Record Format Document
Copyright Xoserve 2014©, all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.
Author: / XoserveOwner: / Xoserve
Version: / 2.3A
Status: / Approved
Date: / 27-Jul-15
Version Control
Version / COR / Issue Date / Implementation Date / Summary of Change1L / Current Live Version
2FA / 1154 / 14-Oct-2014 / 01-Oct-2015 / File issued for representation
2.1FA / 1154 / 12-Dec-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / Further Changes Identified (Highlighted Green)
2.1A / 1154 / 23-Dec-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / Approved
2.2FA / 1154 / 09-Jun-2015 / TBC / For Approval
2.3FA / 1154 / 10-Jul-2015 / TBC / For Approval
2.3A / 1154 / 27-Jul-2015 / Project Nexus Implementation Date / Approved
Note 1
OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places
Note 2
All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")
Record Type Definition
TRANSACTION_TYPE / M / T / 3 / 0 / A code identifying the type of responsethat this record represents. VALUE : T50
SUPPLY_POINT_CONFIRMATION_REFERENCECONFIRMATION_REFERENCE / MO / NT / 910 / 0 / A sequential number that uniquely identifies the Confirmation.
NOMINATION_SHIPPER_REF / O / T / 30 / 0 / A reference supplied by the SystemUser when making a Nomination. Itmay be used by the System User toidentify the Nomination and anysubsequent Confirmation made forthat Nomination.
END_USER_CATEGORYEUC_NUMBER / O / N / 10 / 0 / A unique number identifying the
EUC.It is the EUC the meter point is currently attached to via its Supply Point.
SUPPLYMETER_POINT_REFERENCE / M / N / 10 / 0 / An unique identifier for the point at which a meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network. These references are less volatile than meter or service identifiers and do not change if the meter is replaced or the service is relayed to the same position. New Supply Meter Point References will only be created for new services or when a service is relayed to a different position.
METER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / The manufacturer’s meter serial
CONTEXT: This is the informationheld in UK Link for the mostrecently recorded asset, even if thisasset is removed. This field will notbe populated if no asset informationhas been recorded against the meterpoint.
CONVERTOR CORRECTOR_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / The manufacturer’s convertor corrector serialnumber.
CONTEXT: This is the informationheld in UK Link for the mostrecently recorded asset, even if thisasset is removed. This field will notbe populated if no corrector isrecorded with the most recent meter.
NUMBER_OF_DIALS_OR_DIGITS / O / N / 2 / 0 / Numbers of dials or digits on themeter which are considered duringmeter reading. Used to validatemeter readings and to determine thenumber of complete unitsconsumed. Where a corrector convertor isfitted, this is the corrector convertor correctednumber of dials or digits, where nocorrector convertor is fitted this is the meternumber of dials or digits.
CONTEXT: This is the informationheld in UK Link for the mostrecently recorded asset, even if thisasset is removed. This field will notbe populated if no asset informationhas been recorded against the meterpoint.
METER_STATUS / O / T / 2 / 0 / A code indicating the current statusof the meter. VALUES LI - Live, FA - Faulty, IN - Inactive, CU - Cut off Meter, CL - Clamped, CA - Capped, SP - Spin Cap, OT - Other, UN – Unknown, NI – Not Installed, RE - Removed.
CONTEXT: This is the informationheld in UK Link for the mostrecently recorded asset, even if thisasset is removed. This field will notbe populated if no asset Informationhas been recorded against the Meterpoint.
CORRECTION_FACTOR / O / N / 9 / 06 / This is a fixed factor based on pressure/altitude/temperature This is a fixed factor to correct the reading for pressure, altitude or temperature. Where a corrector is fitted, this is the corrector correction factor, where no corrector is fitted this is the meter correction factor. . It is obtained from the meter point table.
CONTEXT: This is the information held in UK Link for the most recently recorded asset, even if this asset is removed. This field will not be populated if no asset informationThis field will not be against the meter point.
IMPERIAL_METER_INDICATOR / O / T / 1 / 0 / Indicator identifying if the meter measures volume of gas consumed in metric or imperial units. Code to identify the reading
measurement of the meter.
VALUES: Y-Imperial, N-Metric.
CONTEXT: This is the information held in UK Link for the most recently recorded asset, even if this asset is removed. This field will not be populated if no asset information has been recorded against the meter point.
READING_FACTOR / O / N / 68 / 03 / The factor to apply to volumes calculated from meter readings to convert hundreds of cubic feet if imperial or cubic meters if metric. Multiply readings by this figure to give readings in 100s of cubic feet for an Imperial meter, and in cubic metres for a metric meter. Where a corrector is fitted, this is the corrector corrected reading factor, where no corrector is fitted this is the meter reading factor.
