


Mrs. Lelsy Stewart Room: 302


Textbook: Chemistry (Prentice Hall)

School Website: Twitter: @WhitePineHS

Facebook: White Pine High School

School Goals

Thinking and Reasoning Skills / Communication Skills / Learning to Learn
*Students will demonstrate effective problem solving skills.
*Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically and draw and support their conclusions.
*Students will demonstrate the ability to creatively formulate solutions to practical problems. / *Students will communicate in the written and other forms (oral, graphic, and technology-related) with clarity, purpose, and understanding of audience. / *Students will demonstrate a commitment to creating and reflecting on quality work and participating in self-evaluation for the purpose of improvement.
*Students will demonstrate internalization of their learning by connecting it to their lives outside of school.

Learning Outcomes:

Student will be able to

·  Use the process of scientific inquiry to examine a given situation.

·  Understand that atomic structure explains the properties and behavior of matter.

·  Describe and use methods of measuring the amount of matter.

·  Explain and use the properties of bonding elements and predict the outcome of chemical reactions

·  Explain that every chemical process uses or produces energy because matter is in constant motion

·  Explain why collaboration and communication methods are important in science.

·  Students will participate in class activities and work and turn in assignments on time.

Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for other science courses and for becoming scientifically literate citizens. Students are expected to have a strong background in algebra in order to succeed in this class. Laboratory investigations are an essential part of the class; these labs should help you supplement a specific lesson as well as develop critical thinking skills. Students must be self-motivated and self-disciplined. There is a required lab fee of $20.00 dollars due Thursday September 8, 2014. Success in chemistry requires daily study.

Teaching Strategies: There will be different learning opportunities including hands-on activities (must also be minds-on), laboratory procedures, small team work, lectures, reading, quizzes, tests, reports and homework. Attendance is very important since many of the labs cannot be made up. Learning can be fun or it can seem boring, it is up to you. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Students will correct their own assignments but teacher will address any questions students might have on the homework. LO # 7 Employability Skills will be affected if students are not doing their homework. Teacher reserves the right to collect homework for a grade at any given time. Homework is used as a learning tool to supplement the learning that took place that day so take advantage of it.

Materials: You must bring to class EACH DAY your textbook, a composition notebook (labs, journal entries, demos, etc), a three-ring binder with lined paper and 4 dividers (bellwork/closure, notes, assignments, and quizzes) a scientific calculator, pen (blue or black ink only) or pencil, dry erase marker and highlighter. You must be prepared each day to learn. Keeping an organize binder helps you be a better student and it enforces our school goal of learning to learn. Textbooks will be assigned to each student. You must bring this textbook to class each day. You are responsible for paying the price of the textbook, $60.00 if you lose it or damage it in any way. This money replaces the book regardless of what condition yours was in.

Make-up Work: You are responsible for getting the notes and making up the assignments missed due to an excusable absence; in accordance to White Pine County School District rules. You are also responsible for turning in those assignments and for making up any missed quizzes and tests. It is your responsibility to get caught up after being gone from school. LATE work will be reflected in Learning Outcome #7.

Tutorial: This is a service provided for you to help you be successful in this class. You will be assigned tutoring when your grade falls below a C-. You can attend tutoring in the classroom specified by your teacher after school only. You can also attend Lunch and Learn with me. In exchange, you will have an opportunity to make up assignments, quizzes and tests to help you with your learning; however, you cannot go back more than the last unit test.

Grades: Grades will be calculated using the following Learning Outcome categories and using the WPHS grading rubric scale.

Learning Outcome #1—Scientific Inquiry 10%

Learning Outcome #2—Atomic Structure 15%

Learning Outcome #3—Quantifying matter 15%

Learning Outcome #4—Bonding and Interactions 15%

Learning Outcome #5—Chemical Reactions 15%

Learning Outcome #6—Matter and Energy 15%

Learning Outcome #7—Employability Skills 5%

Learning Outcome #8—Mastery of learning outcomes 10%

Classroom Rules:

·  Cooperate with your teacher and classmates

·  Respect the rights and property of others

·  Carry out your basic student responsibilities

·  Comply with all school rules

Cheating: You have a lot of opportunities to share your thoughts with your classmates during cooperative learning teams but copying someone else’s work is cheating. You will receive a zero for that specific assignment or test and if the problem continues it will be addressed on an individual basis. Cheating can get you ineligible for school activities under citizenship.

Hall Pass: You will have 3 passes per semester to use as a restroom pass or to get needed materials. If you use all of your passes you will not be allowed to leave the classroom. You need to make sure that you use the restroom before school begins, between classes, during the nutritious break, and at lunch.


We will be learning from the following topics and chapters but we might not go in the order in which they are listed, furthermore we might not cover everything in the chapters.

Chemistry as the central Science Ch. 1, 2, 24

Quantifying Matter Ch. 3, 10, 16

Electrons and the Structure of atoms Ch. 4, 5, 6, 9, 25

Bonding and Interactions Ch. 7, 8, 9, 15

Reactions Ch. 11, 12, 19, 20

Kinetic Theory Ch. 13, 14

Matter and Energy Ch. 17, 18, 21

Parent/Student Signature Page

I have read the above syllabus, understand my responsibilities as a student, and I am willing to follow class rules. I am also willing to put forth the personal effort needed to achieve success in Chemistry.

Student Name: ______

______Period ______

Student’s signature Date

I have read the above syllabus and understand the class rules and expectations for my student. I am also willing to assist my student as needed to facilitate his/her success in Chemistry.


Parent or Guardian’s signature Date

I would like to have the opportunity to communicate with parents by phone or email. Please list Parent/Guardian telephone numbers and email address below. My telephone and email are listed in the front page of the syllabus. You can also keep track of your student through our school website where you will find announcements, lesson plans, and a copy of the class syllabus.


Parent/Guardian HOME phone


Parent/Guardian WORK phone


Parent/Guardian CELL phone


Parent/Guardian email address

Please tell me about your child’s learning preferences and hobbies (use the back page if needed).

Please tell me about your skills, hobbies, and talents that you might be able to share in our classroom with the students (use the back page if needed).