Tier I Certification Report Directions
Report Is Due April 12, 2013 by 5pm
To best view forms on the GO™ grant system your internet browser should be Fire Fox. To download this browser, go to This is a FREE download. (You would use this instead of other internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) WARNING:If you do not use Fire Fox you may experience problems viewing, saving and/or entering data.
Go to the SCFD Application Website: .
Log In - Your organization has been provided a unique log in and password to access the system. Along the top header under Popsicle’s hand you will see the words “Log In”. ● Click on the words. Enter your log in and password. If you are unsure what your log in information is, email during regular office hours, Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm.
Manage Account
System access is people-based, not organization-based. SCFD Staff has entered a primary person for each organization. If you wish to review or change the primary person you can click on “Manage Account.”
If you need to change the Primary Person for your organization
● click on “Manage Account” in the black header bar. Change the person’s information. DO NOT CHANGE USERNAME or PASSWORD. Click update.
If you need to change your Organization’s information such as address, website, phone number, etc.
● click on “Manage Account” in the black header bar.
● click “Organization” next to “My Account” then update your organization’s information.
TIP: By leaving your username and password the same, SCFD staff will be better able to assist you if you run into difficulties completing the report.
Getting Started
If multiple persons at your organization are planning to work on the Report, use the same log in user name and password for each person. Multiple people may work simultaneously on different pages of the report.
WARNING: When multiple people are in the program at the same time, they should not work simultaneously on the same page as they could override each other’s work! Coordinate and communicate as to who will work on which page at any particular time.
Once you have logged in you will see four choices:
● “My Grants” will show the reports that have been started/completed.
● Tier I, Tier II and Tier III
● To get started click on “Tier I”
●Click the then Click “Tier I Certification 2013”
TIP:Once you have started the report, saved it, and closed out, the next time you login you can then click on “My Grants” and only the Tier I reports that you have started or finished will show.
Look for Blue Question Marks and Green Triangles for more information regarding a section/question. Click on the Blue Question Mark or hover over the Green Triangle for “help” text to appear.
TIP:You can always call/email SCFD staff for more clarification on any question.
Table of Contents:
Under the name of the report you will see a link titled “Table of Contents.” By clicking on this link you can see the pages that make up the report. You can go directly to a particular page by clicking on the name of the page you wish to access. This is an easy way to navigate through the document. You may also click the “Next” or “Previous” buttons at the end of each page.
Make sure you click “Save and Continue” before leavingEVERY page.
WARNING:If you do not save the page before moving on to another page the content entered/changed will not be saved.The “Next” button can be used when reviewing the document, but clicking “Next” does not save any entered information.
Text Boxes:
Each text box has a character/space count number below the box. As you enter text the number will alert you to as to how many characters/spaces remain.
Text boxes accept rich text along with photos.
The program doesnot highlightmisspelled words. Use the ABC spell check button for each box.
Once you have finished composing your response you can click on the small arrow on the right “Collapse Toolbar” to close design options. “Source” is a button you will not need to use. It is for writing code.
SCFD Funds:
The report form contains four boxes in which SCFD staff willenterthe amount of Discretionary and Formula funds your organization actually received or that you are projected to receive for the current year. Your breakdown of these funds should equal the pre-populated fund amounts above each of the boxes.
Please report organization’s overall attendance numbers for the most recently completed fiscal year. We are looking for actual numbers, NOT impressions.
- Visitor Information: Please account for all people attending or participating in programming,
performances or exhibits. (Do NOT include classes/workshops or school events. Attendance for these
is captured in a later section). “Youth” includes anyone your organization classifies as a youth who buys
a single ticket or attends an event.
- Classes and Workshops: Attendance in Courses/Classes/Workshops is the number of people
registered/enrolled. Do not include the person's attendance at each class. For example, if a person is enrolled in a five-day course and attends all five classes, that person counts as ONE enrollment not five.
- School Information: If you do not work directly with schools, public, private or home schools, you
will not complete this section.
