The Eagle has landed

Published by


Southern New England Farrier’s Association

Donna Watson-Editor

DAVE FERGUSON Elected American Farrier's Association President and our own John Blombach as Treasurer at 2006 Convention

The American Farrier's Association's 35 Annual Convention was a large gathering of farriers in Omaha, Nebraska February 23 to 26, 2006.

Headline news from the convention was the election of two veteran AFA members and former board of directors members from the east coast. Dave Ferguson CFJ TE of Cambridge, Maryland will take over as president. John Blombach of Westminster, Massachusetts will serve as treasurer.

Tim Quinn of Jeddo, Michigan will be the board representative to the AFA's executive committee.

Ferguson and Blombach replace Craig Trnka and David Edens, respectively, who had each served two consecutive terms to fulfill the AFA's term limits. Trnka remains on the executive committee as immediate past president.

Filling out the new executive committee are secretary Walt Taylor CF of New Mexico and vice president Bob Earle of Arizona, along with executive director Bryan Quinsey.

901 (63%) - John Blombach, CJF
487 (34%) - Michael Joshua
45 - Abstentions

785 (55%) - Dave Ferguson, CJF, TE
631 (44%) - Jeff Ridley, CJF, TE
1 - Write in
16 – Abstentions

Dave Ferguson

John Blombach

In other news, the AFA reviewed a long list of bylaw changes and approved a substantial raise in dues to $150, from the former rate of $105.

National high point and overall high point competition winner was Mark Milster CJF of Oklahoma.

The late Vern Hornquist of New York received the Walt Taylor award for exemplary service to the association and profession. His wife Eileen and son Josh were present to accept the award.

(this was taken from

Hoofcare & Lameness Magazine


March 17, 2006, Lexington, KY American Farrier's Association Executive Director Bryan Quinsey submitted his resignation today. His last day with the AFA will be Friday, April 14, 2006.

March 24, 2006, Lexington, KY It has been announced that effective April 17, 2006 AFA Executive Director will assume the position of Administrative Director of the Friesian Horse Association of North America (FHANA). His first task will be to relocate the FHANA office from Sisters, Oregon to the Kentucky Horse Park. FHANA has agreed to lease space in the same building currently occupied by the AFA.

This was taken from the AFA website (


Bryan J. Quinsey, executive director of the American Farrier's Association

since late 2003, has resigned. His last day on the job will be April 14.

In a letter to AFA President David Ferguson dated March 17, Quinsey wrote,"I have very much enjoyed my tenure with the AFA and look forward to

hearing about many new and exciting opportunities from this association."

Quinsey was named executive director in November 2003 by the AFA Board of Directors. His appointment filled the vacancy that was created in June of that year when the board decided to replace John McCutchen. Lisa Knapp

served as interim director until Quinsey assumed the post.

Quinsey came to the position with an extensive background in the equine industry, having been a groom, trainer and horse manager in the United States and Canada. He had also been a member of various equine


At the time he was hired, the Executive Board directed Quinsey to focus on increasing awareness of the AFA and its educational programs, growth and retention of members, development of sponsorships and alliances with other

equine groups and bringing fiscal health and balance to the organization.

During his tenure, AFA figures

indicate the membership has

grown to more than 3,000 members. The organization also initiated a continuing education

program, awarding credits to members who participated in AFA educational events and established partnerships and buying programs with a number of companies, notably

Farnham Co.

But not all of these developments were popular with all AFA members. Some

objected to the Farnham partnership saying it was an improper endorsement

of a particular brand (defenders of the partnership said it stopped short of an endorsement). Others were upset that the continuing education program called for farriers holding the organization's certified farrier and certified journeyman farrier endorsements to earn a certain level of credits within a designated time to keep those endorsements current.

Quinsey also became a lightning rod of sorts when he was designated as the

spokesperson for an AFA task force's proposed program for farrier licensing. The AFA Board of Directors later killed the controversial proposal.

In his letter, Quinsey expressed a willingness to work with Ferguson and other AFA officials to ensure a smooth transition period. Ferguson was just elected AFA president in February, taking over for Craig Trnka who held the leadership post for most of Quinsey's tenure.

