
Ms. Karen CarswellSuperintendent of Schools

Mrs. Kathleen CruikshankPrincipal/CSE Chairperson

Ms. Tammy GallagherBusiness Manager

Mrs. Terri HollisterAdministrative Secretary

Mrs. Tami NilesAccount Clerk/Tax Collector

Teaching Staff

Mrs. Wendy AmyotSecondary Science

Mrs. Kimberly BartlettGrade 4

Mrs. Danielle BeshawSecondary Math

Mrs. Aimee BresettResource Room

Mr. Sam BushSecondary Social Studies

Mr. Shawn DackPhysical Education / Athletic Director

Ms. Katina DillonSecondary English

Ms. Emily DorrSecondary Science

Mr. Justin FishelGrade 5

Ms. Lori GarnoKindergarten

Ms. Nancy HadlockTeacher Assistant

Mrs. Tammy HodgdonGrade 1

Mrs. Janie Hollister Grade 3

Mr. Steven HoneywellGrade 6

Mr. Gary KocherTechnology/Driver Education

Mrs. Victoria L’AbbeArt

Mrs. Angela LaJoyBusiness Education / Health

Ms. Deborah LeRouxForeign Language

Mrs. Nina LonsberySecondary English

Mrs. Carol Meyer Secondary Math

Mrs. Lisa RosenbarkerPrimary Special Education

Mrs. Robin ShannonReading Teacher

Ms. Bridget ShermanMusic

Mrs. Brenda SimonsReading, Elementary Reading Coordinator

Mrs. Kimberly SlateSecondary Special Education/FCS

Mrs. Penny SlateLibrary Media Center Specialist/FCS

Mrs. Marcia ThompsonSecondary Social Studies

Mrs. Chris WarrenPre-kindergarten/Elementary Math Coordinator

Mrs. Erica WebsterGrade 2

Teacher AidesCafeteria StaffSchool Psychologist

Mrs. Michele BrownMr. Robert MatthewsMr. Tim Scagel

Mrs. Mandy ClemonsMrs. Marilyn EvansSpeech Therapist

Mrs. Myra FlemingMrs. Leslie TateMr. Ben Scharf

Mr. David GasconMr. Steve Bogart

Ms. Connie Shoulette

Mrs. Michelle Aiken

Student Services and GuidanceBus Drivers

Ms. Deanna Romanowski- Director of Guidance Mrs. Michele Brown

Ms. Diane Ayotte -Guidance SecretaryMr. LennyBickelhaupt

School NurseMr. Bob Boland

Ms. Lee Ann BlevinsMr. David Gascon

Custodial StaffMr. Max Milsap - Mechanic

Mr. Lenny Bickelhaupt - Head Custodian/Transportation Director Mrs. Phyllis Walsh

Mr. Cody BickelhauptMr. Steve Bogart

Mr. Bob Boland Mr. Micah Neuroth

Mr. Steve BogartMr. Cody Bickelhaupt

Mrs. Leslie Tate

Mr. Micah Neuroth

Hammond Central School

Board of Education

Mrs. Marjorie McCulloughPresident

Mr. Ronald Tulley IIVice President

Mrs. Jennifer GardnerClerk

Mr. Don Ceresoli Jr.Board Member

Mr. Bernard MartinBoard Member

Mr. John JewettBoard Member

Mr. Douglas DeloshBoard Member


Students who have not been successful on required state exams for graduation in grade 9-12, (Global 10, US History, ELA 11, 1 Science Exam, 1 Math Exam), and intermediate testing (grades 3 through 8) will receive AIS to support their efforts in passing these exams. These services include but are not limited to the following:

1.Summer school

2.Reduced class sizes

3.Monitoring students attendance

4.Tutoring during the school day

5.After school help

Parents/guardians will be notified on a regular basis of their child’s progress and status of service.


Bell Schedule: You have three minutes to pass between class during the day. A warning bell will sound at two minutes and this will signal you that your have one minute to be in your next class, ready to work. Students not in their class will be considered late and the teacher will administer appropriate classroom management.

