St Peter’s Junior High


Ms. Cecilia KennedyMs. Niki O’Brien Mac Donald

PrincipalAssistant Principal

100 Munden Drive

Mount Pearl, Newfoundland

A2G 5T6

Telephone: (709) 368-0189

Fax: (709) 368-4806

Website: www.

Follow us on Twitter @SPJH2013


St. Peter's Junior High strives to empower our community through fostering a safe, respectful, student-centered learning environment.

We shall work together to promote life-long learning, where students are actively committed to academic achievement, critical thinking and social responsibility.


7:55Doors Open

8:12Warning Bell

8:15 – 8:25Homeroom Period

8:25 – 9:13Period 1

9:13 – 10:00Period 2

10:00 –10:10Nutrition Break*

10:10 –10:58Period 3

10:58 –11:45Period 4

11:45 - 12:35Lunch

12:35 – 1:23Period 5

1:23 – 2:10Period 6

2:10 – 2:15Homeroom Period


NOTE: Students must stay inside the building during Nutrition Break.


M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F
2 / 31 / 42 / 53 / 17 / 21 / 32 / 31 / 42 / 53 / 64 / 75
84 / 95 / 106 / 117 / 121 / 63 / 74 / 85 / 96 / 107 / 10 / 11 / 126 / 137 / 141
152 / 163 / 174 / 185 / 196 / 13 / 141 / 152 / 163 / 174 / 172 / 183 / 194 / 205 / 216
227 / 231 / 242 / 253 / 264 / 205 / 216 / 227 / 231 / 242 / 247 / 251 / 262 / 273 / 284
295 / 306 / 273 / 284 / 295 / 306 / 317
M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F
15 / 26 / 37 / 41 / 52 / 1 / 2 / 25 / 36 / 47 / 51 / 62
83 / 9 4 / 105 / 116 / 127 / 56 / 67 / 71 / 82 / 93 / 93 / 104 / 115 / 126 / 137
151 / 162 / 173 / 184 / 195 / 124 / 135 / 146 / 157 / 161 / 16 / 171 / 182 / 193 / 204
22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 192 / 203 / 214 / 225 / 236 / 235 / 246 / 257 / 261 / 272
29 / 30 / 31 / 267 / 271 / 282 / 293 / 304


M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F / M / T / W / T / F
23 / 3 4 / 45 / 56 / 67 / 13 / 24 / 3 / 1 5
91 / 102 / 113 / 124 / 135 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 46 / 57 / 61 / 72 / 83
16 / 176 / 187 / 191 / 202 / 135 / 146 / 157 / 161 / 172 / 114 / 125 / 136 / 147 / 151
233 / 244 / 255 / 266 / 277 / 203 / 214 / 225 / 236 / 247 / 18 / 192 / 203 / 214 / 225
301 / 312 / 271 / 282 / 293 / 304 / 256 / 267 / 271 / 282 / 293
M /


/ W / T / F /


190 Teaching Days (White)

2 Administrative Days (Yellow)
Statutary Holidays (Red)
TERM ONESeptember 3, 2014–November 21, 2014(55 Teaching Days)
TERM TWONovember 21, 2014 - March 6, 2015(64 Teaching Days)
TERM THREEMarch 6, 2015 - June 25, 2015(71 Teaching Days)
14 / 25 / 36 / 47 / 51
82 / 93 / 104 / 11 5 / 126
157 / 161 / 172 / 183 / 194
225 / 236 / 247 / 251 / 26


September 3 – School Reopens for Students

September 4 – First Day of Regular Classes

September 18 – Curriculum Night

September 29 – PD Day for Teachers

October 13 – Thanksgiving Day

October 23 – PD Day for Teachers

November 10 – November Break

November 11 – Remembrance Day

November 24- Reports Released

November 27 - Parent Teacher Conferences

November 28 – PD Day for Teachers (tentative)

December 19 – Last Day Prior to Christmas Break

January 5 – School Reopens

February 16 – February Break

March 9 – Reports Released

March 11– Parent Teacher Conferences

March 12 – PD Day for Teachers (tentative)

March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day

April 2 – Last Day Prior to Easter Break

April 13 – School Reopens

May 18 – Victoria Day

June 15 – 19 – June Exams

June 25 – Last Day for Students

FACULTY 2014-2015


Cecilia Kennedy- Principal

Niki O’Brien MacDonald – Assistant Principal


Grade 7Homeroom

Sherry Pearce7-1 (328)

Lisa Taylor7-2 (329)

Kim O’Keefe-Swain7-3 (214)

Gerard Walsh7-4 (102)

Jesenta Lilly7-5 (213)

