On Saturday, Feb. 4, Sister Theresine (the name she took when she became a sister) celebrated her jubilee, or anniversary, as a member of the Sisters of Divine Providence, an order based near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The celebration took place during a special Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Lourdes in Raleigh.
Click Here to view photos and videos on this celebration.

Msgr., Sisters, friends- thank you for coming to celebrate with us today… Today we celebrate 60 years of consecrated life, lived by Sister Theresine. It is an honor for me to share with you a bit of her life – a life that is clearly centered in the gospel of today…

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light”.

Sister Theresine – entered religious life 60 years ago … as a Sister of Divine Providence. Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel van Ketteler – a bishop who was very much involved with social justice, founded her community. He was concerned about those who are poor; He lived and worked among peasants, trying to alleviate many of their problems. I believe that his spirit has truly seeped into the very fiber of Sister Theresine.

I believe that Theresine has the same Charism as Bishop Ketteler and it is for this reason that she was attracted to the Sisters of Divine Providence.

However her discernment was not a straight path… you see Theresine was engaged to be married and had already set a date for this happy occasion, when God broke into her life with another alternative. She was settled on a future that was about to take a twist. Theresine’s fiancé left for the war and Theresine found herself volunteering to help those who are poor and sick, she desired to help others who struggle in this life. Meeting God in the eyes of the poor enabled her to hear a different call of God in her heart. In 1957, she responded to this call, a call to apostolic religious life. Up to this time, convent life was the furthest thing from her mind. However, at the age of 22 she left her 2 brothers, five sisters and her mom and dad to dedicate her life to those who are in need.

Theresine told me that at that time a song by Tony Bennett was popular…

“Because of You”… there is a song in my heart…because of you my romance had its start – because of you the sun will shine – the moon stars will say your mine – for ever and ever to part – I only live for your love and your kiss – it’s paradise to be near you like this – because of you my life is now worthwhile and I can smile because of you”.

Theresine suddenly had two very deep loves in her heart… the love of her fiancée and the love of God. Theresine committed her life to the call of God.

In community, she was a teacher, a principal and social worker. She spent 10 years in Puerto Rico, ministered to the American Indians in Arizona, and devoted 20 years to pastoral ministry. Eventually she found her way to Charlotte and then Raleigh NC and today works with illegal immigrants, helping them with things that we take for granted…getting drivers licenses, getting permission to study in the State and securing social security numbers. She often goes to court with them and shares her food and even furniture with them. Theresine believes that missionary work is to be lived and not just read about. She lives what she believes.

The other day, Theresine shared with me that she works, and is very much involved with an organization called DACA. DACA stands for “DEFERRED ACTION, FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS”. This organization assures that it will not deport undocumented youth who come to the United States as children. These youth are granted a type of temporary permission to stay in the United States. Today, AS YOU PROBABLY KNOW, that program is in danger of being taken away from these immigrants.

As you can see Theresine’s missionary spirit is on the cutting edge of Society, and surrounded by conflictual circumstances. Sounds like the mission of Jesus to me.

As noted, her ministry has changed over these 60 years, but her heart remains the same… a heart filled with a love for people and a love of her community who has offered her all sorts of opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. And to attest to her goodness, Theresine told me that it is a great joy for her when those she serves can go on without her.

You may have seen the video that the diocese put out last week about Sister Theresine… it noted the two candles that are in the window of the home of Sisters Theresine and Maxine… 2 candles that signify – “feel free to come in… that’s what we are here for – you are always welcome in our home”.

Theresine told me that the greatest blessing in her life is people … saying that they give her more than she gives to them… she said to me “people energize me”.

When I talked with Thereseine last week, she instructed me that this day was not about her but about Consecrated life. Theresine this day is about you because of how you live your consecrated commitment… it is about you because you have lived your consecrated life to the fullest.

In the constitutions of the Sisters of Divine Providence it states…

“We exalt your Providence, O Lord, and we entrust ourselves to Your loving care… We commit ourselves to making your Providence more visible in our world”. Sister Theresine, you are the living document… trusting in Divine Providence has become a way of life for you.

In the documents of your General Chapter it states – “Our God is a God of abundance, not only in the gifts of creation, but in continued intangible gifts of love, strength, wisdom, forgiveness. And then it asks… What intangible gifts do I/ do we have that we can share more abundantly with others? “ From what we know of you, Thereseine, you strive daily to answer this question in your living of consecrated life.

Today’s scripture states… “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take may yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light”. Theresine… you have taken this scripture into the very fabric of your life, a job well done indeed.

And the song of Tony Bennett that inspired you to give all… a song sung today to a God who is more than enough for you…

“Because of You”… there is a song in my heart…because of you my romance had its start – because of you the sun will shine – the moon stars will say your mine – for ever and ever to part – I only live for your love and your kiss – it’s paradise to be near you like this – because of you my life is now worthwhile and I can smile because of you….

Theresine, it is an honor to know you, to share life with you. God bless you as you walk into the future with love in your heart for all people. You are truly an inspiration to all of us.