Regular Class Schedule

8: 00 – 8:07Breakfast

8:08Warning Bell

8:10-8:51Period 1

8:53-9:33Period 2

9:35-10:1Period 3

10:17-10:57Period 4

10:59-11:39Period 511:00 – 11:35 K-3 Lunch

11:41-12:16HS Lunch

12:18-12:58Period 612:20 – 12:55 4-6 Lunch

1:00-1:40Period 7

1:42-2:22Period 8

2:24-3:05Period 9

3:057-12 Dismissal

3:10K-6 Dismissal


Senior Homeroom:Students who will be a candidate for graduation in June of the 2015-2016 academic year

Junior Homeroom:Students who have earned at least eight credits, of which at least three are in English and Social Studies

Sophomore Homeroom: Students who have earned at least four credits

Freshman Homeroom: Students taking no more than two Junior High School courses will be placed in a

Upon the request of the Guidance Counselor, the Superintendent of Schools may place a student in a different homeroom.


In accordance with New YorkState regulations, Hammond Central has approved a new attendance policy. The major change is the differences between excused and unexcused absences vs. legal and illegal absences. The following is the new policy:

Attendance Policy

Education is one of the most valuable undertakings of our country. Formal schooling is not only very desirable but also essential for the preservation of this nation. The State of New York feels that a strong correlation exists between formal learning and school attendance. Accordingly, it is essential that this school district use every reasonable measure to ensure good attendance habits in its students. A day lost in the classroom can never be completely retrieved. The purpose of this policy is to encourage academic effort by discouraging unacceptable absenteeism, which is viewed as a lack of effort.


Student attendance shall be in conformance with New YorkState and Hammond Central School Board Policies.

1. Verify compliance with compulsory education law.

2. Constantly know the whereabouts of every student for his/her safety.

3. Identify student attendance patterns in order to design improvement efforts.

4. Promote outstanding attendance and its relationship to student performance.

5. Reduce potential student dropouts.

6. Accurately determine the district’s average daily attendance for state aid purposes.

General Guidelines

1. Parents are responsible for a child’s regular attendance at school. Parents/guardians are encouraged to call school to report or verify an absence. This insures the safety of the student.

2. All absentee notes require the following:

a. Current date

b. Student’s full name

c. Date(s) that absence(s) took place

d. Specific reasons for the absence(s)

e. Signature of the parent of guardian

  1. The note must be handed into the main office the day the student returns. If a child is sick three days or more a physician’s (medical care provider) note is required. Unexcused absences will begin on the third day if a note is not provided.
  2. Every effort should be made to schedule medical, dental or other such appointments outside the regular school day. Such medical or dental appointments will count toward the 10/20-day limit unless a doctor’s note is presented to the office.

5.Families should plan their vacations at times when school is not in session to avoid student absences. School days missed because of vacations will count toward the 10/20-day limit, unless students meet the criteria explained in Attendance Policy, Section IV, Unexcused Absences 1.

6.During the school year, parents will be advised of any problems their child might be having with school attendance by phone or in writing.

7.Students will only be allowed to participate in any school event, athletic or non-athletic, if they are tardy or absent from school with a valid physician’s note. This includes after school practices, competition and rehearsals. The child will not be able to participate in the next athletic competition if tardy or absent from school the day after an athletic contest without written verification by a healthcare provider.

8.If a note is not submitted for an excused absence by the end of the attendance period, that absence will be considered unexcused and counts towards the 10/20 day limit.

9. The school’s attendance officer will contact parents concerning absences.

Explanation of the Policy

Student absences must not exceed ten unexcused days per half-year course and twenty unexcused days for a full year course. If that limit is surpassed, the child will not be able to take the final exam in that class unless seat time is made up.. This does not effect Regents exams, and Regents exams are not to be used as final exams.

Excused absences and other examples of absences that will not count toward the ten and twenty day limit.

