Washington D.51
Music Handbook
Mrs. Randolph and Mrs. Houle
Encouraging Excellence Every Day with Compassion, Commitment, and Community
E3 + C3 = D51
Music Handbook
Welcome to the Central Intermediate School Chorus and Band programs. We are both very excited you decided to join the Chorus and/or Band and we look forward to having a successful and fun year making music.
Students will be graded according to their own participation and improvement. Grading will be on a total-points basis, with points earned from the following categories:
A. Classroom Participation includes consistency of daily preparation for class and participation during class.
Daily points (3 possible per rehearsal/lesson):
- On time to rehearsal/lesson
- Appropriate materials (3-ring binder for band, folder for choir, pencil, instrument for band)
- Appropriate use of time (participating in a productive manner)
B.Concert/Parade/Special Event Participation includes participation in all required band and choral activities, such as concerts and festivals. Concerts are worth 50 to 100 points and are required for all students. There is at least one concert assignment per quarter for all band and choir students.
C.Written Assignments include theory assignments, as well as any other written work. You may expect written assignments. Written assignments are worth 5-20 points and are required for all students.
D. Playing/Singing Assignments include any live or recorded, or Smart Music playing/singing assignments. You may expect at least one playing/singing assignment per quarter. Playing/Singing assignments are worth 25-50 points and are required for all students.
Rehearsals during Activity Periods:
- 7th/8th Chorus - Monday and Wednesday
- 7th/8th Band - Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
- 6th Band – Monday and Wednesday
- 5th/6th Chorus – Tuesday and Thursday
- 5th Band – Friday
1.Students are expected to attend rehearsals
2.Students are to be in the band/chorus classroom by the time the 3-minute tardy bell rings.
- Band students have 2 additional minutes to be ready in their seat with assembled instrument and folder.
- Consequences for lateness may include, but are not limited to, points off the weekly grade, a detention warning, and an assigned detention.
3.If a student misses rehearsal or is late, the student will bring a pass to their chorus/band teacher. Without a pass from another teacher, he/she will lose points from their weekly grade and will be considered and unexcused absence and a detention may be given.
- 5th-8th Grade Band/Choir students will have weekly lessons scheduled during PE once a week.
- A student who misses a lesson will lose points from their weekly grade and will be considered and unexcused absence and a detention may be given.
- Students should bring the following items to rehearsal:
- Chorus – pencil and music
- Band – 3-ring binder, pencil, music, and necessary supplies
- Saxophones and clarinets players should always have at least three good reeds in their case
- Brass players need to have valve oil/slide lubricant in their case.
- Students are expected to attend all performances in which they participate.
- The performances were scheduled around other CIS events so there should be no CIS conflicts. CIS concerts take precedence over all other non school related activities.
- Students are expected to stay for the entire duration of a concert in which they are a participant even if their ensemble is finished performing. Students may only leave early if the parent/guardian has provided a note of explanation to Mrs. Randolph or Mrs. Houle prior to the concert.
- Excused absences include family emergencies and illness.Parent/guardian must call school or provide written explanation of absence
- Please check the attached Music Department Calendar and inform Mrs. Randolph or Mrs. Houle of any conflicts no later than two weeks prior to the performance.
- If a student misses a performance or leaves before the performance is completed, and the absence is not excused, their final quarter grade will be lowered by two letters.
Students who sign up for choir and band are expected to participate the ENTIRE SEMESTER (two grading periods). A note from a parent/guardian is necessary for withdrawal. Just as it is with any sport or organization, we need EVERYONE in order to succeed. Extra ordinary circumstances will be dealt with at the discretion of the administration after consultation with Mrs. Randolph, Mrs. Houle, and the parent/guardian
For every concert, everyone is expected to wear the following:
- Girls:
- Black blouse or button down shirt
- Black pants/skirt/capri pants
- Black sock/nylons/tights (if necessary)
- Black shoes (Please, no tennis shoes or flip flops)
- solid black dress (long enough to reach below the knees when sitting)
- Boys:
- Black button down shirt/polo
- Tie is optional(any color/pattern)
- Black pants
- Black socks
- Black shoes (Please, no tennis shoes or flip flops)
- 7th & 8th Grade Marching Band:
- CIS Music T-shirt
- Jeans
- White Socks
- Tennis Shoes
A.Original Music
The music used in chorus is the property of Central Intermediate School District #51. Students are expected to take care of their music and folder that is assigned. If original music is returned with damages or is not returned at all, the students will be charged a fee to replace their copy.
B. Instrument:
- If renting a school owned instrument, see the rental agreement form.
- It is not recommended that students switch instruments once already receiving instruction on a first instrument (unless the director thinks it would be better for the student). However, if a parent finds it necessary to switch instruments, the director HIGHLY RECOMMENDS that the student take private lessons on the new instrument. If the student does not take private lessons, the director may move the student down to a band of his or her ability level.
