Much Ado About NothingComic Strip ProjectName ______
To demonstrate your understanding of the plot, characters, setting and point of view in Much Ado About Nothing, you will illustrate a portion of the play in a 6-panel comic strip.
For your comic strip, choose an important scene or passage from the story. Create six comic strip panels showing the story elements of that scene. Think of each panel or box in the comic strip as a snapshot or photograph of moments in your chosen scene. Each panel of the comic strip must show details of plot, characters, setting,and point of view. Use the Comic Strip Planning Grid below to plan each frame.
- PLOT EVENT/ACTION includes: relevant actions from the scene, in the order in which they occurred
- CHARACTERS INVOLVED include: is part of the action and their appearance facial expressions, physical position and gestures
- SETTINGDETAILS include: the landscape and background of the scene, time of day, props/accessories that aid in understanding the scene or story
- DIALOGUE OR NARRATION includes: characters words and thoughts well as narration. Spoken words, dialogue, thoughts and narration are shown through speech bubbles, thought bubbles and narration boxes
Comic Strip Planning Grid
Plot Event/Action / Characters involved / Setting details / Dialogue or narrationFrame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 6
Grading Rubric
The grade for this project will be a 50-point classwork grade. You will earn 100%, 50% or 0, based on the following:
Excellent50 points / Unacceptable
0 points
Planning / Planning grid is completelyfilled in; few. If any, boxes are empty. / Planning grid is not filled in; more boxes are empty that filled
Plot / Portrays a significant scene from the novel
Accurately portrays the scene
Events are relevant and ordered accurately / Portrays a scene from the novel
Scene is not be significant
Inaccurate portrayal of the scene
Events are ordered inaccurately
Missing events
Characters / Accurate appearance
Appropriate and accurate gestures and physical positions
Appropriate and accurate facial expressions
Portrayal matches actions and dialogue in the book and aids in understanding the story or scene / Inaccurate appearance
Inappropriate or lacks gestures and physical positions
Inappropriate or lacks facial expressions
Lacks dialogue and/or action
Setting / Appropriate and accurate details of setting included in each panel
Setting details enhance understanding of the frame and scene / No details of setting included in each panel
Details are inappropriate or accurate
Point of View / Accurate and appropriate dialogue, thoughts and narration make the scene easy to understand.
Appropriate and accurate speech/thought bubbles / Lacks dialogue, thoughts and narration
No speech/thought bubbles
Neatness and Appearance / Comic strip is neat, clear and attractive
Care and effort are evident / Comic strip is sloppy and hard to understand
Shows little or no care and effort
* / There are no errors in usage, grammar and mechanics / There are many errors in usage, grammar and mechanics
*Usage, Grammar and Mechanics