East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program 2009
as of 19 August 2009
September 2009
Legal and Practical Dimensions of Migration Policy in Poland, Ukraine and Germany
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Organizer: Euro-Concret Association, Wroclaw in partnership with Common Mission Association, Odessa
September 2009, Wroclaw and Odessa
Summary: Non-governmental organizations and civil activists, to exchange and compare experiences and best practices in overcoming abuse of migrants and temporary workers, to raise public awareness and engage the public in collaborative initiatives among all stakeholders in implementing practical solutions to protect the rights of migrants and to promote reform in formulation of policies and legislation to protect migrants.
Regional Experiences in Working with Abused and Neglected Children
Foundation Open Society Institute-Representative Office Montenegro
Organizer: Children First, Podgorica
September 2009, Podgorica
Summary: Professionals in social protection, judicial and health services and non-governmental organizations engaged in child rights protection, to establish cooperation between public and civil sectors in the western Balkans working in the protection of victims of abuse and neglect, to upgrade the capacity and competencies of professionals and to support the enhancement of protection of child rights through adopting and implementing a strategy for protection of children of violence, an educational program for professionals from relevant systems and representatives of NGOs and protocols of collaboration among all stakeholders on local and central levels; initiated 2008 with Croatia.
Public Diplomacy in European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine)
Organizer: Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv in partnership with Institute of Foreign Affairs, Bratislava
September 2009, Uzhgorod, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhya, Donetsk
Summary: Representatives of non-governmental organizations and think tanks, journalists and decision-makers in Ukraine and Slovakia, to provide information to the public in Ukraine about Euro-Atlantic integration and EU accession experiences in Slovakia, to enhance the capacities and skills of experts in Ukraine by promoting collaboration with experts in Slovakia and to encourage collaborative analyses of European integration processes and the role of public diplomacy experiences in Slovakia.
Productive Learning: Alternatives to Traditional Education
Soros Foundation-Romania
Organizer: Center Education 2000+ Romania, Bucharest, in partnership with the Center for Educational Initiatives Association, Sofia and Pro Didactica, Chisinau
September 2009, Chisinau
Summary: Experts in education reform in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, to enhance the quality of cooperation among educational experts in efforts to support processes of development of educational methodologies, to promote a new concept in the educational field for young students with disabilities in order to respond to their educational needs and interests and to compare models of Productive Learning curricula as developed and implemented in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova; initiated 2008.
Civil Society Actors and Government Structures in e-Government Development Processes
Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Azerbaijan and Open Estonia Foundation
Organizers: Organization of Specialists Educated Abroad Azerbaijan, Baku University of Eastern Nations Culture, Tallinn and e-Governance Academy, Tallinn
September 2009, Baku
Summary: Representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil society activists and journalists, to explore the implementation of e-Governance in Estonia and assess possibilities for adaptation in Azerbaijan, to promote public participation and access to information in Azerbaijan based on experiences in Estonia and to formulate recommendations to inform the processes and policies of beginning to implement e-Governance in Azerbaijan.
Human Rights Standards in the Militia: Rights Protection of People Living with HIV/AIDS
International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine)
Organizer: Regional Public Center of Sobriety and Improvement Іskra, Donetsk, in partnership with Helsinki Fund on Human Rights, Warsaw; Center of Defense of Constitutional Rights, Tbilisi; and, Center of Support of Public Initiatives Chajka, Rivne
September 2009, Donetsk
Summary: Education instructors, employees of law enforcement authorities and civil society activists, to promote in the militia observance of rights of people who live with HIV/AIDS, including drug addicts and sex workers, to increase the level of knowledge about rights and normative acts what regulate investigations and interrogations based on international standards of human rights in the work of militia and to promote the introduction of training methodologies for militia in Ukraine.
Social Activists for Rural Community Development
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Organizer: Association for the Revitalization of Rural Areas, Country and Europe, Cracow in partnership with Youth Social Center Etalon, Ivano-Frankivsk
September 2009, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Transcarpathia, Chernivtsi
Summary: Activists and representatives of public authorities and self-governments, to promote innovative approaches and methodologies of social activism and civic participation at the local level and to demonstrate best practices and lessons learned in non-governmental collaboration with local authorities in contributing to sustainable local community development and leadership.
Best Practices of Local Government Development in Ukraine: Prospects of Implementation in Moldova
International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine) and Soros Foundation-Moldova
Organizers: Institute of Political Education, Kyiv and Business Consulting Institute, Chisinau
September 2009, Chisinau, Balti and Kyiv
Summary: Representatives of civil society organizations, public administration, public servants and local authorities in Ukraine and Moldova, to exchange experiences and best practices in local development and solving problems associated with the rehabilitation, welfare and viability of small and medium cities, to promote partnership between governmental and non-governmental sectors that will contribute to responsible self-governance, to promote public initiatives to increase citizens’ participation in decision making and to identify innovative and sustainable methods for good local governance.
