Minnesota Telecom Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis

March 26, 2012


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bickett at 3:34pm. Participants were reminded that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with MTA’s Anti-Trust compliance Policy, a copy of which had been provided previously to all members.

Present: Kevin Beyer, Dave Bickett, Cathy Clucas, Paul Hoge, Steve Katka, Jean Pauk, Cheryl Scapanski, John Shimota, Todd Roesler

Also Present: Chad Devier

Staff: Brent Christensen, Jacquie Jaskowiak

New Director Welcome

Newly elected Director, Todd Roesler (Ace Communications Group) was welcomed to the Board.

Election of Officers

A motion was made (Beyer) and seconded (Scapanski) to elect the following Board Officers:

Chair: Jean Pauk

Vice Chair: Steve Katka

Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Hoge

The motion passed unanimously

At this point, Mr. Bickett turned the meeting over to Ms. Pauk.

Associate Member Director Position

Christensen reported that the Associate Members voted online for their representative to the Board. Chad Devier won the election, which will be ratified at the Associate Member meeting on Tuesday, March 27th. The Board thanked John Shimota for his contribution to the Board.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made (Hoge) and seconded (Clucas) to approve the February 28 meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Financial Review

The Board reviewed the most recent financial statements for the month ending January 2012.

A motion was made (Hoge) and seconded (Bickett) to approve the financial review as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Review and Approve Committee Rosters

Board reviewed and discussed committee rosters and appointments. Board agreed to keep term limits on the Event Planning Committee for associate members and delete term limits for Active members on that committee.

A motion was made (Roesler) and seconded (Hoge) to approve committee candidates as discussed. The motion passed unanimously.

Review and Approve MTA Committee Participation Policy

Christensen reviewed a proposed Board policy dealing with committee assignments.

A motion was made (Beyer) and seconded (Bickett) to approve the Board Committee participation policy as drafted. The motion passed unanimously.

Open Forum

Bylaws Change

Board discussed a potential bylaws change to allow broadband companies to be active members with the same rights and privileges as other Active members. It was agreed to discuss this matter at the upcoming Board Retreat.

Associate Member Board Seat

Board discussed expanding the Associate Member Board Seat’s term from one year to two or three years. Current term lasts one year and there are no limits on how many terms an individual can serve. The Board agreed that this should be discussed at the Associate Member’s meeting tomorrow, and asked for a recommendation from that group before action is taken.

Strategic Discussion

The Board discussed the contract with Ewald Consulting and the fact it expires 8/31/12. A subcommittee of the Board was formed, consisting of Chair Pauk, Vice Chair Katka, Directors Bickett and Clucas. President Christensen will also be involved in the process.

Next Board Meeting

Board Retreat

June 24 – 25, 2012

Grandview Lodge


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:39 pm.

The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Jacquie Jaskowiak