Our last meeting was held on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at the Ulverston Fire Station.

Acting Chairman Pat Appleton welcomed 10 attendees to the meeting on what was a very cold evening – the portacabin as usual was cosy and warm and we really appreciate being able to hold our meetings there.

Pat thanked Bob Hutton for his time as chairman, and was pleased he would still play an active role in the group. Because there had been no nominations for a Chairperson at our AGM, Pat had agreed to be Acting Chair for the time being.

Apologies came from Barbara Postlethwaite, Cllr. Pat Jones, Cllr. Helen Irving, Cllr. Mark Wilson, Marion Danson, Pat Crellin, Wally Gardiner, Ken Barrett, Cllr. Brenda Marr.

Updates / Actions to be taken

N/Watch signs – Charles had produced about another 12 new signs, which we hadn’t realised he still had, so this meant we were able to replace a few more of the worst signs.

108 signs altogether have been replaced or cleaned, but as mentioned in previous memos, better quality stock is now required.

Amanda Smith from the Friends of Lightburn Park came along to our meeting, she told us they were hoping to put some smaller N/Watch signs up inside the park area, to try and deter anti-social activities, they already had permission as well as some money put by from National lottery funding. We would like to stay in touch with the group.

Since the Police station closed, all police personnel now meet up in the Business centre on New Market St –as this isn’t accessible to the public, a Police desk has been set up inside the Coronation Hall and is manned (Mon – Fri ) 9 – 12 noon. This means that the monthly Police / UBCT surgeries will not be held in the foyer anymore. We had wanted N/Watch to carry on, but without the police being present it would cost us £30 each month - as we were only handing out freebies in the form of information leaflets, stickers, booklets etc and not actually selling anything we couldn’t justify the cost.

Bob, Pat and Charles joined Sgt. Jo Smith of Barrow Police and PCSO Emma Forrester to distribute purse bells at the WI Xmas fair in the Coronation Hall last December 17th 2015.

The Children’s Centre on Lund Road – Bob, Charles & Pat went along with our usual information leaflets and UBCT banner and set up inside the main room. PCSO Nick Hayes and the Ulverston fire Service along with police van and fire engine kept local children entertained with all the equipment.

Pete Thomas of Barrow BCT group had arranged for Bob & Pat to meet M.P. John Woodcock to express our concerns over the proposed police cuts.

Unfortunately we later learned that John had been delayed on the train because of some incident that had happened on his journey back up North, so the meeting had to be cancelled.