1. Authorized school-sponsored event. SSE

2.Death in the family/Medical Emergency. DIF

3. Religious observations. REL

4. High school students shall be allowed four college/university visitation days. This stipulation will only be granted after the student has verified these visitations through the college/university Office of Admissions. COL

5. Subpoena to appear in court as a witness in a judicial proceeding. Verification of the subpoena will be presented to the school. CRT

6. Medical/dental appointments with verification in writing by the doctor’s office. DMA

7. Personal illness, one to three days, with an accompanying note. Extended illness of more than three days with a physician's note. The physician’s note should be on file within five days of the student’s return to school. ILL

8. Out-of-school suspension determined by the Chief School Administrator. OSS

9. In-school-suspension. ISS

  1. Exceptions to this attendance policy may be made due to extenuating circumstances as determined by the Chief School Administrator.

Unexcused absences that will be counted toward the ten and twenty day limit.

1. Family vacations. U-FAM - The school recognizes the value of family vacations. If a family vacation is planned during regular school times up to five days of that vacation will be considered excusable if the following conditions are met:

  1. An educational requirement is completed. This should be discussed with the Superintendent.
  2. All work that will be missed has been completed and handed in the first day the child returns to school.

2. Emergency situations. U-EMG

3. Truancy. U-T

  1. Excessive truancy may lead to referral to the St. Lawrence Family Court.
  1. Any of the excused absences listed above when notes are not submitted in a timely

manner. (before the end of the attendance period)

Tardy Policy

Tardy students are those who arrive after 1st period begins (8:10). Students who are tardy must report to the main office and sign in. A student who misses more than 15 minutes of a class will be counted as being absent from that class. If it is less than 15 minutes it will be counted as being tardy.

Disciplinary Action for Tardiness

1. Verbal warning from the teacher (3+) Teacher Consequence

2. Phone call home and one day of ISS/ASD (5+) (Administrative Action)

3. Subsequent tardiness will result in disciplinary action for each five additional tardies. (10+) (Administrative Action)

Definitions and Coding of Attendance

1. Absence - Each teacher will record an absence when the student is not in attendance for any time during the school day. Teachers will keep a daily record of student attendance and notify the attendance clerk following the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th unexcused absences.

2. Truancy- All absences from school without parental knowledge or consent.

TDE- Tardy excused

TDU- Tardy unexcused

CUT- Truant


1.On the fifth unexcused absence a letter of reminder will be sent to the parent/legal guardian stating that the child has five more days to reach the ten day limit for a half year class and 15 more days in a full year class.

  1. On the tenth and fifteenth day of a student's unexcused absences, a notice will be sent home notifying the parent/legal guardian. In addition, they will also be notified that the student will not be able to take the final exam in the affected classes, and that may result in a failing grade for the class.
  2. When a student has reached the limits of unexcused absences (on the tenth day for half year courses and the twentieth day for full year courses) a notice will be sent home notifying the parent/legal guardian that one more unexcused absence will result in their child not being able to take the final exam in the affected classes.

Make-Up Work

1. Every effort should be made by the student to pick up homework if an absence occurs. If not, the student’s work will be due the day after he/she returns to school. Long-term absences will be dealt with differently.

  1. If a child is absent the day a long-term project is due, the project will be due the day the child returns to school.

Grades 7-12:

1. If a student is absent when homework is assigned or due, it is due the next day after they come back to school (homework sent home or not).

Example: Absent Monday - back to school Tuesday - homework for Monday is due Wednesday.

2. Long-term absences are handled on an individual basis.

3. Homework is due the day it is assigned to be done. Homework not done will receive a "0". Each teacher has his/her own policy modifying a "0", either by redos, extra credit, effort grades, or free passes.

4. The teachers’ homework policy referred to in number three above will be sent home to parents, to be kept for future reference.


Students are permitted to have book bags, and wheel-style carries in school before the start of the school day. After the start of homeroom (8:10) students are not permitted to use wheel-style or large satchel style bags during the day.


