Honors Math 3

Mrs. Gibbons ~ Fall 2015

WalkertownHigh School

Room 116

Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Phone number: (336) 703-4151 (336) 703-4151 (336) 703-415
  • Tutoring: Tues&Thur3:45–5:00 pm (and by appointment)

Ext. 5300116

Textbook and Materials:

  • 3 Ring Binder to organize notes and investigation results (and looseleaf paper)
  • 8 dividers
  • PENCILS only for homework/test/quizzes; pens, colored pencils and markers as needed for notes and vocabulary posters.
  • TI-83, TI-84 Graphing Calculator (recommended for home use, will be provided in class)
  • Glencoe Algebra 2Textbook(for reference) plus handouts
  • McDouglasLittel Geometry Textbook (for reference) plus handouts
  • (Optional) 1 box of tissues for 5 Math Dollars (limit 4 per quarter)

Course Unit Description:

Unit 1:
Modeling with Geometric Relationships / Unit 2:
Modeling Algebraic Competency / Unit 3: Modeling
Quadratic Functions & the Complex Number System / Unit 4:
Modeling Polynomial and Rational Functions/Equations
Unit 5:Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions / Unit 6:
More Modeling with Functions / Unit 7:
Modeling with Trigonometric Functions / Unit 8:
Modeling with Statistical Studies

Grading Policy:Grading Scale:

40% TestsA – 90 to 100

20% Quizzes/VocabularyB – 80 to 89

20% Quarter TestC – 70 to 79

10% Classwork/Bell Ringers/HomeworkD – 60 to 69

10% Projects(One per Quarter)F – 0 to 59

Bell Ringers (BR) will begin every class. Students are expected to enter the classroom quietly,

gathersupplies (handouts on desk by door, calculator, notebook, textbook, etc.), sharpen pencils and find their seats. You are welcome to use your notes, text, or homework. Bell Ringers will be graded bi-weekly on “WARM-UP” sheets provided for completion and accuracy. Each entry should be neat and dated with all work, diagrams and explanations included for full credit. You will be called on periodically to provide Bellwork solutions on the board. Work diligently each day to be prepared if you are selected.

Exiting the classroom will only occur after each work area has been put back in order and calculators have been returned to slots. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. There will be NO congregating at the door before the dismissal bell.

Vocabulary Posters & Chartswill be assigned for each unit. Posters should be completed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper according to rubric provided. They may be completed by hand or using a computer, but should be neat including graphics or pictures if possible and color. Charts should be completed using understandable and accurate definitions in neat handwriting or typing.

Exemplary posters and charts will be displayed in the classroom and awarded BONUS Math $$.

REMIND – will be utilized to keep students and parents updated with homework assignments, test and quiz dates, project deadlines and any other pertinent information. Please sign up with a text to 81010 “@hm3f” or email to .

Make-Up Workmust be completed within 5 school days of returning to school from an absence. If possible, students should ask for assignments to work ahead if they know they will be absent. Ask me for make-up handouts during homework check/bell ringer time at the start of class. Assignments will be posted on my school website. Check there for missed assignments.

*** NO Late Work for a particular unit will be accepted past Unit Test day. ***

Missed Tests or quizzes must be made up before the next unit or the grade will be entered as “0”.

Bathroom & Water: Students are encouraged to use the restroom and get a drink during the time between classes and lunch. If you have an emergency situation, you may sign-out AND write a pass. Students who plan wisely and do not request a pass to leave class will be rewarded with Ten Bonus Math Dollars for each quarter. Frequent requests to leave the classroom will require parent contact.

Math Dollars are incentive rewards and may be earned by bringing supplies (tissues), participating in class, helping students or teachers, asking good questions, cooperating in groups, possessing a great attitude, etc! Math Dollars may be redeemed for:

No Homework Pass ($20); 2 Test Points ($10); 3 Quiz Points ($10); Snacks ($10); Notebook ($5); Pencil ($3).


1. Be PromptBe in class and in your seat working on the bellwork when the bell rings. Tardies are a major distraction to the learning process.

3 Unexcused Tardies = ASD (After School Detention: 30 minutes)

2. Be PreparedCome to class each day with the necessary materials ready to work.

No hats, food, drinks, or electronics visible (except calculators).

3. Be RespectfulShow respect to all who are in the class. Do not get out of your seat excessively or wander around the classroom.

4. Be AttentiveDo not prevent someone else from learning due to your talking or off task behavior. Raise your hand and wait quietly to be recognized.


  1. Non-Verbal Warning
  2. Verbal Warning
  3. Choice – Follow the rule or face a consequence (seat change/minor incident referral #1-3)
  4. Removal from room (Period ISS, possible D1 Referral)

**School-wide Policies will be followed for Absences, Tardies and Dress Code infractions.**