(This was taken from the The American Farriers’Journal website)

President’s Report

Spring has arrived and I hope everyone is well. The days are finally getting warmer. It is time to remove those winter pads and studs. I can not think of a happier time of year. Springtime brings new growth and opportunities after a long cold winter. SNEFA, also continues to grow. Our monthly meetings are wonderful opportunities to meet new people, educate ourselves and cultivate new ideas everyone seems to have a great time. It is great to see both old and new members at our meetings. There is plenty to eat, everyone takes home something from the raffle. Most importantly, there are opportunities to learn from the speakers and each other. This month our featured speaker/clinician/author is Michael Wildenstein FWCF from Cornell University's School of Veterinary Medicine. His presentations are always educational, entertaining and insightful. I can not wait until April 5 for presentation. I hope to see you there. Another terrific opportunity for professional growth will be the SNEFA Spring Clinic. This clinic will take the place of our May monthly meeting. Allie Hayes, from Horse Science-Horse Sense, and Mitch Taylor, CJF, will be our clinicians. There are very few clinicians who are as knowledgeable on equine limb anatomy. This is one clinic no one should miss! More details to follow. We also

have a Pre-Certification Clinic scheduled for all of you who are interested. This clinic is well worth the effort for those considering taking the AFA certification exams. If not, you can always check out what the AFA certification is all about and have a few laughs. The main thing is to have a good time and learn a few things. Finally, I hope to see all of you in the coming months because it can be a long hot lonely summer. SNEFA can only exist by and for its members. SNEFA is the membership. Your feedback and input is very important. So please let me know. So until April 5th.


SSean McClure




If any of you have apprentices of three years or less that are interested in applying for the Dick Ham Memorial Apprenticeship, call me (978.343.2754) and I’ll send you the application. They have to be returned to me no later than Sept. 1st, 2005. See you in September. For more information please contact

Garth Bodkin at: 978-343-2754



President – Sean McClure 508-797-0023

Vice President – John Blombach 978-874-2806

Treasurer – Glenn Eglington 978-297-2004

Secretary – Jim Zieger 508-498-5912

BOD – Deb Ash 603-924-9044

BOD – Donna Watson 978-386-5857

BOD-Mike Licata 603-329-5792

Newsletter-Donna Watson 978-386-5857

The Eagle has landed

The Eagle has landed

The Eagle has landed

Events Calendar

4/05/06 – General Meeting –8:00 PM – Littleton VFW - Featured Speaker – Mike Wildenstein –

Shoeing for Coffin Joint Disease/ Podotrochliosis/ Navicular Syndrome

Happy Hour 7:30-8:00 PM Directions to the VFW: Route 495 exit 31 onto Rt 119 E, go to traffic light at top of hill and turn left. VFW is quarter of mile on left.

4/ 8/6- AFA Certification – PA Bar F Ranch, Weikert, PA Examiner: Andrew Elsbree, CJF All Levels, All Areas Sponsored by Pennsylvania Professional Farriers Association Contact: Phil Bower, CJF; 717-677-0024; **Eligible for 6 hours AFA Certification Continuing Education

4 /22+23/06- Benefit Clinic & Auction Forge of the late Vern Hornquist, Lockport, NY Clinician: Danny Ward Sponsored by Western New York Farriers Association, Anvil 21 Club, Jim Linzy Memorial Fund, American Farrier's Association Contact: Matt Davis, CF; 585-704-6288*Eligible for 16 hours (8 hours per day) AFA Continuing Education

4/29/06- Farrier Appreciation Day-17th Annual, Rochester, NH. Sponsored by FPD Inc.and Meader Supply Featured Clinician- Bob Pethick, CJF he operates Bedminster Forge in New Jersey for more information call Meader Supply @ 1-800-446-7737

4/29/06- Born to Forge, Mind Games Contest – NC Sponsored by Southeastern Horseshoers on Education & Pierce Farrier Supply. Contact: Ben Pierce; 800-452-2593**Eligible for 6 hours AFA Certification Continuing Education

4/29/06- Clinic– NS Inn on the Lake, Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada Clinician: Myron McLane, CJF Sponsored by Mustad, Capewell Horsenails, & St. Croix Forge Cost: $35 (Canadian $) Contact: David Hayne; 902-328-2775; Hoof_N_Forge*Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

4/30/06- Hands-On Clinic – NS Fall River Stables, Fall River, Nova Scotia, Canada Clinician: Myron McLane, CJF Sponsored by Nova Scotia Farriers AssociationCost: $150 (Canadian $) Contact: David Hayne; 902-328-2775; *Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

5/20/06 – SNEFA SPRING CLINIC – “Anatomy and Radiography with MRI” Hands-on Labs with Allie Hayes from Horse Sense and Mitch Taylor-dissection complete with his