- All 5th-8th Choir/Band students will receive a Certificate of Participation
- Student in 6th, 7th, 8th may receive a letter or a pin if the participate in two (2) of the following:
- Band: Jazz Band, IMEA District Festival, IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Contest
- Choir:Boys Ensemble, Girls Ensemble, IMEA District Festival, IGSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest, Peoria Area Civic Festival Choir, Solo during Concert Performance, Piano Accompaniment of Choir
- Field Trips
- If there is an opportunity for a 7th/8th Field Trip to Chicago/St. Louis. Students will be able to attend this nonperformance field trip only if they are eligible based on the standards set forth in school handbook. (See pg. 6 in the student handbook)
Concert Dates
Fall 2017 Semester
Thurs. 24th -5th Grade Band Sign Up Night (3:30-6:00pm)
Sat. 16th- Morton Pumpkin Festival Parade 7th/8th Band (8am-12pm)
This is a required performance for 7th/8th Grade Band
Fri. 29th- Homecoming 7th/8th Band (11:30am-7:30pm)
This is a required performance for 7th/8th Grade Band
Thurs. 28th – Band/Choir Fannie May Fundraiser Kickoff
More information TBA
Mon. 9th- ILMEA Auditions - Quincy, IL
This is an opportunity for 7th and 8thBand/Choir members to audition for the IMEA District 4 Festival. The performance is at WIU, November5th.
More information TBA
Tues. 10th- Fall 5th-8th CHOIRCONCERT
7pm – CIS Holford Gym
This is a required performance for all 5th-8th choir members
Sat. 4th- ILMEA District 4 Festival (Western Illinois University-Macomb)
More information TBA for those 7th/8th graders who were accepted.
Mon. 11th – 5th grade BAND Concert – 6pm
This is a required performance for 5thGrade Band
*Thurs. 14th- (5th-8th) Peoria Civic Choir Festival Rehearsal-Five Points –
selected choir students – more info TBA
*Fri. 15th- (5th- 8th) Peoria Civic Choir Festival Performance-Five Points –
selected choir students – more info TBA
Mon. 18th- Winter Band/Choir Concert-7pm (CIS Gym)
This is a required performance for 6th-8thGrade Band and Jazz Band
This is a required performance for 5th-8th Grade Choir
SNOW DATE Tuesday Dec. 19th – In the event there is a snow day on the 18th the Winter Concert will perform 7pm on the 19th. In the event that there is a snow day on the snow date – concert will be cancelled.
Concert Dates
Spring 2018 Semester
Sunday, January 28th – PTO Rivermen Game CENTRAL NIGHT – 3pm
Boy Ensemble sing National Anthem
Practice your solo and ensemble contest piece!
Friday.2nd– Central “Coffee” Concert (7th/8th) -6:00pm
This is a concert to showcase our Jazz Band, Boys Ensemble, and Girls Ensemble
Fri. 9th or Sat. 10th - Solo & Ensemble Contest at ICC (Selected 6th–8th)
More information TBA
Tues. 20th – Washington Township BAND Festival7pm (7th/8th)
Rehearsal during the day at Five Points – details TBA
Five Points–Arrive at 6:30 for a 7pm start
This is a required performance for 7th/8th Grade Band
Thurs.12th – Washington Township Choir Festival (7th/8th) -5:15pm
This is a required performance for 7th/8th Choir members
Large Group rehearsal at 5:30pm, doors open at 6:30, 7pm concert start
Mon. 30th – Spring BAND Concert - 7:00pm (CIS Gym)
- This is a required performance for 5th-8th Grade Band
- Arrive for warm-ups at 6:30
Tues. 1st – Spring CHOIR Concert - 7:00pm (CIS Gym)
- This is a required performance for 5th-8th Grade Choir
- Arrive for warm-ups at 6:30
Thurs. 4th- (4th grade Festival Chorus) PACC Festival Rehearsal-Five Points –
selected choir students – more info TBA
*Fri. 5th- (4th grade Festival Chorus) PACC Festival Performance-Five Points –
selected choir students – more info TBA
Other Performances that are yet to be scheduled
Band/Choir Field Trip - TBA
8th Grade Graduation (8th Choir Only)
Central Music Department T-Shirt ONLINE Order
You may customize the back at an additional cost.
** This is required dress code t-shirt for Central 7th/8th Marching Band and optional for all others.**
The online store will be open until August 28th2017.
CIS Music Contract
It has been in our experience that most students can easily do both ensembles during their entire year while maintaining their grades and participating in extra-curricular activities. In fact, many of our students have chosen to participate in chorus and band during their entire Intermediate School years! Please discuss these options with your child and return this form to Mrs. Randolph or Mrs. Houle by the start of their participation.
_____Chorus and Band
_____Chorus Only
_____Band Only
Students: I have read the Music Handbook and I understand the commitment and responsibilities that will be asked of me. I agree to abide by the condition of this contract. I will follow classroom and school expectations.
Student Signature______Date:______
Grade:5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
Parents: I have read the Music Handbook and understand the commitment and responsibilities that my child is willing to undertake. I will support the director and the policies concerning the CIS Music Program and agree to help my child abide by the commitments required.
Parent Signature______Date: ______