Steve Moody7-6 (322) (LFI)

Stephanie Derible7-7 (215) (LFI)

Grade 8Homeroom

Amy Sceviour 8-1 (211) Art & Technology

Maria Young8-2 (217)

Greg Williams8-3 (111)

Patricia Clancy8-4 (209)

Mary Beth Ezekiel8-5 (325)

Jodi Gladney8-6 (101) (LFI)

Ashleigh Colbourne8-7 (210) (LFI)

Christine Blundon8-8 (323) (LFI)

Grade 9Homeroom

Shawn Foss9-1 (216)

David Thistle9-2 (324)

Erin Walsh9-3 (326) English Department Head

Keith Molloy9-4 (100) Social Studies Department Head

Darlene Torraville9-5 (321)

Lori Janes9-6 (208)

Nancy Mandeville9-7 (212) Math Department Head

Dean Tilley9-8 (327) (LFI)

Beth Hubley9-9 (317) (LFI) French Department Head)


SpecialistsTeaching Assignment

Adam StapleMusic & Special Services

Angie HoulihanSpecial Services & Technology

Cathy HodderSpecial Services

Dawn O’RourkeSpecial Services

Dustin RideoutSpecial Services

Heather SeawardHome Economics & Special Services

Isabell CainesSpecial Services

Jessica WatermanPhysical Education

Lisa BudgellLearning Resources

Lori PhillipsSpecial Services

Luke Neville Physical Education & Technology

Melissa Barbeau Music

Nicole JonesSpecial Services

Trent LangdonGuidance

Vincent WalshSpecial Services

Support Staff

Bev BaileyStudent Assistant

Carl WhitewayMaintenance Custodian

Charmaine CarewCustodian

Charmaine HalleranStudent Assistant

Frances GalgaySecretary

Kim OakleyStudent Assistant

Lorraine MurphyCustodian

Renee JacksonStudent Assistant

Viola SladeStudent Assistant

Virginia ParrellStudent Assistant

Please Note: Students will be assigned to a specific homeroom. Homeroom configurations are arrived at through teacher consultations with the intent to provide for diversity of backgrounds as well as equitable deployment of resources. Only under exceptional circumstances will a student’s homeroom assignment be changed. Such decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.


At St. Peter’s Junior High we are committed to ensuring that the learning environment is safe, caring and provides our students with every opportunity to grow to their full potential – physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Building on our student Code of Conduct, St. Peter’s Junior High School actively seeks to provide an environment that is safe from all forms of harassment and intimidation. We feel that any form of bullying is unacceptable. Our Bully Prevention Program aims to ensure every person in the school feels safe and is treated with respect. Difference and diversity is part of life and is valued within this school. We aim to create a climate of respect in school where anti social and bullying behaviors are not accepted or tolerated.

Towards achieving the goals of our Safe and Caring Schools, we expect students to:

Participate in the school-wide bullying intervention program.

Learn to distinguish between tattling and reporting bullying behavior.

Learn and apply conflict resolution skills to resolve disputes.

Take their role as a responsible by-stander seriously when they witness bullying.

Report incidents of bullying to the school’s guidance counsellors/administration.


Because I am proud of myself, I will endeavour:

  • To be clean and tidy about my appearance
  • To refrain from using, distributing or selling tobacco, alcohol or other drug related substances
  • To attend school regularly and punctually
  • To complete assigned work in class and at home and to be prepared to submit materials at designated times
  • To be prepared for learning by bringing materials and supplies to class
  • To keep my language and gestures respectful and free of profanity or obscenities
  • To refrain from engaging in bullying, harassing, or intimidating behaviours
  • To report harassment (relating to gender identity, gender expression, religion, race, etc.) as soon as I become aware of it

To play fair, keep the rules of the game, and be a good winner and loser in sports and other group activities

Because I am proud of my school, I will endeavour:

  • To respect all school property by refraining from vandalising and littering desks, lockers, classrooms, corridors, washrooms, and school grounds
  • To conduct myself in a respectful manner while in school, on school property, on the school bus, and at all school-sponsored activities
  • To give my support and best effort in all school-sponsored activities
  • To keep personal belongings in my desk and locked locker, clean and tidy and ensure that any posters displayed are in good taste
  • To keep my cafeteria clean by returning food trays to the counter and throwing garbage in the proper containers
  • To participate in student groups which promote school spirit and encourage recognition of students' accomplishments

Because I am proud of my teachers, administration, secretarial and cleaning staff, I will endeavour:

  • To look to them for guidance and support to improve my academic, social, and mental well-being
  • To support them in their effort to maintain a safe, orderly, clean school environment
  • To accept their right to require respectable behaviour in the classroom, in the gym, at assemblies, on the bus, and at school-sponsored activities
  • To respect them and expect to be respected
  • To be good listener, and respond to directions when first given

I acknowledge that at St. Peter’s Junior High all rules and procedures promote an effective learning environment and ensure the wellbeing and safety of all.

