Accelerated Science
Mrs. Kerrie Bocci
Conference: 11:37am – 12:32pm
Phone #: 281-357-3030 ext. 1244
- 1” binder (3-ring) with clear view sleeve
- 1 package of wide-ruled notebook paper
- Pencils
- Do take care of any personal business BEFORE class starts.
- Do sharpen pencils BEFORE the bell rings.
- Do be in your seat working on warm-ups when the tardy bell rings.
- Do record homework and test dates.
- Do show proper respect for teachers, students, property and self.
- When you are absent, it is your responsibility to get and complete missed assignments.
- You have the same number of days you were absent to complete the assignment(s).
- Tuesdays 3:00 – 3:30pm
- Available for all students – must provide your own transportation
- 85 or higher for yearly average in Science course the preceding year or Level III on STAAR Math test the preceding year
- At end of 1stsemester, all students with average below 70will be removed from the course.
- Parents and staff may recommend a student exit if average is between 70-74.
- 60% Major: Tests / Assessments
- 40% Daily: Classwork / Homework / Quizzes /
Lab Activities / Notebooks
- Cell phones allowed for educational purposes
ONLY and otherwise should be out of sight.
- DailyMajor work assignments will be accepted late with the following reduction in grade:
- 1 day late: -15 points
- 2 days late: -30 points
- 3 days late: grade of 0
- Students are expected to adhere to all laboratory safety procedures.
- Failure to adhere to the laboratory safety procedures will result in immediate removal from the lab activity and appropriate disciplinary actions.
- The TISD Safety Contract must be signed by each student and a parent/guardian.
- The 3-ring binder with clear view sleeve is required and must be dedicated to Science use only.
- It is the student’s responsibility to take binder home each night to review vocabulary, notes, etc., as this will be the primary resource for review and test preparation.
- The binder must be brought to class each day.
- Each student is responsible for two textbooks (one 8th grade and one 7th grade).
- Students will be assigned login information so that they may access the textbooks online at home.
- The fee to replace a lost textbook is$25.
- Be Prompt
Arrive to class on time and ready to learn
- Be Prepared
Have all required supplies in class each day (binder, paper, pencil)
- Be a Person of Character
Demonstrate quality character traits (Respect, Kindness, Good Citizenship, Fairness, Responsibility, Trust, and Academic Integrity)
- Communication
Students will communicate appropriately and effectively with teachers, administrators, other students, parents and members of the community.
- Collaboration
Students will work collaboratively with classmates, teachers, and others to achieve the course objectives.
- Commitment
Students will demonstrate a commitment to learning and exercise leadership for the advancement of his/her emotional and academic growth; be responsible, punctual, regular in attendance and prepared to participate in all aspects of class.
- Ethical Conduct
Students will uphold the Student Code of Conduct; demonstrate respect and maintain ethical conduct in relationships with everyone in the school community. Academic honesty is expected.
This syllabus is to be kept in your binderall year.Your signature indicates your understanding of the expectations, as well as an agreement to abide by the expectations.
Student’s SignatureParent’s Signature