Company / Laboratory

Contact Person:Name.

Title: Ms/Mrs/Mr/Dr



Postal address:Street / P.O. Box


State / Province

Post Code


Delivery address:Street

(PO Box is not acceptable)Suburb

State / Province

Post Code


Additional Information

Payment by InvoicePurchase Order #

Invoice address:Street / P.O. Box


State / Province

Post Code


Invoicing Fax or Email

Additional Information


Payment by Credit CardCard Type (Visa or MC)

Card Number

Name on Card

Expiry Date

Credit Card Holder Signature and Date:

Participation Options (Prices include GST and delivery to Australian sites):

Option 1: Participation in study$1260.00

Sample cylinder is supplied at 30 bar, and must be returned to the NMI

Option 2: Purchase of sample cylinder$ 3400.00

Sample is supplied at 100 bar.The sample can be kept for use as a calibration standard

Option 3: Purchase of calibration standard$ 4000.00

Two cylinders will be provided – a calibration standardand a sample. The sample cylinder is supplied at 30 bar, and must be returned to the NMI



Test Materials:

  • Each PT sample will be supplied in a 5 L gas cylinder.
  • The gas cylinder valve will have the outlet: AS2473 Type 20
  • Gas samples will be supplied at approximately 30 bar pressure
  • Gas samples will contain the following components (nominal amounts only)
  • Carbon Dioxide: 5-10 %
  • Methane: ~3 %
  • Carbon Monoxide: 50-200 ppm
  • Nitrogen as balance gas

Sample Distribution and Reporting:

  • Samples will be distributed by 1 June 2018.
  • Measurement results are to be submitted by 31July 2018.
  • Sample cylinders are to be returned by 31July 2018.


  • NMI reserves the right to cancel the PT study if the minimum number of participants required to run the comparison is not reached
  • No refunds will be given for withdrawal from the PT study after samples have been prepared
  • Prices include GST. Prices include delivery to Australian sites.
  • Return freight is the responsibility and at the expense of each participant.
  • All international freight and duty charges are additional
  • A Purchase Order is required for payment by invoice. Upon receipt of payment, the report will be published
  • Participants that fail to return the sample cylinder will be charged the ‘Option 2’ fee.
  • The NMI General Terms and Conditions are applicable

Please return form by:


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