be on a mountain, near an ocean, the woods, a type of sanctuary. It could be a place in your home that you love.

Feel yourself transported there, resting comfortably (pause)

Now take in the colors around you(pause), the different hues and brightness. Feel the temperature(pause), Is the place warm, hot, cold? (pause) Take in the sounds around you (pause). Feel the earth beneath you. Ground yourself there. Let the space surround and hold you (pause).

From this space, bring to mind someone who would be the most comforting presence you may want there. It could be a child, a parent, a therapist, a pet, perhaps even a spiritual figure. Who would be the one who creates a sense of ease, connection, safety or strength?

Call in on this being. Sense their presence. See their eyes looking at you with love and understanding. Feel in your body what it’s like to be held and cared for in this moment. Notice what this is like. Let your breath slow down even more. (pause)

Perhaps there are some words you may want to hear that will deepen the experience of connection and presence. If you can’t think of any words, just see what it is like to have the growing experience of safety and love surround you.

Now take a few last moments to sense whatever inner resource you have created for yourself.

This inner resource was always there. Know that the more you visit it, the more available it will be for you. Reconnecting with this aliveness gives us enough of a container to be able to hold strong emotions such as shame.

Now Gently and slowly begin to open your eyes.