CONTEXT: This is the information held in UK Link for the most recently recorded asset, even if this asset is removed. This field will not be populated if no asset information has been recorded against the meter point.
METER_READING_UNITS / O / N / 5 / 0 / This contains the units the meter is read in, e.g. 10, 100, 1000 cubic feet.Where a convertor is fitted, this is the convertor model corrected reading factor, where no convertor is fitted this is the meter model reading factor.This contains the units in which the meter is read. Allowable values for an Imperial meter - 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000. Allowable values for a Metric meter - 1, 10. Where a corrector is fitted, this is the corrector corrected reading units, where no corrector is fitted this is the meter reading units.
CONTEXT: This is the information held in UK Link for the most recently recorded asset, even if this asset is removed. This field will not be populated if no asset information has been recorded against the meter point.
DATALOGGERDRE_PRESENT / M / T / 1 / O / This represents whether or not there is a dataloggerdaily read equipmentcurrently fitted for the Supply Meter Point.recorded for the Meter Point on UK Link.
METERSUPPLY_METER__POINT_WC / OM / N / 1315 / 0 / Quantity of gas used in the winter period.
CONTEXT: The Winter
Consumption which will be effective at the start of the new gas year.
PRORATED_WC / OM / N / 1315 / 0 / Prorated Winter Consumption over the optimum winter period potentially used to derive EUC.
CONTEXT: The prorated Winter
Consumption which will be
Effective at the start of the new gas year.
WC_REVIEW_PERIOD_START / O / D / 8 / 0 / The start date of the period over
which the Meter Point consumption history was analysed to calculate the
WC for the Meter Point.
CONTEXT: This relates to the WC which will be effective at the start of the new gas year.
WC_REVIEW_PERIOD_END / O / D / 8 / 0 / The end date of the period over
which the Meter Point consumption history was analysed to calculate the WC for the Meter Point.
CONTEXT: This relates to the WC which will be effective at the start of the new gas year.
START_READING / O / TN / 12 / 0 / The reading value at the start of the period over which the meter point WC was calculated. Where a corrector convertor is fitted, this is the correctorconvertor reading. Where no corrector convertor is fitted, this is the meter reading.
CONTEXT: This relates to the WC, which will be effective at the start of the new gas year.
END_READING / O / NT / 12 / 0 / The reading value at the end of the period over which the meter point WC was calculated. Where a corrector is fitted, this is the corrector reading. Where no corrector is fitted, this is the meter reading.
CONTEXT: This relates to the WC which will be effective at the start of the new gas year.
TTZ_COUNT ROUND_THE_CLOCK / MO / NT / 2 / 0 / Represents the number of times the meter or corrector measuring consumption has gone through the zeroes between the start and end readings of the relevant metered period.This is the number of times the
meter or corrector measuring
consumption has gone through the zeros between the start and end readings of the relevant winter period.
CONTEXT: This value will default to zero if the Winter Consumption was derived prior to the AQ2000 process.
NUMBER_OF_EXCHANGES / MO / N / 2 / 0 / Represents the number of times the meter or convertor measuring consumption has been exchanged as indicated by the start and end readings of the relevant This is the number of times the meter or corrector measuring consumption has been exchanged between the start and end readings of the relevant winter period.
CONTEXT: This value will default to zero if the Winter Consumption was derived prior to the AQ2000 process.
TRANSPORTER_NOMINATION_REFERENCE / O / N / 9 / 0 / A reference number which uniquely identifies the nomination.
CONTEXT: Not populated when a confirmation was raised via the confirmation only process.
OFFER_NUMBER / O / N / 3 / 0 / A sequential number within a nomination to uniquely identify the Offer
CONTEXT: Not populated when a confirmation was raised via the confirmation only process.
WC_CORRECTION / O / N / 15 / 0 / Quantity of gas used in the winter period. CONTEXT: The Winter Consumption following a WC Correction.
BACKSTOP_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / AQ Backstop date for the supply meter point.
EUC_EFFECTIVE_DATE / O / D / 8 / 0 / Date from when the new EUC mentioned in the file is effective.
EUC_CHANGE_REASON_CODE / O / T / 2 / 0 / The reason for change in EUC, denoted as a 2 character code. Following are the allowable values and it’s definitions;
Allowable values: 04
04 - WC correction
EUC_DESCRIPTION / O / T / 12 / 0 / Acronym for the make up of an End User Category (EUC). EUC's categorise end users in terms of their LDZ, AQ lower limit, AQ upper limit, meter read frequency, BGIC code, winter start, and end month and the ratio of upper and lower limit. The description will best describe what an EUC is made up of in 12 characters.
Total / 186205
RT_T50_NTFN_MP_WC_REVISIONPage 1 of 10Issue Date: 27-Jul-2015
Version: 2.3AImplementation Date: Project Nexus Implementation Date