HammondCentralSchool offers a breakfast and lunch program to all students. A menu is prepared on a regular basis and distributed in the bi-monthly school newsletter, school web-site, and posted around the school. Students who are interested in assisting in the development of the breakfast and lunch program should contact Mr. Robert Matthews.

Each year every household in the HammondCentralSchool District is provided with a Free and Reduced Meal application. If you believe that you qualify for this program, please complete the application and return it to Mr. Robert Matthews for review. Students who were approved for this program in the 2014-2015 school year are registered until September 30, 2015. The following prices will be in effect for the 2015-2016 school year: All applicants will be notified of their status.

Breakfast $.75 per meal

Lunch$2.00K-6students $2.10 7-12 students

In order to provide each student with the level of service that they expect, your assistance is appreciated.

When entering the cafeteria, please get in line as quickly as possible

No reserving spaces in line, you should always go to the end

Please have your money ready when paying for meal

When finished eating, please clean up your area and return your tray to the window

The cafeteria is open for the breakfast and lunch program at the following times:

Breakfast7:35 AM-8:15 AM (Students in grades 7-12 must be in homeroom by 8:10 AM)

Lunch - Elementary Students Grades K-3 10:00 – 11:35 Grade 4-6 12:20 – 12:55

High School Students Grade 7-12 11:41 – 12:16


  1. Students are not permitted to have food or drinks* in the classroom. Students who bring these items to class shall be reminded by the teacher that these items are to be kept in their lockers.
  2. Students should not be carrying food or drinks in the halls between classes.
  3. Students shall not be excused to the cafeteria during classes to get food, snacks, or any drinks during the day.

* Students are permitted to have water in re-sealable containers in classes. Students who abuse this privilege may have this privilege restricted by the classroom teacher.


  1. Students who would like to invite a guest (non-enrolled HCS student) to a dance should notify the advisor and complete a guest contract before the scheduled dance date.
  2. When the student arrives at the dance, he/she must provide his/her name, school, and parental contact number before entering the dance.
  3. Upon entering the dance, students are expected to remain in the building for the duration of the event. Leaving and re-entering the building is prohibited without prior consent of school personnel.


Stereos, radios, headphones, electronic devices or games should remain in bookbag/locker while at school. These items are subject to confiscation by school personnel if observed while in school. Your parents/guardians will be notified of this incident and they will have to come into school to have the item (s) picked-up. DO NOT BRING THESE ITEMS TO SCHOOL.


Students are welcome to bring cell phones to school. However, it should be understood that between the hours of 8:10 am and 3:10 pm, cell phonesare expected to be off and locked in student’s locker. Taking pictures or video with a cell phone while on school property is expressly forbidden. Students who are using or carrying cell phones during school hours and who are in violation of the cell phone policy are subject to the following:

  • First Offense – The student will surrender the phone to a staff member. Then it will be given to the administrator in charge and it will be returned to the parent/guardian only. The parent will be given two copies of the cell phone policy one to sign and it will be kept in student’s folder and the second to take home with them.
  • Second Offense – The student will surrender the phone to a staff member. Then it will be given to the administrator in charge and it will be returned to the parent/guardian only at the next Board of Education Meeting.
  • Subsequent Offenses – The student will surrender the phone to a staff member. Then it will be given to the administrator in charge and it will be returned to the parent/guardian only at the next Board of Education Meeting. The student will be issued time in detention at the discretion of the Administration.

Students who refuse to surrender a cell phone will be considered insubordinate and subject to appropriate discipline.

During the school day students are welcome to use the office phone and parents can contact their child through the office. If you have any problems or concerns, please feel free to contact the school at 324-5931.


Due to emergency situations, it may be necessary to close or delay the opening of school in the morning before the regular school day starts and/or it may be necessary to close school during the day. It is very important that each student has a parental/guardian notification form on file in the main office in case one of these situations arises. Students were provided an information packet with the Sept./Oct. newsletter that their parents/guardians must complete and return to school. In case of an emergency situation, these contact numbers will be used to notify and assist parents/guardians in getting students home. Thefollowing procedures will be used.