Engaging Young Public Activists in Rural Communities in Ukraine and Azerbaijan
Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Azerbaijan
Organizer: Youth for Development, Baku in partnership with Agency for Sustainable Development of Luhansk Region
September 2009, Baku and Barda
Summary: Young people, non-governmental organizations and community leaders in rural communities in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, to share experiences and best practices of cooperation between youth leaders and local self-government, to brainstorm about effective and practical solutions to overcoming social problems in villages and small towns by involving young people in processes of socio-economic development of rural territories and to promote social awareness, engagement and responsibility of young people.
Stakeholder Participation in Local Economic Development
European Integration and Reform Experience Exchange: Czech Republic and Ukraine
International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine) and Open Society Fund-Prague (Czech Republic)
Organizer: Center for Regional Policy Studies, Sumy in partnership with Berman Group, Prague
September-October 2009, Prague
Summary: Local government representatives, foreign investment specialists and regional non-governmental organizations, to empower communities in transition countries to organize and implement local economic development strategies, specifically the Sumy region in Ukraine, based on experiences in the Czech Republic and to encourage innovation in creating a base for long-term economic growth by sharing experiences among local governments in establishing favorable conditions for economic development, increasing budget revenues, creating new jobs and raising the living standards of local citizens; initiated 2008.
Crisis Management and Emergency Planning: Experiences in the Czech Republic
Open Society Fund-Prague (Czech Republic)
Organizer: FALA Training Center for Public Administration of the Czech Republic, Prague in partnership with International Association Civitas, Tbilisi
September-October 2009, Prague, Olomouc, Sumperk, Hanusovice
Summary: Civil society actors and local elected representatives and employees of local and regional governments in Georgia and the Czech Republic, to exchange experiences in integrated emergency management systems and to analyze experiences the Czech Republic, to engage with relevant bodies responsible for Integrated Emergency Planning in the Czech Republic to gain practical knowledge for adaptation and implementation in Georgia and to stimulate stakeholder cooperation in emergency management in Georgia based on experiences in the Czech Republic.
Innovative Methodologies for Business Incubators: Promoting Initiative
Open Society Georgia Foundation
Organizer: Caucasus University, Tbilisi in partnership with Tallinn University of Technology
September-October 2009, Tbilisi and Tallinn
Summary: Experts and practitioners of modern business management, to analyze methodologies of knowledge-based small and medium-sized enterprises in Estonia, to transfer skills and knowledge of business innovation to aspiring entrepreneurs in Georgia, to promote self-initiative as a means to overcome unemployment in Georgia and to promote implementation of rule of law based entrepreneurship in Georgia through cooperation with experts and practitioners in Estonia.
European Union / Facts and Prejudice
Foundation for Open Society-Serbia
Organizer: Association for Protection and Promotion of Mental Health in Children and Youth, Nis in partnership with PRO et CONTRA, Institute for Culture in Dialogue, Ljubljana
September-October 2009, Nis and Ljubljana
Summary: Secondary school students in Serbia and Slovenia, to develop critical thinking and critical understanding of European integration by sharing experiences and attitudes about the European Union, to increase young people’s knowledge about European integration and Slovenia’s preparation and entry into the European Union and to promote public awareness about European integration by disseminating information about facts and misconceptions about the EU in Serbia.
Investment Infrastructure and Entrepreneurial Activities: Czech Republic and Moldova
Open Society Fund-Prague (Czech Republic) and Soros Foundation-Moldova
Organizer: CzechINVENT Technology Agency, Liberec in partnership with Expert Grup, Chisinau
September-November 2009, Chisinau and Prague
Summary: Non-governmental organizations specializing in economic development and local self-governmental authorities, to build on previous exchanges to provide regional and local self-governing bodies in Moldova with know-how in the field of regional economic development and investment infrastructure (industrial zones) development using guidelines and methodology developed in the Czech Republic during the implementation of the industrial zone development program in the regions in 1990s and to stimulate new economic activities in Moldova with the potential to create new jobs and opportunities for local community development and sustainability.
Monitoring Nuclear Energy Developments and Energy Policy Decisions: Poland and Belarus
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Organizer: Social Ecological Institute, Warsaw in partnership with Doctor’s League, Mogilev
September-December 2009, Warsaw and Mogilev
Summary: Non-governmental organizations, environmentalists, journalists and decision-makers in Poland and Belarus, to promote public participation, transparency and information exchange in formulating policy decisions related to nuclear energy, to promote and demonstrate the necessity of civil society involvement at all stages of planning and decision-making regarding the development of practical uses of nuclear power and to activate citizens in Poland and Belarus to participate in debates to inform decisions about nuclear energy.
Consumer Education and Protection: Implementation in School Curricula
Foundation Open Society Institute - Representative Office Montenegro
Organizer: Center for Protection of Consumers, Podgorica in partnership with Consumers Organization of Macedonia, Skopje
September-December 2009, Skopje and Podgorica
Summary: Civil society activists, teachers and pupils, to explore the development of curricula for elementary and secondary schools to educate children as consumers in protection of their rights and health, to formulate recommendations for the implementation of the Action Plan for Consumers’ Protection in Montenegro, to inform the public about children’s rights as consumers and to promote the implementation of consumer protection mechanisms for children.
