Ms. McRaney’s 4th Grade Newsletter 8/15/16

Important News
  • Please remember to continue turning in beginning of the year paperwork! 
  • All approved parents/guardians are welcome to volunteer in my room and/or on field trips. If you are interested, please make sure to check with the front office on your volunteer status.
/ Nightly Practice
Monday: Close Read 3-2-1 activity, math worksheet, read for 20 minutes, and complete Mad Minute Folder
Tuesday: Close Read summary, math worksheet, read for 20 minutes, and complete Mad Minute Folder
Wednesday:Close Read 3 connections, math worksheet, read for 20 minutes, and complete Mad Minute Folder
Thursday:Close Read question, math worksheet, Spelling Sort (like class), read for 30 minutes, and complete Mad Minute Folder
Friday: Read for 20 minutes EVERY night
*Please check and sign agenda nightly as nightly practice is subject to change.

Monday- Media
Tuesday- PE Ardizone
Wednesday- No Specials
Thursday- Music
Friday- PE Greene / What We Are Learning Now
Language Arts—Complete Sentences & Narrative Writing
Math—Place Value (Recognizing that digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right)
Science—Scientific Methods
Social Studies—Community Development
We are also learning the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand then to be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Our Schedule
School starts – 8:25
Specials – 10:10-11:00
Recess – 12:00
Lunch – 12:15-12:45
End of school – 3:00 / Our Class Wish List
  • Clipboards
  • Headphones/earbuds
  • Expo dry erase markers
  • Copy Paper

Spelling Words / Vocabulary beginning Thursday, August 18th
Test on Thursday, August 25th
morphs (plural noun) the smallest possible meaning pieces in a language (example: In the word bicycle, both bi- and cycle are morphs).
prefix (noun) a morph in the beginning of a word (example: In the word bicycle, bi- is the prefix).
suffix (noun) a morph in the end of a word (example: In the word jumped, -ed is the suffix).
root word (noun) the main morph in a word. This is also known as a base word. (example: In the word jumped, -ed is the root).
noun (noun) word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea (example: In the sentence, “The proactive student studies her vocabulary daily,” student and vocabulary are nouns. )
verb (noun) word that describes an action, state, or an occurrence (example: In the sentence, “The proactive student studies her vocabulary daily,” studies is a verb).
adjective (noun) word that describes a noun (example: In the sentence, “The proactive student studies her vocabulary daily,” proactive is an adjective).
adverb (noun) words that explains how, where, or when about a verb (example: In the sentence, “The proactive student studies her vocabulary daily,” daily is an adverb).
Vocabulary beginning Thursday, August 25th
Test on Wednesday, August 30th
List Two Vocabulary
(uni- is a prefix that means “one”)
unicycle (noun) a ride-on vehicle with one wheel
unify (verb) to make into one, unite
uniform (noun) special clothing of the one school, team, or job
unique (adjective) one of a kind
unison (noun) manner of many singing or speaking all at one time.
unilingual (adjective) using only one language