Mrs. Wessel’s Film as Literature, American Literature, and British Literature Classes
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I am truly looking forward to getting to know you this year. Here are some things you’ll need to know about my classroom…
RULES- We will follow Sun Valley’s five basic rules. They are:
- Students are to be ON TIME with all necessary materials (including their own student handbook) and in their seats from bell to bell.
- Students are NOT to display and/or use prohibited distracters in class; this includes but is not exclusive to cellphones, personal listening devices (including headphones), or video games.
- Students are to speak and behave appropriately with everyone in the classroom and will not interfere with teachers teaching or students learning.
- Students are to remain alert and on task for the duration of class.
- Students are to be dressed according to the school dress code at all times. Hats, head scarves, and other prohibited items should not be in a student’s possession.
Violation of these rules may result in the following consequences: teacher warnings, teacher detentions, office referrals, calls home, or academic penalties.
VALLEY PRIDE- Make sure you demonstrate all aspects of Valley Pride: Perseverance, Responsibility, Integrity, Drive, and Establish Greatness!
ENTER/EXIT QUESTIONS- Every day you will be asked to complete an enter question at the beginning of class and an exit question at the end of class. Questions will be posted on the board. Each day you will be given 5 points for complete, thoughtful answers (25 points a week). Enter/Exit responses will be kept in a composition book in your folder. If you miss the questions because of an absence, you are responsible for making them up (I will post them on my web page).
COLLABORATIVE GROUPING- Many activities we will do in class will be done with your partner/group. You will be receiving an individual grade for these activities, so it is crucial that you cooperate and contribute.
FOLDERS- Each student will have his or her own folder. This folder is where all materials for the day will be kept. Additionally, assignments will be given and turned in via your folder.
OTHER MATERIALS: You are responsible for bringing your own pen, pencil, and paper to class. For projects, I will provide materials (posters, markers, scissors, etc.). All I ask is that you treat these materials with respect so that they make it to the end of the year!
ALL STAR OF THE WEEK- Each Friday, I will choose one outstanding student from each class to be the “All Star” of the week. If you receive this prestigious honor, expect to see your name on my class web page and to get a reward!
EXTRA HELP- If you have questions about an assignment and need additional help, I am available after school and during 1st period prep. You may also email me at .
LATE WORK- Although it is important to hand assignments in on time, I WILL accept late work (for partial credit) in order to assess your skills and understanding of the material.
GOOGLE CLASSROOM- Assignments, resources, and discussions can be found there!
TEACHER WEBPAGE-Additional resources and important announcements can be found on my PDSD teacher page.
TWITTER- Please follow me on Twitter! @MrsWessel_svhs