Dinosaur Writing Assignment!
The goal of this assignment is to learn more about your individual dinosaur while also practicing your writing skills! You can write about anything about your dinosaur, from height, weight, and size to diet and habit. Make yours unique and factual!
Before we start writing, we’ll take a look at some steps to follow!
1. Prewrite: Make a list of things you would like to add to your writing assignment. Make sure the information is from a good source!
2. Write: Start using the information you gathered to write a paragraph or two about your favorite dinosaur.
3. Revise: Use Word to edit one of your peer’s papers. Turn on Track Changes to add comments to the side of the work, or to correct grammar and spelling. This will not only help them, but it will also give you more ideas about how to improve your paper, and teach you how to edit papers on Word.
4. Edit: Fix the changes that your peer made and look over your work one last time.
5. Present! Read your paper aloud to the class. You will use this information for the class skits!
Track Changes
To track changes, go to review in Word, and switch Track Changes to “On”. To add a comment, click on the plus post-it-note.
The tyrannosaurus Rex is one of my favorite dinosaurs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as T-Rex, lived in the cretaceous Cretaceous Pperiod, the last period of the Mesozoic Era. They were large predators, who moved around two feet with. They also had small arms that they did not walk with. One unique characteristic is their strange proportions. T-Rex were known for having large heads in proportion to they’re body. Many were as tall as 42 feet and 6.8 tons! The tyrannosaurus is truly a fascinating dinosaur.
Physical characteristics3 Points Total / Includes at least 4 physical characteristics of the dinosaur
3 Points / Includes 3 physical characteristics
Of the dinosaur
2 Points / Includes 2 physical characteristics of the dinosaur
1 Points / Includes 1 or no characteristics of the dinosaur
0 Points
2 Points Total / Describes the habitat that the dinosaur lived in
2 Points / Did not include the habitat
O Points
2 Points Total / Includes dinosaur’s eating habits (carnivore, herbivore, etc.)
2 Points / Does not include dinosaur’s eating habits
O Points
2 unique characteristics of the dinosaur
4 Points Total / Has 2 characteristics that are unique to the dinosaur
4 Points / Has 1 characteristic that is unique to the dinosaur
2 Points / Has no unique characteristics for the dinosaur
0 Points
And Peer Editing
4 Points Total / Writing has no grammatical, spelling, or structural errors. Peer edited.
4 Points / Writing contains 1 or 2 errors, but was peer edited.
3 Points / Writing contains several errors, but was peer edited.
2 Point / Contains lots of errors and/or was not peer edited.
O points
Out of 15 Points / ______