October 2009
Dealing with the Past / Development of the Witness and Victim Support System
Organizer: Human Rights Center, Zagreb in partnership with the UNDP Resident Representative Office in Croatia, Zagreb
October 2009, Zagreb
Summary: Non-governmental organizations, state institutions and international organizations which monitor war crimes trials, to analyze the UNDP initiative supporting the institutionalization of witness and victims support systems in Croatia as a basis for advocacy to implement such systems in other countries, to improve regional cooperation and expert consultations about witness/victims support systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo, and to contribute to increased sensibility and understanding of human rights violations and the importance of defining responsibilities for acts of war crimes.
LGBT Families: The New Minority?
Organizer: Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana in partnership with Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Non-governmental organization DIC LEGEBITRA, Ljubljana and, ILGA-Europe, Brussels
October 2009, Ljubljana
Summary: Academics and activists within the Peace Institute’s long-term efforts to promote active citizenship in relation to the concept of intimate citizenship, specifically to make a comprehensive review and comparison of the existing qualitative and quantitative data on LGBT families, primarily in the new EU member states, to convene a public roundtable to stimulate the debate on the legal and social position and recognition of same-sex families, to address the question whether LGBT families are “a new minority within a minority.”
Prevention and Intervention: Overcoming Child Abuse
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Organizer: Nobody’s Children Foundation, Warsaw in partnership with Children Support Center, Vilnius Center Against Abuse Dardedze, Riga Social Activities and Practices Institute, Sofia First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi, Skopje National Center for Child Abuse Prevention, Chisinau and, Child Well-Being Fund, Kyiv
October 2009, Warsaw
Summary: For child protection professionals representing non-governmental organizations and governmental institutions, to share best practices of interventions in cases of child abuse and prevention of abuse, especially of those particularly at risk, to identify gaps in national child protection systems and to develop new preventive programs focusing on children at risk and models of protecting children in institutions within a collaborative framework for communication and information exchange among civil society organizations.
Regional Cooperation on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Foundation Open Society Institute–Representative Office Montenegro
Organizer: Green Home, Podgorica in partnership with Green Action Croatia, Zagreb
October 2009, Podgorica
Summary: Civil society activists and decision-makers in Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to establish a platform for cooperation among civil society organizations addressed to energy issues through improved information access, promoting public and sharing best practices and educational activities, to provide opportunities for activists to learn experiences of implementing EU standards in the energy sector and to enhance activists’ capacity to advocate for rational and diverse energy consumption; initiated 2007.
Local Administration: Closer to the Citizen
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Organizer: College of Eastern Europe Foundation, Wroclaw in partnership with Luhansk District Deputy Council and Luhansk Center of Post Graduate Education
October 2009, Wroclaw
Summary: Representatives of local administrative offices, civil servants and civic activists, to analyze experiences in Poland of transformation of administrative structures and in improving quality of services in local administrative offices, to introduce and promote European Union labor standards in public administration in Ukraine and to promote in Ukraine collaboration between local authorities and non-governmental organizations to take advantage of opportunities to work together for sustainable local development based on experiences in Poland.
Next Generation: Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan after the Collapse of the USSR
International Renaissance Foundation (Ukraine)
Organizer: Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv partnership with the Levada Center, Moscow FAR Center, Baku
October-November 2009, Kyiv, Vinnitsa
Summary: Experts and analysts, non-governmental organizations and civil society activists and decision-makers in Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Russia participating in a long-term term initiative, to disseminate analytical materials concerning attitudes and perceptions of young people in Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan since the collapse of the USSR, to support an independent network of analysts and experts in sociology and public opinion polling and to develop a system of monitoring indicators for evaluation of democracy and civil society development in Ukraine, Russia, and Azerbaijan.
Social Justice for Children with Special Needs
Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Tajikistan and Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland) and
Organizers: Association of Parents of Children with Disabilities, Dushanbe and Gdansk Association of Handicapped People
October-November 2009, Gdansk and Dushanbe
Summary: Non-governmental organizations working with special needs children, to introduce methodologies in Tajikistan of working with families and special needs children based on experiences in Poland, to activate parents’ initiatives in advocating for the rights and interests of special needs children to gain access to educational, social and medical services, to formulate recommendations for decision-makers to engage in public/private initiative for socialization and rehabilitation of special needs children and to build capacity of specialists in Tajikistan by providing opportunities for exchange with peers.
Best Practices in De-institutionalization of Services for People with Learning Disabilities
Open Society Fund-Prague (Czech Republic)
Organizer: Quip – Association for Change, Prague in partnership with Social Work Advisory Board, Bratislava and Coalition for the Rights of People with Learning Disabilities, Kyiv
October-December 2009, Prague, Bratislava and Kyiv
Summary: Activists and non-governmental organizations working for the rights of people with learning disabilities, to promote re-orientation of social and rehabilitation services for people with learning disabilities from institutional to community-based approaches, to encourage civic engagement through awareness raising and sharing of best practices in social integration of people with learning disabilities and to strengthen processes of de-institutionalization in eastern European countries which share a similar history and face similar economic and social problems; initiated 2008.