7th Grade Science

Ms. Hargis – Room 301

Welcome to science with Ms. Hargis! 8th grade science is also known as biology, the scientific study of living things. There are also some exciting new topics coming this year (*NGSS). We will have a fantastic year full of hands-on activities, group and individual projects, labs, research – all aimed to increase your understanding and appreciation of the physical world.

Grading Policy:

Grades are earned on a point basis and your grade is determined by the number of points given.

Grading Scale:

90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F

Hints for being successful:

  • Check Aeries often. If you notice a discrepancy, let Ms. Hargis know as soon possible.
  • Make sure you always use a proper heading on any work turned in.
  • Keep all graded work in your notebook until the end of the trimester.
  • Make up any missed work right away.
  • Use study guides (provided) for tests and rubrics for projects.
  • Use Edlio, check the agenda.
  • Use a calendar (or agenda) and be aware of test dates. Don’t procrastinate!

Late work is accepted for half credit, but only one day late! This does not apply to absences. If you are absent, you may make up your work for full credit. If the work cannot be made up (groupwork, labs, etc.,) you will receive an exempt or an alternative assignment at Ms. Hargis’s discretion. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you were absent. Ask trustworthy students, check Edlio, or ask Ms. Hargis.

Supplies Needed: Please bring the following items to class every day:

  • A 3 ring binder
  • Pen and pencil with eraser
  • Colored pencils (we use these often!)
  • A positive attitude


Class Expectations:

School policies for discipline will be enforced at all times (please review agenda), but in addition, here are the specific rules for Ms. Hargis’s class.

  1. Be respectful to Ms. Hargis and your classmates at all times.
  2. Do not talk out of turn. Raise your hand if you wish to speak.
  3. Be in your seat when the bell rings, look at the agenda, and be prepared to learn.
  4. Do your own work except when collaboration is appropriate and expressed.
  5. Respect all school property.
  6. (We will go into more detail about labs and lab safety in class.)

You will be given 2 hall passes each semester. Use them wisely, or don’t use them at all! (Unused passes can be turned in for a small treat, not extra credit.)

Again, welcome to 8th grade science. I look forward to a great year. Please sing the bottom of this page and ask your parents to read and sign as well.

Ms. Hargis

(always the best way to get ahold of me)

562-732-0900 ext 251

*A special note to parents. I have attached a link on my edlio site where you can read more about the changes in science education known as NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). We are in a transition year and will gradually implement these changes. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me, or just wait until back-to-school night when I will definitely speak on this matter. I look forward to meeting you too!

Student Name: (Print) ______Signature:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______