Course: AP Biology
Teacher: Mrs. Stuart
Room: 341
Voice Mail: 623-445-8734
Office Hours: by appointment only
Website: Can be accessed from Click For Students, then Teacher Directory
LIFE: The Science of Biology 8th edition; Sadava (BABOON on cover)
and access the online resource
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of the general biology course usually taken during the first college year. Biology topics will be covered in depth according to the requirements set forth by the College Board for AP Biology. The 4 BIG Ideas in Biology include Evolution, Cellular Processes: Energy and Communication, Genetics and Information Transfer, and Interactions. In May the AP Biology exam is taken after all required subject matter and laboratory experiments have been completed.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course of study, the student will:
1. Be prepared for a successful AP Biology testing experience.
2. Have enhanced study and test taking skills.
3. Have an increased appreciation of the world around us.
4. Have developed critical thinking skills.
5. Be prepared for college level courses in science.
1. Homework / Class work 10%
2. Laboratory experiments: 20%
3. Tests / Quizzes: 50%
4. Final Exam: 20% (10%MC-10%Written)
A = 90-100%
B = 80-90%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
The semester grade is a cumulative grade for 18 weeks weighted at 80%; the semester final exam grade is weighted at 20%. The PowerSchools site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades, attendance, and other information. If you need your access information, please stop by the front desk during business hours. You will need a photo I.D. The web address is:
AP Biology 3 ring binder (should include lined notebook paper), composition notebook with graph paper (can be purchased at The Spot- school store), note cards, highlighters, tape/glue stick and jump drive/memory stick. Calculator (only a 4 function calculator). Math is a large component of Biology and calculations will be a part of classwork and exams. Students will NOT be allowed to share calculators or use their cell phones on tests or use any scientific calculator.
COMMUNICATION- Please contact the teacher with any student/material/personal concerns. It is crucial that teachers, parents, and students maintain open lines of communication. Contact information listed above.
TEST AND QUIZZES: Tests will always be announced at least 2 days prior. We will have both announced and pop quizzes throughout the year. This is not a class that you can fall behind in and catch up easilyIf you are absent the day of a test, you will make up the test the following day. If you do poorly on a test, you have one opportunity to retake the test. If the retaken test is 5% higher than curve, then the curve will be reset.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be a crucial part of your grade due to the benefit of increased performance on tests and quizzes. If you do your homework (with reasonable effort), you will do well in this class. Your homework will be graded for completion, not accuracy. Grading for completion allows you to get immediate feedback on your assignment.
LABORATORY WORK: This class is designed to be as similar to a freshman college Biology course as possible. Since lab work is stressed in college, it will be stressed in this class. The AP Biology exam will contain a mandatory essay question about laboratory work and many multiple choice questions about similar application questions. In addition, many colleges will only give credit to students who have passed the AP Biology test if they can prove their laboratory experiences. It is for this reason that you are required to keep a college laboratory “notebook” for all investigations.
CLASSROOM POLICIES: The policies from the Student Rights and Responsibility handbook (found online) are identical to those when you are under my supervision.
1. Classroom norms will be discussed with the following in mind…
· Respect for all things Boulder Creek!
· Come to class prepared (materials, brains engaged in science, positive attitude, do your best)
· iPad is fully charged. You will get one pass per semester to not have it charged.
· No visible or in-use electronics beyond your issued iPad.
· Late work will not be accepted.
· No food or drink.
This year every student will be issued an iPad. It is an instructional tool, and not a gaming device. The iPads are locked down and access to many apps is restricted. They will be managed as an instructional tool, and will only be a portion of the in class instruction. There will be videos to watch, and exercises to complete. Students are expected to plug it in every night so they show up to school with it fully charged. If they do not have a functioning iPad in class, there will be accommodations made, but it will not function as smoothly. Their textbook is available through Canvas, as are many of their homework assignments.
During this course students will need to access, upload and download content from our class website which can be accessed at In the event a student does not have personal access to the internet, the Maricopa County Library offers free after school and lunch time access. Please be sure to plan ahead as necessary. You will need to have a library card.
It is the expectation of this class that ALL students take the College Board AP exam in May on the scheduled date to be announced. Funding is available for the exam on a financial need basis. In addition, it is a BCHS policy for all students to take a complete practice exam. This practice exam will be scheduled in advance and participation is mandatory. All students, whether testing for Advanced Placement College Board credit or not, will sit for a full board exam in April. Students testing for college credit will test with the appropriate facilitator. Students will miss 1-3 class periods that day (as an excused internal school absence that will not count as an absence for school attendance policy purposes).
