6 JULY 2006
1.1This report gives information on employee support services including the chaplaincy and counselling services. It also sets out consideration of a proposed development in employee support arrangements through provision of an Employee Assistance Programme.
2.1For noting.
2.2For endorsing the explanation of an Employee Assistance Programme.
3.1The Chairman of the Resources Overview Group felt it would be desirable to provide Members with information on the Chaplaincy and Counselling services. These are non-statutory services that operate for the benefit of employees on a self referral basis with confidentiality and protection of identity.
3.2The employee counsellor has recently resigned and this has led to consideration of developing an Employee Assistance Programme service. Details are contained in section 8 of this report.
4.1Details of the Chaplaincy Service are attached at Appendix 1. One element of this service involves provision of pastoral support to employees. The Chaplain estimates he sees on average 3 employees a week to provide pastoral support.
4.2A Chaplaincy Challenge Day took place during September to review the strategic direction of the Chaplaincy Service. This proved to be a very successful event that highlighted the impact of a quite unique Council chaplaincy arrangement with the Borough of Poole. Other authorities do not have a chaplaincy service.
4.3Chaplaincy has involved funding support from local churches. It has also involved Council support of £7,500 (spread over 3 years). ICT and other services costs of £2,100 per annum and other costs of approximately £2,000 per annum also apply to Chaplaincy. The Chaplaincy service has supported obtaining grant funding for the Council.
5.1The counselling service has involved a lead counsellor employed for 22.5 hours per week and three supporting external counsellors, two of whom are contracted to work for five hours per week and one of whom works on a relief claim basis. Each counsellor has been professionally trained. All counsellors work within the ethical framework and professional guidelines of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. The counsellors also receive supervision from external clinical supervisors accredited with the BACP.
5.2Counselling is available to all Borough of Poole employees and is accessed via a confidential telephone line and voicemail system. Initially the client is invited to an assessment session during which they present their difficulties, have the process of counselling explained to them and decide jointly with the counsellor whether counselling is appropriate for their problems and if so whether they wish to undertake counselling. Clients undertaking counselling are normally offered six sessions. Some clients will not need as many as this and a few may need some additional sessions if they are requiring support through an ongoing process e.g. legal proceedings or disciplinary procedures. Counselling is available during work hours, lunchtimes and the early evening. It is also possible to see a counsellor outside the Civic Centre if the client prefers. The employee attending counselling is given the attached leaflet. (Appendix 2).
5.3Clients are assured complete confidentiality. The only exception to this is when a client discloses that someone is at risk from harm. For example when the client expresses suicidal intentions or when their actions or lack of action puts somebody else at risk from harm.
5.4Statistics indicate that 137 clients use the counselling service per annum involving 120 counselling sessions. Counselling access has been affected during periods of sickness absence.
5.5There have been budgetary pressures on the counselling service. Changes to NHS counselling provision has been one factor affecting service demand. The service is one that is appreciated by those employees who use it and there has been an increase in demand. Budget pressure has occurred as a consequence.
5.6Set out below are details of the original budget and expenditure for recent years.
Year / Original Budget / Expenditure2001/02 / 16,628 / 12,775
2002/03 / 17,320 / 18,243
2003/04 / 17,971 / 23,495
2004/05 / 19,143 / 30,789
2005/06 / 19,625 / 33,433
5.7Funding support from other personnel budget savings has assisted meeting service demand for counselling in the past. With the 2006/07 budget position the scope for this will be reduced. This would be expected to affect counselling waiting times.
5.8Dorset County Council and Bournemouth Borough Council currently have counselling services. Other district councils do not have this service and other large and medium sized employers in the Bournemouth and Poole area do not engage their own counsellors. Some employers do however use Employee Assistance Programmes.
5.9Feedback from employees suggests that the Counselling Service is appreciated. When the Best Value Review of Personnel and Training Services was carried out just under 70% of employees responding to a survey agreed that having a staff counselling services is good.
6.1The Occupational Health Service is contracted out and provided by an organisation named IMASS. They have held the contract since January 2005.
6.2The budgeted expenditure for our occupational health service contract is £41,000.
6.3The Adult Social Services Commissioning Unit work with Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust in providing support services to residents where mental health issues arise. This includes a book prescription service to provide materials to those presenting with a problem mental health issue. This service can be accessed by employees.
6.4Counselling, Chaplaincy and Occupational Health Service, along with other services played a very positive role in a health at work day event held on 16 November 2005. Appropriate health at work events are also being planned for 2006/07. Supporting a positive approach to employee health can impact on sickness absence levels.
7.1As indicated above the cost associated with the provision of counselling service have been increasing in real terms and resulted in a significant overspend. Financial pressures on the service are proving difficult to accommodate. The service also experiences capacity problems at times of peak demand and in the event of sickness absence when cover cannot be provided. The service is not independent from the Council and this has been questioned in the past as has its location in the Civic Centre.
7.2Provision of a service such as this to support employees is an important element of the Council’s Stress Management Policy and Strategies to reduce and manage risks associated with stress whether it be at work or outside work. Counselling is a specialised service and it not able to meet the welfare support that some employees are seeking.
7.3Somerset County Council, New Forest District Council and Sunseeker Limited have procured an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for their employees. Feedback from these organisations and their employees on the programme and the benefits have been positive.
7.4An EAP can involve: -
a)access for employees to a web site of extensive information including very practical information
b)support to assist employees and access to a helpline facility (24/7) which can provide better service access
c)Utilising of 1-1 confidential counselling facilities by qualified counsellors as appropriate. This draws on counsellors within the local community who are qualified to carry out this work
d)Reports submitted regularly setting out details of service usage. (Complete confidentiality applies for those accessing the service)
e)Greater independence
f)A broader service providing advice, assistance, support on welfare, practical and legal matters that affect employees as well as counselling support
7.5Subject to Joint Information and Consultative Committee consideration it is now proposed to prepare a tender to explore the scope to provide a more extensive employee assistance programme service in place of our own counselling service. Investigations are taking place with Bournemouth Council and Dorset County Council regarding their potential interest in this service development.
7.6Arrangements for an Employee Assistance Programme will only proceed if the service represents value for money and provides the potential for overall improvement in the longer term service delivery. Any decisions to procure an employee assistance programme will need to reconcile with budget provision.
8.1Details of service cost and other financial considerations are set out above.
8.2Provision of counselling and chaplaincy services or an EAP may assist the Council in responding to financial claims. Stress related claims may be less likely to succeed where counselling or EAP is in place. Whilst this is a consideration the principal purpose of this provision is to provide a support facility for employees that is of benefit to the Council. As well as managing absence through standard procedures the Council wishes to provide positive support mechanisms.