Vol. # Date
Type Caption Here / Headline Title
This article should be about something important that happened in the story. You have this entire column to fill in.
/ Headline Title
10 interesting facts from the book
Weather Forecast
Insert Pictures
Day forecast (Hourly)
You can either do the 3 day forecast or week
Pg. 1 Weather Forecast/ Headlines (write the titles) Pg. 3 Classifieds
Pg. 2 Sports/Activities Pg. 4 FUN
Headline Title
Choose one sport or activity that occurred in your book.
Caption this picture
Type Caption Here
/ Headline Title
Choose one sport or activity that occurred in your book.
Insert quotation and author here
At least 3 events happening within the community.
Event title, Date, What it is (fundraiser, etc.), Location, Contact information / For Sale:
At least 3 items that can be found in the book.
Item title, Location, Information about the item, Price, Contact information / Pets:
At least 3 pets that can be found in the book.
Type, Location, Information, Price, Contact information / Job Opportunities:
At least 3 job opportunities that someone could find in a book.
Title, Location of job, Information about the job, Contact information
At least 3 services that could be found in the book.
Type of service provided, Cost, Location, Information, Contact information / Personals:
At least 3 personals
Thank you letter, Happy Birthday, Anniversary, etc. / Education:
At least 3 educational posts.
What school, type of event, location, cost, contact information / Advertisement:
Write an ad for something found within your book to sell to your reader.
Puzzle TitlePuzzle/Picture Title
Draw or make a puzzle / Draw or make a puzzle or coloring pictureComic Title
This is a comic strip. Each box should have a picture and some type of text. You can write anything that can be found within your book.1 | Page