I will accept the responsibility and the appropriate consequences for my actions,

Because I am a responsible person.


Respect for Self / Respect for Others / Respect for Environment / Respect for Learning
Bus / - Sit safely
- Load & unload properly
- Be on time
- Use appropriate language / - Follow drivers instructions
- Keep hands and feet to self / - Clean up garbage
- Report vandalism
- Be scent free
- Take care of property / - Follow safety rules
- Listen to adult in charge
Outdoors / - Use equipment
- Respect rules / - Respect smoke free policy
- Play fair and safe / - Respect smoke free policy
Classroom & Teaching Areas / - Listen attentively
- Follow classroom rules
- Pass work in on time
- Actively participate
- Be prepared for class
- Do your best / - Respect “no scent” allergy
- Respect personal space
- Report bullying
- Respect individual differences / - Recycle
- Clean up your garbage
- Respect school equipment and materials / - Maintain a good work ethic
- Have a positive attitude
- Follow class expectations
- Complete assignments on time
Cafeteria / - Select healthy choices
- Use proper hygiene and manners / - Use manners
- Line up properly and take your turn
- Use your own money
- Respect food allergy policy
- Report bullying / - Clean up your eating area
- Recycle
- Eat in designated areas / - Make healthy food choices
- Follow nutrition policy
Hallways and staircases / - Walk safely and follow the traffic flow
- Use appropriate language / - Respect others’ space
- Wait turn when entering class / - Keep areas clean
- Report vandalism
- Respect school property / - Always carry hall pass
- Keep noise minimal
- Move along
Washrooms / - Use proper hygiene / - Respect facilities / - Report vandalism
- Keep area clean / - Minimal washroom trips
- Return promptly to class
Assemblies / - Participate and listen appropriately
- Follow directions / - Respect personal space
- Act according to the tone of the assembly
- Support those involved in the assembly
- Stay in assigned area / - Keep area clean
- Respect equipment / - Minimal interruptions
- Listen attentively
- Show appropriate behavior
School Wide Expectations – Always
Appropriate language and dress; Smoke free; Respect personal space; Respect food allergy & no scent policy


Students are reminded to CARE: Cooperate, Appreciate, be Responsible, Empathetic and accountable for themselves, their learning style, and academic performance. Some general expectations of students are as follows:

  1. Be prepared to learn.
  1. Come to class on time and prepared for class with homework and assignments complete, and all required texts, paper, pens, pencils and any other necessary materials on hand.
  1. Show respect towards staff and each other at all times.
  2. Move safely about the building in a quietly and orderly fashion.
  3. Store coats and book bags in locked lockers.
  4. Visit lockers prior to homeroom, during recess and lunch and at dismissal time. (Students are not permitted to visit lockers between classes).
  5. Respect all school policies.
  6. Participate in Physical Education classes (unless excused by a medical note from a physician). It is recommended that students where appropriate gym attire and change before and after class.
  7. Respect textbooks and keep them in good condition. (If there is any loss or damage to these books they must be replaced at cost by the student).
  8. Be in homeroom by 8:15 a.m. and in class by 12:35 p.m. (Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:55 a.m., when teacher supervision duty commences).
  9. Be on time for homeroom and class periods. Teachers will record all occurrences of lateness and may contact parents or guardians at any time to discuss tardiness. After three late occurrences for homeroom or for a particular classin a month, the teacher will make contact with the parent or guardian. For homeroom class, contact will be made by the homeroom teacher or the administration.The student may be assigned a detention for Tuesday or Thursday lunchtime.
  10. Be responsible for work missed during a period of absence. If the period of absence is known in advance, the student is to inform their various subject teachers. In the case of unforeseen periods of absence, the school should be notified. Students should be prepared to write any missed test or submit assignments on the day they return to school.
  11. Clean up after themselves at lunch and recess times, i.e., throw garbage in the garbage containers and recyclables in the recycling containers. (Students are not permitted to eat in stairwells or washrooms).



All visitors, including parents/guardians, extended family members and friends are required to ring the doorbell and indicate the purpose of their visit. Visitors with a legitimate purpose are welcome at the school. Those who arrive for no official reason, however, will be asked to leave. After entering the building, all visitors should report to the main office.

