Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Grade 8 Health Mid-Term

Directions: Read each question. Choose the BEST answer. Circle the letter next to your answer choice.

1. Which of these statements about nicotine is NOT true?

A. Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant.

B. Nicotine affects all parts of the central nervous system.

C. Nicotine is the chemical in tobacco that causes lung cancer.

D. Nicotine can be absorbed through the lungs, mouth, and stomach.

2. Which of these is the LEAST effective way to avoid smoking when someone offers you a cigarette?

A. Say "No, thanks" and change the subject

B. Make excuses, such as you are allergic to tobacco

C. State the facts about the effects of tobacco on the body

D. Take the cigarette but don't smoke it

3. Which statement BEST explains how smoking tobacco harms the human body?

A. Tobacco smoke allows the body to absorb ultraviolet rays.

B. Tobacco smoke lowers the body's blood pressure.

C. The chemicals in tobacco increase the amount of iron in the body.

D. The chemicals in tobacco make the heart and lungs work harder.

4. Which of these statements is true about women who smoke when they are pregnant?

A. They inhale less tar and nicotine because they are gaining weight.

B. They have less worry about addiction because their bodies are changing.

C. Their babies have fewer respiratory infections than babies of nonsmoking mothers.

D. Their babies will usually weigh less than babies of nonsmoking mothers.

5. Which of these statements about chewing (smokeless) tobacco is true?

A. It is safer than smoking tobacco.

B. It is not addictive because the user does not inhale nicotine into the lungs.

C. It increases the risk of mouth and throat cancer more than smoking tobacco.

D. It is a good substitute for people who like tobacco but don't want the nicotine.

6. People start smoking for many different reasons, but they continue to smoke because they are addicted. This means that --

A. their friends pressure them to keep smoking

B. they will suffer from withdrawal symptoms if they stop

C. they are afraid to stop

D. they are trying to relieve stress

7. Which of these statements about tobacco is true?

A. Nicotine is a very addictive drug.

B. People who use tobacco products go on to use marijuana.

C. The addictive substance in tobacco products is tar.

D. Quitting tobacco causes only physical withdrawal.

8. Which of these statements about the uterus is true?

A. It is just below the heart in the chest.

B. It holds the fetus before birth.

C. It protects the body from diseases.

D. It is about the size of a golf ball.

9. Which of these statements about the testicles is true?

A. They are part of the female reproductive system.

B. They are where sperm are produced and stored.

C. They are very difficult to injure.

D. They develop when a boy reaches puberty.

10. Which body part does a woman have that a man does NOT have?

A. Vagina

B. Appendix

C. Kidney

D. Abdomen

11. Which term refers to what a person thinks about himself or herself?

A. Self-defense

B. self-image

C. Rationalization

D. Assertiveness

12. Which of these statements about stress is true?

A. Stress can be avoided.

B. There is nothing that can be done about stress.

C. Stress is the same for all people.

D. Stress is a normal part of life.

13. Which of these is an important part of effective communication?

A. Telling everyone what to do

B. Looking away when someone is talking

C. Being a good listener

D. Only talking with friends

14. During the stress response, the body releases a chemical that causes the heart to beat faster. This chemical is --

A. adrenaline

B. pepsin

C. testosterone

D. thyroxin

15. Which health field works PRIMARILY to maintain and promote high quality health standards in the community?

A. Consumer health

B. Epidemiology

C. Public health

D. Environmental health

16. The stage when boys and girls FIRST become physically capable of reproducing is known as--

A. childhood

B. adulthood

C. pregnancy

D. puberty

17. If you want to save money on a prescription drug, you should ask your doctor if you can use --

A. an over-the-counter medication

B. a generic drug

C. a brand-name drug

D. a liquid medication

18. Which of these is the BEST way to deal with stress?

A. Talk with the person who is causing the stress until he or she agrees to stop.

B. Get away from the stressful situation and think about a solution while relaxing, exercising, or listening to music.

C. Completely ignore the problem because it won't seem important later.

D. Express anger toward the person who is causing the stress by using harsh words and an angry tone of voice.

19. The joining of a sperm and an ovum is called --

A. ovulation

B. implantation

C. conception

D. menstruation

20. Cirrhosis of the liver is a possible consequence of using alcohol. What type of effect is this?

A. Physical

B. Social

C. Emotional

D. Developmental

21. All of the following are health risks associated with the use of marijuana EXCEPT:

A. lung cancer.

B. strep throat.

C. Emphysema

D. chronic bronchitis

22. When a person lacks control over mental or physical abilities as a result of high blood alcohol concentration, it is called:

A. intoxication.

B. dependence.

C. alcoholism.

D. cirrhosis.

23. Carl's friend has asked him to try one drink. All of the following are a good use of refusal skills EXCEPT:

A. providing a reason for not trying the drink.

B. changing the subject.

C. taking one sip, then holding the drink for the rest of the evening.

D. providing an excuse for not trying the drink

24. Dawn's father is an alcoholic. He seems very sad and doesn't talk to family members very much. Dawn is worried and wants to get help for him, but doesn't know what to do. Where is the best place for Dawn to seek support and assistance?

A. The emergency room

B. Her best friend

C. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

D. Al-Anon

25. Aaron has been invited to a party at Joel's house. He doesn't know Joel's parents will be gone. When he arrives, Joel has gone next door for a minute and a bunch of kids are smoking marijuana. Aaron refuses the marijuana and is about to leave when Joel returns. Joel says, "Aaron, don't leave. Why don't you stay and join us?" Which of the following demonstrates the best use of refusal skills?

A. Aaron stays but walks into another room.

B. Aaron stays and smokes the marijuana.

C. Aaron pretends to smoke the marijuana.

D. Aaron looks Joel in the eyes, says, "No, thanks. I'll see you later."

26. Which of the following best describes a "hate crime"?

A. Two people, who have been friends for a long time, get into an argument

B. Someone does something wrong but does not want to be caught and punished

C. Someone is attacked because of her or his race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability

D. Someone breaks into a house and steals money

27. The five emotional responses used to cope with life crises are

A. denying, being angry, using alcohol or drugs as an escape, being depressed and recovery

B. denying, being angry, bargaining, being depressed, and accepting

C. being depressed, running away, bargaining, being angry, and accepting

D. none of the above

28. The following statements about the five emotional responses used to cope with life crises are true except

A. You need to work through your feelings

B. Adults don’t need o work through these emotional responses

C. Working through your feelings during difficult times helps you become emotionally mature

D. These emotional responses are the same feelings that are experienced in most life crises

29. Which of the following types of medical doctors has specific training in treating mental illness?

A. Oncologist

B. Dermatologist

C. Psychiatrist

D. Ophthalmologist

30. Which of the following is the best approach to dealing with suicidal threats?

A. Realizing the threats are often exaggerated

B. Keeping the threats secret

C. Taking the threats seriously

D. Ignoring the threats

31. A friend has talked about suicide. A person can best help prevent the suicide by doing all of the following EXCEPT:

A. leaving the person alone.

B. taking the threat seriously.

C. talking calmly and listening carefully to the person.

D. getting help.

32. To find out what help is available in a community for someone who is suicidal, a person could:

I. ask a parent or teacher.
II. contact the police department.
III. check the phone book.

A. I only

B. III only

C. I and II only

D. I, II, and III

33. Karen, an 8th grade student, is thinking about becoming sexually active. Susan wants to encourage Karen to remain abstinent. Susan should tell Karen that the risks of becoming sexually active may include:

I. pregnancy.
II. sexually transmitted diseases.
III. lowered self-esteem.

A. II only

B. III only

C. I and II only

D. I, II, and III

34. Jason and Abby are at a party. They were unaware alcohol was present until after they arrived. Abby knows that alcohol can contribute to poor decision making. Jason is trying to convince Abby it is okay to have a drink. Which of the following statements best shows the connection between drinking and the risks of an unintended sexual encounter?