- Attendance by County: Please break down your total attendance by county, to the best of your
ability. Fill in the chart with number of attendees, not percentages. This is important information!
Attaching Documents:
To attach the required documentsgo to the “Assurances and Attachments” page.
1. The folder for your materials has already been created.
2. To upload the support materials listed below, click the "Upload" button.Enter a title for the file you are attaching. A description is not needed. Browse to select document and click submit. You will need to do this for EACH document.
3. If you uploaded your materials correctly they will show on the screen under “Folder Size.”
Required Attachments are:
A. Most recently completed fiscal year Audit
B. Most recently filed IRS Forms:990 (public-version) with all schedules; 990T, if applicable
C. Current fiscal year Budget
D. Most recent Annual Report
E. Story of interest; photos of programs, activities or exhibits (limit to no more than three)
4. Make sure you save this page after uploading files, otherwise it will not save the attachments.
Submitting Your Report:
After you have completed all requiredCertification Report information, have carefully proofread all information and have uploaded all attachments to your portfolio,you willclick the “Submit” button to submit your report.WARNING: Once you click the “Submit” button you will not be able to change/correct any information.
Printing Your Report:
If you wish to print your report at any time, go to My Forms > My Grants. You will see a small PDF icon on the far right. Click on this and a printable version of your report will appear.
TIP: The printable version doesn’t appear the same as it does when you are entering data. If you want a print version that looks like the screen you can print each page separately.
Logging Out:
When you are finished using the program please click the “Logout” button on the far right hand side of the header by the primary person’s name.
2013 Tier I Certification Report Supplemental Instructions
for Certification Report Due April 12, 2013
- Complete all cells for Organization Contact Information, Primary Contact, Banking Confirmation Contact, Fiscal Year Ending
- Complete text box for Mission Statement
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Complete tables #1 Formula Funds, #3 Discretionary Funds and text boxes #2, #4 (if applicable) for Grant Awarded Summary Table - text will wrap in cells; use actual funds received
- Complete narrative text boxes #5 Highlights of Past Year and #6 Broad Plans for Upcoming Year
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Complete tables #7Formula Funds #8 Discretionary Funds for Upcoming Grant Award Summary Table – text will wrap in cells; use figures projected by SCFD
- #9 Check all applicable boxes that describe ways you acknowledged SCFD support;
- Text Box #10: Outline any additional ways you acknowledged SCFD support
- Complete narrative text boxes #11 Current Challenges #12What would you most like the public to know about the organization
- Complete table #13Organization’s Executive Management
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Complete financial data INCOME & EXPENSES tables/cells
- #14-#22 contributed income
- #23-#27 earned income
- #28-#29 in-kind values by source and type
- #30-#31 expenses
- #32-#39 capital income/expenditures (long term values)
- #40-#41 taxes paid
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Complete cells #42-#46Personnel and Volunteer Information
- Complete charts and cell #47-#48Visitor Attendance Information
- Complete cells #49-#50Class registrants by adults vs. youth and number of classes offered
- Complete cells #51-#54Students and Schools Served: Please report this information as you have done in the past.
- Total Overall Attendance is an auto populating cell that includes General Attendance, Workshop Attendance and School Attendance
- Complete chart#55Attendees/ Admissions by County (should reflect ALL attendance.)
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Assurances and Attachments check appropriate cells and see page 3 of this document. Please note that the SCFD board requires all funded organizations to have adopted a nondiscrimination policy that is consistent with the SCFD’s current nondiscrimination policy:
The Scientific & Cultural Facilities District does not discriminate against any person or organization based on age, race, sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender identity, gender expression, ancestry, marital status, gender, veteran status, military status, political affiliation or disability.
- Add attachment materialsas outlined
- Agreement – check certifying cell and complete name and title cells and calendar selection for date cell
SAVE your work on bottom of the page
- Please again refer to the Submit information on page three of this document. If you are satisfied that your Certification Report is complete and accurate, click the SUBMIT button.You will not be able to change your report once it has been submitted.
- Please remember to log out when you are through with your on-line session.