During regular school hours parents and visitors are asked to enter the building via the main, front entrance that is adjacent to the school office. After students have entered the building in the morning all doors, except the front doors, will be locked.


The importance of proper conduct while waiting for, boarding, riding and getting off the bus is extremely important. Attitudes of helpfulness and cooperation will do much to ensure safe and comfortable transportation for all. Any behavior that distracts the bus driver endangers everyone. The bus driver is expected to report any misconduct that occurs on the bus. Students who witness inappropriate behaviour on the bus are also encouraged to report the incident to their teacher or to the school administration.

All students should understand, and parents/guardians are asked to impress upon their children, the need to comply with the following:

  • Students should remain well out of the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  • Getting on and off the bus should be done in an orderly manner.
  • Crowding, pushing, shoving, etc. are not appropriate.
  • Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • No part of the body should ever be extended outside the bus.
  • Aisles should be kept clear at all times.
  • Conversations should take place in normal tones of voice.
  • Nothing should be thrown either in or from the bus.
  • Smoking and profane/abusive language is strictly forbidden.

Parents will be notified of any reported misconduct. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, the student may receive a warning, be required to serve detention, or be suspended from privileges at school and/or from riding the bus.


  • Students are expected to arrive at class on time. A student is deemed late if she/he is not in homeroom or class at the time at which the class activity is to commence: that is, after the allowable interval for student movement from class to class. The homeroom and/or subject teacher will record students who are late in Powerschool.
  • Students who arrive after homeroomperiod must sign in at the office before proceeding to their regularly scheduled class. A note or email must be provided in order for the tardiness to be recorded as excused.
  • Students who leave school during the day (due to illness, appointments, etc.) must sign out at the office prior to leaving the building.A written note or email should be provided to the secretary if students are required to leave the school for an appointment. The school’s attendance email address is case of illness, a telephone contact will be made to the parent /guardian prior to the student being given permission to leave.
  • Students who are not in their scheduled class and who have not signed out will be considered to be skipping class. Home contact will be made immediately to inform the parent/guardian that the child is no longer in attendance at the school. Consequences will be put in place for students who participate in such behaviour.


  • Students are asked to refrain from visiting the washrooms during Periods 1, 3, and 5 except in the case of an emergency.
  • Students must request and receive permission from the classroom teacher to visit the washroom. Only one student at a time may leave a class. Students must use the designated hall pass.
  • Any student who abuses washroom/corridor privileges during class time or recess/lunch time may have their privileges restricted by the administration.


  • Co-operative, respectful behaviour towards staff, other students and one’s eating area is expected at all times.
  • Students must be respectful of all food allergies.
  • Eating and/or drinking beverages other than water during class time and in the gymnasium or Learning Resource Centre is not permitted.
  • Students must clean up after themselves by placing theirgarbage and recyclables in the appropriate cans.Any student who does not clean up after him/herself may be assigned a specific eating area by the administration.


  • Personal cleanliness is expected of all students.
  • Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing for a school environment. Pyjamas(except on Theme days) andclothing which permits the student’s under garmentsand midriffto be seen are unacceptable. Hoods should not be worn up unless authorized by the administration and only seasonally appropriate head wear is permitted.
  • Clothing or book bags with obscene or suggestive remarks, or labels that advertise alcohol, cigarettes or illegal drugs, are not permitted. Students who do not adhere to this clothing restriction may be required to contact a parent/guardian to bring in appropriate clothing.
  • Outdoor jackets and book bags must be stored in the lockedlockers and are not to be brought to classrooms.
  • Appropriate gym attire is recommendedfor all physical education classes.
  • Lost and found items are placed in a box located near the Main Office. Lost items will be donated to local charitable organizations if unclaimed after a reasonable period of time. Announcements will be made to this effect.


Any student who must be removed from class by a teacher because of misbehaviour and/or disruption to others may be sent directly to the Office after initial notification via the PA system. A member of the administration will meet with the student. An Incident Report will be placed in PowerSchool and home contact will be made by the teacher or the administration.


  • Students are not permitted to light matches, lighters or cigarettes in the school building.
  • No smoking, alcohol or other drugs are permitted on school property or at school sponsored activities such as sports events, field trips or school dances.
  • A student who is caught or suspected of substance abuse will be reported to the school administration. All offences will result in a phone call to parents / guardians andpossibly the police. Asuspension may be assigned.
  • A student who is caught or suspected of selling cigarettes or any illegal substance will be reported to the school administration. All offences will result in a phone call to parents / guardians and possibly the police. A suspension may be assigned.
  • Cigarettes, alcohol, drug paraphernalia and any illegal substances seen on school property will be confiscated and given to the police. Students who do not comply will be suspended.