
The minutes of Lezayre Parish Commissioners meeting held on 6th August 10, 2009, at 7pm, the Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre.

Members present: Mrs V A Quane (Chairman), Mr C W Roberts, Mr Karl Brew. Mr A D Radcliffe and Mr C Birchenough had previously given their apologies. Mrs Maureen Rimmer, Clerk was in attendance. One member of the Public attended and no Press attended.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on2nd July 2009, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the chairman.

Mrs Vivien Quane (Chairman) welcomed Karl Brew back to the Commissioners.

As only three members were in attendance, it was agreed by all that they would address what they could, and other matters may have to be held over for another meeting.

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


Isle of Man Government

Office of the Council of MinistersIOM Gov Preservation of War Memorials

Advising Committee members. Noted.

Documents on the history of the War Memorial at the LezayreChurch had been found and it was proposed by Chris Roberts seconded by Karl Brew that these should be stored in acid free pockets so that their condition did not deteriorate further. A fund raiser had been held previously, and it was suggested that these funds were used. It is hoped that once these documents are ready, they can be viewed by the public. It was agreed that no more than £100 be used for this purpose. The condition of the War Memorial was fine at the moment, but there were a few weeds and the Clerk was instructed to ask the Caretaker to use a mild weed killer to deal with them.

Department of TransportConsultation on proposed Flood Risk Management. Comments to be received by 4th September. People should be encouraged to clear their ditches.

Tholt y will Road Weight Restriction. This is now being discussed at the Northern Traffic Management Liaison Committee.

Highways MonthlyIssue 36. Noted

Road Transport Lic CommNumbers 270,271,272,273,274,275 No Lezayre

DAFFDuty to have Regard for the Environment – Section 36 of the Wildlife Act 1990. The Clerk was asked to prepare a poster that could be displayed so that this information is passed on.

Public Consultation document on proposals for the Claddaghs. These documents are available from the Commissioners Offices, The Sulby Glen Hotel, The Ginger Hall, and Caley’s Stores. They are also available on line

Office of the DATA ProtectionRenewal forms. The clerk advised Karl Brew that a form would be available for him to sign soon. Currently forms are signed annually, and it was suggested that if they were renewed every four years, this would fit around the term served by the members. The clerk was requested to look into this.

Isle of Man Arts CouncilInvite to include hall details on database. The Commissioners welcomed the idea of the details of the Community Hall being available, and it was agreed by all that photographs, and a description of our facilities be sent.

Marown Parish CommissionersCivic ServiceSunday 13th September 20093.00pm

Maughold Parish CommissionersCivic Service Sunday 20th September 20093.00pm

Vivien Quane to advise the Clerk is she is available to attend.

DHSSOpening of “New Front Doors” Ramsey Cottage Hospital 7th August 2009 2.45 for 3pm Chris Roberts had agreed to attend.

Patrick CommissionersSeeking advice re their hall as hostel. The clerk was asked to reply outlining how our problem was resolved.

BUPABupa care Noted

Lezayre Parish Fun DayArbory Parish Commissioners

Bride Commissioners

Lonan Commissioners

Malew Commissioners

Marown Commissioners

Maughold Commissioners

Michael Commissioners

PeelTown Commissioners

It was agreed that the discussion for the fun day should be carried forward to the next meeting.

Mrs Redman. Commented on the Royal Manx Agricultural Show. She felt it should be held on a Saturday and Sunday. The Clerk was asked to forward this letter to the organisers of the show.

Seminar on Planning The Clerk advised all on this seminar. The Clerk is to

Enforcement Mattersattend. Vivien Quane and Karl Brew will advise if they are able to attend. Thursday 17th Sept at 7.30 Strathallan Suite.

The next meeting was arranged for 3rd September 2009 in the community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby Lezayre on the at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 7.35pm.

Signed (Chairman) Date