Corrections for Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed.
By Fox, McDonald & Pritchard
Corrections in the Text
Example Problem 3.5 (page 70):
In the problem statement the resultant force is FR not .
Example Problem 3.7 (page 77)
The first line of SOLUTION: should say “locations” not “directions”
Example Problem 4.10 (page 131)
The first line of the boxed statement should say “apply” not “evaluate”
Example Problem 5.8 (page 210)
The blue color on page 210 was not printed rendering the page difficult to interpret. The corrected page looks like (see next page):
Example Problem 8.11 (page 366):
The analysis is correct except there is a repeated numerical error: the computations of relative roughness for all pipes are incorrect by a factor of 144. This means all subsequent calculations are in error.
On page 367 the graphic should be:
with the total error on the last line of the page as 735%, not 665%.
On page 368 the graphics should be:
On page 369 the tabulated flow rates should be:
QA = QC = QD = 167 gpm (not 260 gpm)
QB = 72 gpm (not 112 gpm)
QE = QH = 95 gpm (not 147 gpm)
QF = 24 gpm (not 37 gpm)
QG = 71 gpm (not 110 gpm)
Fig. A.2 (page 722):
Absolute viscosity, (N.s/m2) not Absolute viscosity, (N.s/m2)
Corrections in Problem Statements
Problem 8.103 (page 398): The flow rate range is 1 L/min through 10 L/min not 1 L/s through 10 L/s
Problem 8.136 (page 403): The fluid is water
Problem 10.12 (page 575): The impeller exit diameter is 300 mm not 150 mm
Problem 10.46 (page 579): The fluid is water
Problem 10.50 (page 579): Estimate the maximum allowable flow rate not speed
Problem 11.13 (page 613): Increase the balloon radius not diameter from 5 to 7 inches
Problem 12.44 (page 704): Assume isentropic flow
Correction in the Answers to Selected Problems
1.17±4.45% not ±4.10%
1.240.0499 m/s and 0.0152 s not 0.798 m/s and 3.84 s
1.250.193 mm not 0.074 mm
2.11 not
2.37t = 3.0mh/a2 not t = 3.0h/a2
2.430.065 N.s/m2 not 0.0159 N.s/m2
3.547.9 N not 21.9 N
3.731.62 N not 1.55 N
3.75 not
4.20.934 m not 0.943 m
4.10 not
4.192 m3 not 1.33 m3
4.5921 kN not 18.5 kN
4.973.52 kN not 5.9 kN
4.1355 m/s not 16.4 m/s
7.2723/gm2 not 2/mg
7.6778.1 kN not 7.81 kN
8.20.396 m3/min not 0.396 m3/s
8.4Q1 = 0.0786 m3/min and Q3 = 0.0158 m3/min not Q1 = 0.0158 m3/min and Q3 = 0.079 m3/min
8.24∂p/∂x not p (two places)
8.616.21 and 8.55 not 6.49 and 9.17
8.93128 kPa and 0.184 not 115 kPa and 0.234
8.1016.13 m not 6.15 m
8.1061.22 MPa (gage) not 1.03 MPa (gage)
8.12638.6 L/min and 25.1 m not 38 L/min and 143 m
8.1388.26 x 104 not 8.21 x 104
8.1543.96 x 10-3 and 6.81 x 10-3 m3/s, not 3.97 x 10-3 and 6.9 x 10-3 m3/s
8.1559.28 x 10-3, 3.06 x 10-3, and 3.11 x 10-3 m3/s, not 8.81 x 10-3, 4.66 x 10-3, and 2.13 x 10-3 m3/s
9.220.46 Pa not 0.12 Pa
9.541.15 m and 0.542 m not 1.20 m and 0.564 m
9.5517.8 Btu/ton-mile not 17.7 Btu/ton-mile
9.683.77 lbf and 4250 lbf not 3.65 lbf and 4110 lbf
9.7796.5 mm not 41.8 mm
9.807.93 s not 7.39 s
9.85Vmax = 24.7 km/h, 35.8 km/h, 32.6 km/h, 26.8 km/h, 39.1 km/h (new tires) not
Vmax = 24.7 km/h, 35.9 km/h, 26.8 km/h, 39.1 km/h
9.1220.606 and 37.4 mph not 0.611 and 36.9 mph
9.13894.4 kW not 944 kW
10.1100 mm and 6.37 mm not 50 mm and 6.4 mm
10.3325.8 m, 78.9%, 21.9 m and 292 kW, not 26 m, 79%, 21.8 m and 289 kW
10.5926,900 not 27,250
10.604570 gpm and 9970 not 4600 gpm and 9980
10.613070 gpm and 50,700 not 3000 gpm and 51,600
11.286.92 s not 6.16 s
11.340.142, 0.322, 0.464 not 0.141, 0.314, 0.441
11.44710oF not 394oF
12.31.49 not 1.35
12.8M1 not M
12.4340 percent and 5.93 x 10-3 in2 not 36 percent and 7.52 x 10-3 in2
12.13836.7 kPa and 16 kPa not 36.6 kPa and 15.9 kPa
12.1411320 kPa, 496 kPa, 3810 kPa, and 572 kPa not 1317 kPa, 497 kPa, 3814 kPa, and 571 kPa