Tory Schleper

Mr. Jennings

Honors English 3

November 10, 2011

Are Singers Who Do Not Write Their Own Songs Artist?

According to the dictionary (definition) an artist can be , " apersonwhoworksinoneoftheperforming arts,asanactor,musician,orsinger;apublicperformer:amimeartist;anartistofthedance. C This definition then brings up the question if you do not make those dances, songs, or scenes are you a C actor? For some the answer would be no while for others the answer is simply yes. Some people consider an artist as a person who creates an item such as a picture or a sculpture. While these people would be right they should also consider people who create moods through works such as songs or plays artist WC also.

Have you ever listened to a Elvis song and said what a great artist he was? According to some people Elvis , who is called the King of Rock and Roll, was not an artist at all. (Through songs such as , " Burning Love"," Viva Las Vegas", "Hound Dog"," Jailhouse Rock", and "Heartbreak Hotel," Elvis Presley paved the way for new comers and made famous the rock and roll genre. )Even though these songs are some of the greatest in the world did Elvis write any of these? The answer is no. Elvis Presley who is one of the most famous singers to ever live on planet Earth never wrote any of his own music. Does this mean that the King of Rock and Roll was not even a artist? The answer has to be no because of coarse C Elvis Presley was a artist and one of the best to ever come around. LF OR SUPPORT He created the moods of his songs and made you feel as you were in the world he was singing about.

Shirley Bassey is another singer who has been in the business for 50 years and has never wrote C any of her music. Shirley Bassey , who was flung into stardom in the late 1950's, is one of the first African American welsh singers to gain nation and international fame. With a voice that can chill you to the bone she has sang VT three James Bond theme songs which is more than any other singer ever WC. These three hits include : "Moon Ranker", " Diamonds are Forever", and " Goldfinger". Goldfinger was also inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2008. In 2000 she became a Dame of the British Empire and holds 2 world records. One for being the oldest person to have a hit in the top 100 and one for having a career spanning over 50 years with hits in the top 100. With a voice as powerful has a train Shirley Bassey has been wowing audiences for the past 50 years singing songs that are either made for her or songs from other artists. Shirley Bassey has also told one interviewer that she barely knows how to read music. Does this make her any less of a artist as Queen, The Beatles, or Michael Jackson. To the opposing side the answer would be yes.

People believe that an artist must be someone who creates his or her own works. Queen, The Beatles, and Michael Jackson are some of the most famous artists to ever perform. These artist all wrote the majority of their own music. These people YOUR AUDIENCE believe that if you do not write your own song you are not a artist. Some of these people think that the people on American Idol are not artist C because they do not write their own music and that they are coached on how to perform the songs. " Real artist write their own music," said Trista Sullivan. ONLY CITE AUTHORITIES Many artists write their music including Lady Gaga, Paul McCartney, Thom Yorke, Robert Plant, and John Lennon. These people are artists and singers because they create a piece of music and perform it to an audience or put it out for the general public to hear. Why is it fair for people who are simply handed music to sing to receive all the fame and wealth when some people actually work hard and make their own music. C

The answer to this question is because the singers who do not create their own music create a mood throughout their music and express themselves through it just as the people who create their own music. Both of these people are artist in their own right. Just because you create your own music does not change the fact that you are expressing yourself through the song and that it is up to the artist to set the mood for the song. An artist is simply someone who practices one of the fine arts. If you act, sing, draw, dance, or any of the other fine arts. Elvis Presley and Shirley Bassey are artist C because they practice one of the fine arts. They express themselves through their work and make the songs their own. I really hope the next time you listen to a piece of music you really think about the song and who is singing it. Is this person a artist or just a singer who is copying someone else's work? Do these people desire to be famous and wealthy? I hope your answer is yes they are artistCand yes they desire to be wealthy and famous because like songwriters they are expressing themselves and putting their heart and soul into their work.

Tory: You have a good, individualized topic. Revise to refine your argument. First, make sure you are not committing the logical fallacy of setting up a straw man (opposition who doesn’t agree with you but also who doesn’t exist). The quotation you give from the dictionary is partial. If you reference it, you must also reference the entire definition with includes one entry (5) which is NOT opposed to your idea.

Check your logical arguments. If it’s that performers of others’ works of arts can bring the same feel and emotion to the piece and therefore should be considered artists, make this the center of your thesis. Arguments that everyone considers Elivs a great singer therefore he is a great artist don’t follow logically. Is your opposition’s arguments that people like Brittany Spears aren’t artists or that they shouldn’t get the same rewards as the people who create original works of art? Are you suggesting each time Spears sings she IS creating an original work of art? If your opposition says no, are they saying those who perform Shakespeare shouldn’t be considered artists? Fine tune your argument, then revise for conventions. Worth the extra effort.


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1. a person who produces worksinany of the artsthat are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

2. a person who practices one of the fine arts, especially a painter or sculptor. 3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist. 4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer:a mime artist; an artist of the dance. 5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.