All students enrolled in AP BIOLOGY will adhere to the framework and guidelines set forth in the Boulder Creek High School Academic Integrity Code. Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The purpose of this code is to promote a positive learning environment for all involved. As humans, we will make mistakes as we grow. It is understood that we can learn from those mistakes and become better individuals in the future. Any student who violates this code will be referred to the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook and assignment of appropriate consequences. Please refer to the Academic Integrity Code in your student handbook for more details.
MAKE-UP WORK POLICY: Upon return to class after an absence, a student has one school day for each day missed to make up work/test assigned during his/her absence regardless of the number of days absent. For example, if a student is absent on Thursday and Friday, he/she will have Monday and Tuesday of the following week to make up work and must turn in the work that was assigned during the days absent on Wednesday. It is the student’s responsibility to check with teachers/calendar/make up work folder as soon as possible for work missed and possible adjustment of due dates. Late work will NOT be accepted.
LONG TERM PROJECT POLICY: Long term projects are assignments given at least two weeks in advance. Teachers should note that the assignment is a long term project in the written instructions provided. Long term projects are due on or before the date assigned, even if the student or teacher is absent on the due date. The project can be turned in at the front office to ensure on time delivery.
PBIS- Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences
Learning EnvironmentPrepared / · Bring materials
· Come prepared to learn
Respectful / · Respect others, their property, equipment, and the facility
Integrity / · Complete your own work
· All electronic devices are off and out of sight
Discipline / · Arrive on time & be in your seat
· Behave appropriately and use courteous language
· Keep food and drink outside
Everyone United / · Encourage confidence
· Cooperate and collaborate
ATTENDANCE: Upon reaching 12 absences, a student may lose credit in this class.
SCIENCE LABORATORY BREAKAGE POLICY: According to BCHS and the DVUSD the following policy on laboratory breakage will be as follows: Laboratory investigations are a crucial part of science investigations. Without science equipment, labs and projects are very difficult to perform. Due to costs, students will check- out equipment and tools to use in lab. If a student breaks something, he or she will be held responsible for paying a replacement fee. This is designed to reinforce that the students follow instructions and use care when using equipment. Many of the process are included; however the list is not limited to only these items. Students are responsible for paying the breakage fee at the bookstore.
Beakers10ml / $ 5.00 / 250ml / $ 4.50
50ml / $ 4.50 / 400ml / $ 5.50
100ml / $ 4.50 / 600ml / $ 6.50
150ml / $ 4.50 / 1000ml / $ 12.50
Buret / $ 19.75
Buret Tip Replacement / $ 1.78
Crucibles / $ 3.21
Crucible Covers / $ 5.80
Dropping Bottles / $ 9.00
Eudiometer Tube 50ml / $ 30.60
Evaporating Dishes / $ 10.76
Glass Rod / $ 0.50
Medicine droppers / $ 0.50
Meter Stick / $ 4.50
Metric Ruler / $ 4.50
Mortars (glass) / $ 14.40
Mortars (porcelain) / $ 10.00
Pestles / $ 5.00
Prepared Slide / $ 5.00
Spot Plate / $ 14.95
Test Tube
10mm / $ 0.50
13mm / $ 0.50
15mm / $ 0.80
20mm / $ 1.00
25mm / $ 2.00
Thermometer (20-110 c) / $ 4.70
Triple Beam Balance / $ 120.00
Watch glasses / $ 2.15
Vernier interfaces/
probes / $325.00
Please return this portion by August 12, 2016.
Parent and Student Contract
By signing, we are saying that we have read, understand and agree to abide by the policies and regulations explained in this syllabus. We understand that Boulder Creek High School Science Department has a “Breakage Policy”. This policy is designed to hold students accountable for equipment checked out to their care. We have read and agree to follow all the safety rules set forth in the Student Safety Contract. These measures are in place to protect the safety of all students in the lab.
Student Name (Printed) ______
Class Hour ____ Date ______
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
Student Information Sheet
*You may place a star by the parent/guardian who would prefer to be contacted throughout the school year.
Student Preferred name / Student emailMom’s name and phone # / Dad’s name and phone #
Mom’s E-Mail / Dad’s E-Mail
Please tell me one interesting fact about you or your life that you would like me to know.