CCSS Math 8th

Mrs. Murillo Rm 38


CPM Core Connections Course 3 is a yearlong course that prepares students to enter the study of Integrated One Math in high school. The focus of the course will be to build the foundation necessary for success in the next course. Students will study the following topics during the year: properties of mathematics, multiple representations including graphs, tables, and equations of linear and non-linear situations,problem solving, graphing, identifying patterns, solvingmulti-step equations including systems of equations, operations of rational numbers and integers, solving and graphing inequalities, and transformations and angles.

Class Structure:

Following Common Core standards, this class will focus around collaborative learning by investigating, discussing and discovering the different math concepts, while working in teams. Students will be assessed in different forms including team/ Individual tests and tasks. The only way students will master the concepts is by being actively involved in their learning. I will be responsible for guiding, supporting and summarizing at all times. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis to help students practice and master the concepts discussed in class.

Late Work:

I will accept late work. Late work is only partial credit. All late work will be accepted up to a week before I close my grade book for the semester. Students are responsible for finding any missing assignment they have on the portal or their agenda.

Make up quiz/test:

Students have the opportunity to make up missed problems on their quiz or test for partial credit. Students will have to submit a correction form filled out with the original quiz or test attached to the back of the form. If a student scores lower than a C- on any test they will be assigned Saturday school to review and retake the test for an opportunity of earning a higher grade.

Material Recommended:

2Graph Ruled Notebook (One for each semester)

Pencils(2 please)

Red pen (for correcting)

Color pencils

Scientific Calculator

Rivera Middle School Website:

The nightly homework along with reminders about the class, due dates, and tests can be foundon the Staff Website.

Class Expectations:

  1. Respect each other and the environment
  2. Be responsible for our actions
  3. Be prepared for school
  4. Pay attention and participate


  1. Try to solve the problem
  2. Warning
  3. Write about it and get it signed by parent
  4. Detention(lunch and/or after school)/call home
  5. Referral to office

Severe behavior/issues-Automatic Office Referral

Grading Breakdown Grading Scale

20%Homework 90 and up A

15% Projects/Quizzes 80-89 B

25% Team Tests 70-79 C

35%Individual Tests 56-69 D

5% Final 55 and below F

Promotion Requirements:

As a reminder to you, promotion criteria have been established through district policy. 8th Grade students not meeting the minimum requirements will be excluded from promotion, and from all promotion related activities. In order to be eligible for promotion to High School students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Furthermore, no student may have more than one “U” in citizenship during the 2nd semester of their 8th Grade academic year.

By signing I am agreeing that I have received a copy of the class syllabus. I have read, understood and am willing to abide by these requirements

Student Name______Student Signature______

Parent/Guarding signature______

Best way to contact______