“Loading Machine” and Radiology & Imaging – Myhre Equine Center, Rochester, NH

8-4 lunch included with $100/full participation- $65 “audit only” fee

5/21/06-PRE-CERTIFICATION CLINIC-Hands-on with Mitch Taylor-Attendance will be limited-Myhre Equine Center 8-4, lunch included-$100/person, included all materials. Info: John Blombach 978-874-2658 or Jim Smith 603-473-2883

6/18/06- AFA Certification- Mintvale Forge Farrier Education Center, Cambridge, MD Examiner: Pat Burton, CJF.All Levels, All Areas Contact: Dave Ferguson, CJF, TE; 410-221-0220; Note: Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

7\16\06- AFA Certification -Mintvale Forge Farrier Education Center, Cambridge, MD Examiner: Dusty Franklin, CJF All Levels, All Areas Contact: Dave Ferguson, CJF, TE; 410-221-0220; Note: Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

8/11/06 Clinic Mount Sidney, VA Clinician: Bob Mederos, CJF Sponsored by Virginia Horseshoers Association Contact: Mike Spitzer, CJF; 540-234-9581; *Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

8/12/06 Contest Fisherville, VA Clinician: Bob Mederos, CJF Sponsored by Virginia Horseshoers Association Contact: Mike Spitzer, CJF; 540-234-9581; *Eligible for 8 hours AFA Continuing Education

8/26–27/06-28th Annual Empire State Farriers Association Clinic & Contest -Rhinebeck, NY Clinician/Judge: Bob Pethick, CJF Sponsored by Delta Horseshoe Co., Inc.; Delta Hoof Care; Empire State Farriers Association Contact: Taylor Keenan; 845-489-0954; **Eligible for 12 hours (6 hours per day) AFA Certification Continuing Education

09/06/06 – General Meeting –8:00 PM – Littleton VFW - Featured Speaker – Dr. Brett Gabby, DVM

Topic: Treating angular and flexural limb deformities.

Happy Hour 7:30-8:00 PM



10/04/06 – General Meeting –8:00 PM – Littleton VFW - Featured Speaker – TBA

Getting the most out of Acrylics and Hoof Repair Material/ Hoof Packing

Happy Hour 7:30-8:00 PM

10/14+15/06 -AFA Certification – NH Grant Myhre Equine Clinic – Rochester, NH Examiner: Andrew Elsbree, CJF All Levels, All Areas Contact: Jim Smith, CJF; 603-312-1748; **Eligible for 6 hours AFA Certification Continuing Education

10/16/06 – SNEFA CERTIFICATION – JIM SMITH, Myhre Equine Center, Rochester, NH

11/4/06- SHOE Fall Clinic & BBQ – NC New Salem Stable, New Salem, NC Sponsored by Southeastern Horseshoers on Education Contact: Patty Reed; 704-385-9352**Eligible for 6 hours AFA Certification Continuing Education

New Policy

A new policy is going into effect after this newletter. If you don’t have the number 06 after your name on the newletter’s mailing address label this will be your last newsletter. You have not renewed your membership in the Southern New England Farriers Association. Unless of course you renew now!! Membership application is on next page.

Dues are $50.00/year beginning the 1st of September


Business Name:______





Business Phone:______Home Phone:______

Fax:______E-Mail Address:______

Send SNEFA membership dues to:

John Blombach

P.O. Box 740

Westminster, MA. 01473

Southern New England Farrier’s Association

Code Of Ethics

We, the members of the Southern New England Farrier’s Association, accept the responsibility to practice our profession according to the highest ethical standards.

Therefore we pledge:

To always provide a quality, effective hoof care service to our clients.

To continually improve our skills through education and professional development activities.

To scrupulously adhere to safe and applicable standards of hoof care.

To treat all fellow farriers with respect.

To conduct both our professional and personal lives in a manner to reflect credit on the profession and to set an example of self-discipline for all farriers.

Encourage fellow farriers and other farrier associations to support and uphold these principles, and to question and resist those practices which may undermine or defeat them.

The Eagle has landed


for the EAGLE newsletter Rates:

Full-page advertisement

$150/ insertion

Half page advertisement


Cardsize $45/insertion

Call Donna @

978-386-5857 or e-mail

For Sale

1995 6 horse aluminum skin trailer, 22 ft on floor w/ 4 ft dressing room, wall swings open for more floor space. 7’6” tall, 8 ft wide, side and rear load, great condition, asking $8,500. OBO, I've had it since new. For more info call Jerry Trapani @1-917-355-5225

The Eagle has landed

The Eagle has landed