A. "My parents would be really upset with me."

B. "Alcohol can affect your ability to drive."

C. "Alcohol can impair judgment and lead to unhealthy decisions."

D. "We are both under age and could get caught drinking."

35. What quality should one look for in a friend that one may turn to for help with a personal, emotional problem?

A. Good athlete

B. Good listener

C. Good student

D. Good family

Writing Prompt

Health Content Standard:4.0 Family Life and Human Sexuality: Students will demonstrate the ability to use human development knowledge, social skills, and health enhancing strategies to promote positive relationships and health growth and development throughout the life cycle.

Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

Directions: Read the article “All About Menstruation”and respond to the writing prompt citing evidence from the text.

One of the topics in the article below is irregular periods. Using evidence from the text, explain why it is important for a girl to track her period? What is considered a normal period? Who can a girl talk to when she gets her period-if she has questions and concerns? Explain why a girl should or should not be embarrassed during her menstrual cycle.

“All About Menstruation”

What's a Cycle?

When people talk about the menstrual (say: MEN-strul) cycle, they usually mean the days when blood and tissue (menstrual fluid) leaves the body through the vagina. That's the most visible part of the process, and the part that girls and women need to manage.

But the monthly cycle is exactly that — a process that takes about a month. A normal menstrual cycle for girls and teens ranges from 21 to 45 days. At most, only a week of the cycle involves menstrual fluid exiting the body. A normal period lasts from 2 to 7 days.

The rest of the time, the girl doesn't have any bleeding but other stuff is happening, like the lining building up and the egg being released.

When Periods Start

Most girls start to menstruate between ages 10 and 15 years. The average age is 12, but every girl's body has its own schedule.

Although there's no one right age for a girl to get her period, there are some clues that menstruation will start soon. Typically, a girl gets her period about 2 years after her breasts start to develop. Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid (sort of like mucus) that a girl might see or feel on her underwear. This discharge usually begins about 6 months to a year before a girl gets her first period.

What's Normal?

Especially when menstrual periods are new to a girl, it can be tough to know what's normal and what's not. Talking to your mom or another grownup woman is a good idea since they've been through it.

But for some problems, it's best to talk with the doctor. Here are some of them:

Your period lasts longer than a week.

You have to change your pad very often (soaking more than one pad every 1-2 hours).

You go longer than 3 months between periods.

You have bleeding in between periods.

You have an unusual amount of pain before or during your period.

Your periods were regular but became irregular.

Here are some additional concerns, which many girls have when they are just starting their periods.

What If My Periods Are Irregular?

For older girls and women, their periods pretty much stick to a regular pattern. The entire cycle lasts the same number of days (21 to 34) and they have bleeding for about the same number of days (less than a week). For the first year, a girl's periods are often irregular and hard to predict.

It's a good idea to keep track of your period with a calendar. Talk with your doctor if you're concerned about the length of your period or cycle. About 6 years after a girl's first period, the cycles usually get shorter and more regular.

What If I Have Cramps?

For minor pain, you can take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen. Other things you can do that may help with menstrual cramps include:

  • regular exercise
  • heating pads on your lower abdomen
  • meditation or relaxation
  • Talk to your doctor if these solutions don't work for you, especially if your period is keeping you from going to school or participating in stuff you want to do, like activities and sports.

How Much Bleeding Is Too Much?

Menstrual flow can seem like a lot, but usually isn't. Most girls change their pad about three to six times a day over the course of a period — with more changes when the flow is heaviest and fewer changes when the flow is lighter — usually at the very beginning and end.

Let your doctor know if your flow seems heavier than this or lasts more than a week.

What If I Get Moody Around My Period?

Hormone changes can cause girls to feel more sad or irritable before their periods start. Talk to your doctor if this happens to you. Being physically active is a natural mood lifter, so regular exercise often helps.

In Praise of Periods!

It's normal to be a little nervous about your first period. And if you've already had your period a while, it's OK to dislike the inconveniences it can cause. But don't forget to feel proud, too. Menstruation is a sign of normal growth and development. In other words, you're healthy and you're growing up just the way you should!

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______Score:_____


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