Class Instructor: Mrs. Tubb website:
Email address:
Course Goal:
This semester long class is structured to explore the exciting world of science and all of its workings. The objective of this class is to build a strong scientific background that can be used in your future education and career as well as introduce you to all areas of science.
Daily Materials:
1” binder or larger / Dividers (at least 10)Paper (can be a notebook) / Writing utensil
Wish List Materials:
Copy paper (colored or white) / MagazinesKleenex / Paper towels
Glue sticks / Markers/colored pencils
Spray cleaners/Clorox wipes / Dry erase markers/erasers
Hand sanitizer / Lab donations
Classroom rules:
- Be POLITE- to everyone including your peers
- Be PROMPT- in the door when the bell rings
- Be PREPARED- all materials are readily available and homework is complete
- Be PRODUCTIVE- not distracting!
Make-up Work: If a student has an excused absence, he/she will be responsible for acquiring any materials the student missed the day he/she returns. To receive full credit, make-up work needs to be turned in within 5 days upon return. If a student is absent on the day of a test, the test will need to be made up before school, during lunch, or after school.
Late Work: Students are expected to turn their homework in at the beginning of class. Late work will be accepted but at the expense of a lower grade. After 8 days, the maximum score one can receive is 50%.
Test Days: For the fall semester, the test days will be Wednesday/Thursday.
Tutoring Days: I am available after school from 2:30-3:30 most days (no Wednesdays) for extra help. I am available before school as well, but arrangements must be made ahead of time for morning tutoring.
Retests:Retests will be available to those that receive below a 70%. The maximum score one can receive on a retest is 70%. A maximum of 2 retests can be done per quarter. Students have a 2 week window to complete a retest, with a potentially shorter window at the end of the grading period.
Cheating will NOT be tolerated - I will follow the MPHS honor code which states that students will receive a ZERO for the assignment as well as an academic referral. Parents will be notified of the academic infraction immediately. This includes but is not limited to plagiarism, giving or receiving assistance on an exam/quiz or copying work of any type done in class.
Grading Scale:Breakdown of Assessment:CMS Course Calculations:
93-100 % = ATests: 60%Quarter 1 grade: 37.5%*
85-92 % = BLabs: 15%(*80% class, 20% midterm)
77-84 % = CQuizzes: 15%Quarter 2 grade: 37.5%
70-76 % = DHomework/Classwork: 10%Final Exam grade: 25%
0-69 % = F
Assessment Tools:
Tests: Tests will consist of multiple-choice, matching, and short answer/essay questions. The tests will consist of material covered in one or two chapters, depending on the unit. Expect a test at the end of each unit.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be used as a regular assessment tool. There will be at least one quiz per unit depending on the depth of the material. There is a small chance for pop quizzes during the grading periods, but they will be implemented based on behavior and responsiveness.
Homework: There will be an array of homework assigned, from book assignments, internet assignments, and worksheets. All assignments will vary in point value.
Projects: Projects will be assigned sporadically throughout the semester. They will either be individual or group. There will be opportunities in group projects for the students to evaluate each other as well as be evaluated by the teacher. Projects will be given various values based on the amount of work involved; they can be included in any category of assessment. This is the major difference between an honors/MYIB course and a standard course.
Labs: Various labs will be performed throughout the semester, in which all students will be expected to participate. Grades will be assigned according to participation and successful completion.
Participation: It is important for me to understand how well the students comprehend the material being covered. One way for me to measure their knowledge is to ask questions during class for them to answer aloud. I also will implement group work, in which, they will have the chance to participate by turning in a group worksheet.
Unit Plan
Unit / Topic / Chapters / Tentative Test DatesUnit 1 / Characteristics of Life and Scientific Method / 1 / 1/30
Unit 2 / Biochemistry (Organic Compounds) / 2 / 2/13
Unit 4 / Cell Structure and Physiology / 7, 8, 9 / 3/6
Unit 4 / DNA/ Protein Synthesis / 12 / 3/20
Unit 5 / Mitosis/Meiosis / 10 / QUIZ?
Midterm Exams / 3/25 - 3/28
Unit 6 / Genetics / 11 / 4/17
Unit 7 / Biotechnology/ Genetic Engineering / 13, 14 / 4/24
Unit 8 / Evolution / 15, 16 / 5/1
Unit 9 / Classification and Living Organisms / 18, 19-34 / 5/9(Project)
Unit 10 / Ecology and Human Impact on the Environment / 3, 4, 5, 6 / 5/29
Review and EOC / 6/3 – 6/7